Tuesday, September 19, 2023



Survey: A large number of Americans want an anti-democratic leader | Preserving Democracy | PBS

More adapted from my Facebook posting 9/19/23 The MAGA extremists are supporting autocracy, the opposite of democracy, instead because they are frustrated they are unable to get their agenda implemented under the democratic process. Their answer: destroy the democratic process and replace it with an autocracy so their strong man becomes the ruler over all three branches of government. That is one conclusion drawn from a highly touted book: ‘Tyranny of the Minority’ writers say Constitution not strong enough to protect democracy | PBS NewsHour Their role model, as CPAC fawns over the dictator Viktor Orban in Hungary as the method. He is particularly popular with right-wing extremists who are also white nationalists since Hungary is also 99% Christian. The Orbab model is frankly dangerous to US peace and prosperity since Hungary is not a multiracial society. The major problem: Hungary is nearly 99% ethnically pure and only uses the language widely spoken by its citizens.. The Orban message and media are under his control. The USA is less than 60% racially white, and in a few years, that demographic trend will see the current racial minority become the majority. The only way to make the US a white e Christian nation is to suppress and cow the increasingly larger minority. In a multi-racial society, implementing the Orban model would make chaos look like mild reaction.

The facebook posting continues updated:: Biden also puts democracy on the world agenda today at the UN. President Joe Biden speaks at United Nations General Assembly (usatoday.com)A major part of the GOP is also committing a serious blunder by failing to support Ukraine's attempt to become democratic instead of an appendix of Russia and dictator Putin's style of governance. By failing to continue our commitment to Ukraine, the MAGA folks who say we should focus on China only gives the signal to the Chinese autocratic regime that America has chosen to be weak militarily and isolationist.. This not only threatens Europe's ability to stop Putin's stated goal of reassembly of former USSR satellites under his control, it would create a military crisis in Europe, even if the extreme MAGAs succeed in defanging NATO's mutual defense treaty as Trump tried to do when he was president. Welcome to 1939 as the result of 1930's isolationists who were fooled and fools that failed to stop the fascist power grabs.. In 2023, the US is even more closely linked in economy and defense than in 1939... It greenlights China's takeover of Tawan and the trade routes used by US commerce in Southeast Asia. Not only are these extremist anti-democracy fools just like their isolationist predecessors in 1939, but they are a threat to US security and business interests, as well. furthermore, at the UN on 9/19/23, Biden also made a powerful statement in support of Ukraine to wide applause: if we permit Ukraine to be carved up, then no nation's sovereignty and borders and human rights are safe.

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