Thursday, February 24, 2022

Why should Americans care about Ukraine

Why should Americans care about Ukraine? How dangerous and unstable do we want this world to be? What is so great about having the freedom that these messy democracies offer?  If the west does not inflict pain on Russia for this, it could inspire others elsewhere to go and do likewise out of lust for taking and invading other lands their ideology considers their own. The message we send should not be the west is so divided and weak, we can be ignored.  Why wouldn't our adversaries think why not give it a try when think they can succeed if the opposition is weak or unwilling to stop them? Trump refused to support the mutual defense clause of NATO, as well as indicating he would not defend the Baltic NATO members. Biden furthered the impression to Russia that the US was still on an isolationist path with his messy withdrawal from Afghanistan.  Biden reversed Trump's sabotage of NATO and Russia's threats of territorial grabs by military force also contributed to a rejuvenated NATO. The purpose of NATO was originally to stop Russian aggression just like what is happening today. Other areas of the world with predators waiting to invade their neighbors for their related ethnic makeup are North Korea v South Korea, China v Taiwan, Serbia v Bosnia. Except for Serbia (allied with Russia), all of these potential aggressors have nuclear weapons and could start World War III., as Putin reminded us yesterday that Russia has them, too..  There are those on the right in the US who think we should have moved US troops into Ukraine just like the Russians threatened to do. Biden wisely did not want to spark World War III and a nuclear confrontation from Russia.. He took that risk off the table because 1) we did not have a treaty with Ukraine to require this because Ukraine was not a member of NATO. 2) we would be doing what Russia threatened and did that we said was so wrong, only we would have taken the first step.  This is not pre nuclear world. Get real  

In the 1930's, some of the same isolationist sentiments now espoused by FOX talkers flooded the radio waves and radio demagogue Father Coughlin was the supporter of the style of Hitler.  Such isolationists do not need a resurrection of Father Coughlin when we have Tucker Carlson and MAGA followers fawning over Russia and patting them on the back.   Thanks to other similar America First and isolationists advocates and politicians in 1939-1941 public sentiment mostly opposed entry into World War II until after the Blitz in London, Czech's Sudetenland was handed over to Hitler to appease him, Austria was joined to Germany, Poland was conquered by the Nazis, and US looked useless and weak. Japan then took this as evidence they could take over the South Pacific and Pearl Harbor happened. 

There are not many of us left born before World War II or have actually experienced the Soviet Stalinist consolidation of power in post war Berlin or who had firsthand personal relationships and visits to such oppressive autocracies, but I have thanks to student abroad experiences and being married to over 50 years to an east European.  Putin is a throwback to the Cold War and his ambitions are to reassemble the old Soviet Slavic empire. He reaffirmed that even two nights ago in a TV address.   Anyone who opposes him in Ukraine, he threatened this past week, will be treated as dissidents, The KGB colonel that Putin once has not faded away He has already. poisoned, imprisoned, assassinated or executed, Russians who opposed him. He has announced publicly the death and imprisonment of Ukrainian "dissidents" when his chosen government is established.  He controls the media and message to his own people.   He has only yes people around him.  We failed to react strongly to his similar attacks and grabs in Georgia, Syria, Crimea, and infiltration into two provinces of eastern Ukraine.  

Old Cold War terms are being revived, wondering if we call this as a new Cold War.  Perhaps not yet has the Iron Curtain descended over Europe, but it is Putin's Iron Fist at work.  Not all NATO members are liberal democracies, and some have tinges of authoritarianism such as Hungary, and less so Poland. Erdogan of Turkey is a full-blown dictator.  Perhaps the old term of "free world" applies to "our side" best as the contrast between Putin's governing style and the one we call "freedom".. In various shades of authoritarianism. degrees of characteristics are in common.  Allegiance to Marxist Leninism still is the Chinese ideology and measure of loyalty. Otherwise, the allegiance is to the dear leader, from North Korea to Russia. If you disagree with the government policies, corruption, sexual harassment, you are considered a dissident.  The rewards of favoritism go to the loyalists; dissidents need not apply. Dissident leaders and their subordinates are killed or imprisoned, and the only information you get is that which is approved by the government/dear leader/political party since they own, control IT and all journalistic media.   Your neighbors may report any anti dear leader activity and expression to the authorities for their files.  The ultimate difference between a democracy and an autocracy/dictatorship. Regime change in an autocracy only happens with an uprising of population.

 February 24 update: A lesson in the difference between autocracy and the US kind of democracy that gives us our freedom happened February 24. 1700 protestors against Russa's invasion of Ukraine in Russia were arrested even after Putin warned them, they would be arrested. In spite of this, the brave still protested in the thousands.   There is no protection for anyone to gather and redress grievances peacefully in an autocracy, that our US Constitution guarantees us. Putin's attempt to lie about any justification for invasions and to squash media coverage contrary to his lie failed because Russia populace knew the truth via internet and smart phones.  This is not communications of even ten years ago and knowledge travels at warp speed and penetrates government control of communication.  If you are arrested for protesting in an autocracy, there are no for protections civil rights or human rights to protect peaceful demonstrators from being abused, imprisoned, or killed. Might makes right and sets the rules and controls the means of enforcement. You no longer have the ability to freely express your opinions that do not follow the party/loyalist line.    It does not have to be socialism or communism that drives these autocrats, but only a lust for power, keeping power, and gaining more power and in fact, they often join hands with oligarchs engaged in capitalism.  Both Hitler and Putin have harnessed their capitalists to increase and consolidate their power.   This is what these lovers of autocracy want?  The end of personal freedom to protest corruption and abuse? The end of the ability to change leadership short of violent revolution?        

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