What is the meaning of “make America great again”? , the
Trump campaign slogan. How do you
measure whether America is less great than it was before and then the question
becomes what would a President Trump do to our greatness?
But polls and metrics are not what is driving
Donald Trump’s strength among 40% of GOP voters, no matter what outrageous statements
he makes. Certainly media coverage of Muslim mass shootings in San
Bernardino and Paris and lack of coverage of US and allies’ progress in taking back ISIS held land are proof to those who support him that the US
is in decline and we need to be strong again.
How? . Pumping up
military muscle? Repeating failed invasions? Reviving verbal power slinging ugly Americans
so we generate fear but not respect? Banning
Muslims visitors and immigrants, putting Muslims on enemies lists, and his anti-Hispanic immigrant policies no doubt comfort and reassure the angry and the fearful in the
How can we measure of how great the US is in the eyes of the
world? .A June 24, 2015 poll conducted by Pew Research of attitudes in 40
countries concluded “Globally, Obama’s image is mostly
positive. Across the 40 countries polled, a median
of 65% say they have confidence in Obama to do the right thing in world affairs.
Overall, Obama remains much more popular
globally than his predecessor, but opinions vary significantly across nations
and regions.” So whose greatness is
Trump trying to restore and in whose eyes? Certainly not Obama’s predecessors
or in the eyes of world opinion
The two areas where Obama’s popularity has
declined are Russia and Israel (poll was taken in the midst of the Iran nuclear
deal negotiations). Only President Putin
of Russia came to Trump’s defense recently and Trump returned the compliment. However, most understand that Putin’s
total control of the press and the reins of governmental power and his aggression in the Ukraine are not in
American traditions or our Constitution.
There is an old saying: “by his friends, we will know him”.
What about our closest allies in Europe?
Pew concludes “Western Europeans
are still big Obama fans... When Obama entered the White House, his ratings
were extremely high, and they’ve only slipped a little since then. At least a
majority has confidence in him in each Western European country surveyed…”
Still, there is disappointment with Obama in the region on certain issues, such
as climate change. The poll was taken
before the Paris global warming summit. High on the list , per Pew, is admiration of
the US for personal freedoms. This poll
does not reflect the recent “ban Muslims” or anti-immigrant proposals put forth
by some GOP candidates, including Trump.
How would a Trump presidency restore this
metric of greatness ? The foreign backlash, expressing
disappointment in Trump’s willingness to discriminate on the basis of religion
with his ban Muslim rhetoric has been so severe that he had to cancel trips
to Jordan and Israel and petitions banning him from the UK also received a
quick and impressive response.
We can only imagine what a Pew Poll taken
a year into a Trump presidency would look like. It would not be very great.