Monday, March 11, 2024

Violence is the difference between an Orban dictatorship and a Trump one

 What is an Orban (Viktor Orban of Hungary).democracy? Orban calls it an illiberal democracy. That is an oxymoron. Illiberal for sure, but a democracy in name only. He has seized and maintained power peacefully. What is a Trump plus Orban style of governance? Orban's methods are similar to Trump's proposal to become a dictator, strong man, and autocrat (all the same basic meanings). However, Trump promotes the use of violence to maintain control.

As Trump becomes an apprentice to a European dictator, Viktor Orban of Hungary, in their recent meeting at Mar -A-Lago, Orban touts his illiberal democracy to Trump's high praise. In 2022, Orban was re-elected to his 4th term in an election that even the EU observers reported was marred by the "pervasive overlapping of government and ruling coalition’s messaging that blurred the line between state and party, as well as by media bias and opaque campaign funding." Human Rights Watch stated that the election was "marred by serious concerns about its fairness," while Freedom House described the election as neither free nor fair.["

Media bias in Hungary is an understatement since opposition media licenses are not granted, so there is only one silo permitted in a country whose language is unique to that country. In addition, elections are influenced by opaque campaign donations, and all the reins of government are in the hands of Orban loyalists. The skeleton and pretense of democracy remain; opposition party leaders are not jailed or murdered as in Russia, and all is peaceful. Peace is helped since 95% of Hungarian citizens are of one ethnic group (Magyar), so minorities do not have a chance, and neither do opposition groups.

Here is what Trump has made public and told how he would become a "strong leader". He only needs to be a dictator on day one to begin the process of becoming one, and use of violence is one of his tools. He has told us and it is no secret. Trump has pledged to use the active military to put down US demonstrations, execute generals who do not obey, and use the DOJ to prosecute Trump's enemies. Trump would control "justice" through appointees and feel free to have total immunity, a license to kill opponents, steal, and cheat, and all of the control of the election process would be in his hands. His plan is to fire 50 thousand federal employees and replace loyalists, including federal law enforcement. He only needs day one to begin the process.
Trump has a long history of supporting violence to accomplish a political goal. Even if you think he is just bluffing and bloviating, then learn how he has promoted violence in the past. It is a big part of who he is Promising to free and forgive violent and convicted January 6 protestors is just the most obvious one, but his inciting violence or advocating it has a record. Meet some of the violent Jan. 6 rioters Donald Trump keeps calling 'hostages' ('s%20incumbent%20prime%20minister%20Viktor,certainly%20see%20it%20from%20Brussels%22.

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