Saturday, September 23, 2023

Pinch me: Is it 1938 or 2023. Is this "defund Ukraine" stuff DeJa'Vu all over again?

Pinch me. Is it 1938 or 2023. Is this "defund Ukraine" stuff DeJaVu all over again? While Russia fights in Ukraine, another former USSR Satellite faces a Russian land grab as Russia tries to reassemble the old empire. Now it is Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan Issues Warning as Russian Ally Teeters (newsweek.

Putin’s plan for a new Russian Empire includes both Ukraine and Belarus - Atlantic Council

Putin has succeeded in Crimea, Moldova, and Georgia, but he miscalculated in Ukraine because Ukrainians wanted to join the Western economy and stay independent of Russia. There are centuries of history at play here. Putin also miscalculated that the West cared, and the West saw Ukraine as the largest country in Eastern Europe, bordering on a long list of our allies, many of which once were former USSR satellites. This is not just a land dispute between two corrupt countries. We did not help Ukraine because we wanted to save it from corruption, as some foolish appeasers claim Ukraine is not worthy of our help. We helped Ukraine in spite of their struggles against corruption but because they voted for reformers like Zelenskyy and a Western-style economy. As a condition to join the EU, they have to bridle their corruption. We did it because Russia's grab of Ukraine threatened our own national security interests... We saw Ukraine's independence as vital to stop Russia from further land grabs of our allies that would cause us to put our troops into a bloody conflict. This is 1939 all over again. Ukraine is our 21st-century Sudeten Czechoslovakia, and annexing it to Russia formally or informally will not bring peace in our time. Russia miscalculated they could control Western Europe by blackmailing them over energy dependence on Russia. They miscalculated that, too. Europe saw where their national security interests lay and found other sources of energy. What Putin is calculating now is that Trump and his appeasing followers will win in November 2024, so they will be handed a victory without firing another shot. Because of this, there will be no peace talks for at least another year. Why should Russia concede anything when the foolish keep gaining strength in US polls and Congress?

This is a concept as fatigue sets in with the support of Ukraine, and the war reaches a stalemate similar to the trench warfare of WW I. Western Nations holding Russian funds should freeze them and set up a reconstruction fund for Ukraine, not only funding Ukrainians from Russian money but also providing a reconstruction fund kept out of the hands of Russia. Russia cannot get away with what it did, invading a country to absorb it on its own. Currently, per Zakaria, Russia is holding on waiting for the election of Trump who would hand over Ukraine to Russia, eliminating any ability for Ukraine to keep up the fight,

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