Friday, September 20, 2024

How Project 2025 could turn the US into a fascist dictatorship

 If Project 2025 is the blueprint and Trump is the vessel that activates the plan, his signature pen could begin the process of morphing our country into a fascist dictatorship of white Christian nationalists.  In the name of educating the public about Project 2025, House Democrats will hold hearings.

There is one candidate in the race for the White House, Donald Trump, who openly said he aspires to be a "dictator on day one" . He has tried to distance himself from  Project 2025 with "I did not read it". He does not have to read it to benefit his lust to be a dictator. It could happen if he spent his first day in office signing piles of executive orders and appointments supplied by Project 2025. If Trump were to follow Project 2025 and execute their scheme for taking over the executive branch in 180 days, he could turn the executive branch into the vehicle to use the power of fear and retribution to control the other two branches and the election process and ignore civil rights protections.  He attempted all of these actions in his first term, but legal constraints and staff stood in his way.  Project 2025 has now given Trump the method and the means to do it using his "official duties." The Supreme Court has granted him immunity from criminal prosecution when engaged in "official duties." Trump has already struck fear into what was once the Republican Party is an example of how he uses fear and threats to operate.  He attempted to get the active military to put down demonstrators, and he promised political violence and retribution, using the DOJ to launch investigations of his opponents, whether there was probable cause or not. He had already advocated executing generals who did not obey his orders even when they violated the Constitution.. advocating and executing disobedience generals delicensing opposition media.

Trump has had a history of drawing on Nazi terminology to support his rhetoric: While this has been extensively covered by the median,  as a memory refresher,  read this from ABC News  ttps://  

The definition of terms helps to put us on the same page. Here are mine.:  What is a fascist, what is democracy, and what is a dictator/autocrat? 

  FASCISM has many definitions, but most overlap. From Merriam-Webster: "a  ", movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascists) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and advocates a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. "From the Cambrdge dictionary: " political system based on a very powerful leaderstate control of social and economic life, and extreme pride in country and race, with no expression of political disagreement allowed. "

COMMUNISM:  I picked this definition from the National Geographic because it was aimed at grades 5-8."Communism is a form of government most closely associated with the ideas of Karl Marx, which he outlined in The Communist Manifesto. Communism is based on the goal of eliminating socioeconomic class struggles by creating a classless society in which everyone shares the benefits of labor and the state controls all property and wealth."What's the difference between communism and fascism. This from Quizlet is the one that comes closest to mine: "Two similarities between fascism and communism are that they both imposed totalitarian governments and both claimed to rule in the national interests. One difference between the two is that communists sought world revolution while fascists pursued nationalism. Another difference is that communist supporters were the urban working class, while fascist supporters were business leaders, wealthy landowners, and the lower middle class."

DEMOCRACY : This one from Meriam Webster:  a
government by the people especially rule of the majority.,,,a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections."  That is roughly the kind of government we have had for 250 years.

DICTATORSHIP From  Cambridge:

"Dictatorship is a form of government in which one person or a small group possesses absolute
 power without effective constitutional limitations. ....Dictators usually resort to force or fraud to 
gain despotic political power, which they maintain through the use of intimidation, terror, and 
the suppression of basic civil liberties. They may also employ techniques of mass propaganda in
 order to sustain their public support"

AUTOCRACY: from Cambridge: "government by a single person or small group that has unlimited power or authority  "     My observation: This differs only from dictatorship because it is the rule of a person,  not of a group.  

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Trump's psyche tricks depend on voters' ignorance to succeed.

 Aside from the substance of whatever is a fascist, watching this exchange over the past couple of years, "You are a fascist, no you are one",  is common.  Variations of this are new ones hurled by Trump at Harris," You are a communist and fascist" (as yet not been answered by Harris ). These kinds of exchanges remind me of the old schoolyard taunts: Your mother is a (fill in the blanks)...., no your mother is one.....   Actually, it is an old psychological trick: Karl Marx stated it so clearly: "Accuse your enemy of what you are doing as you are doing it to create confusion." Some call this "projection", branding others for what you have been criticized for being.  Let's face it, it's still going on, and it works for Trump.  

Trump's psyche tricks depend on ignorance to succeed. Somewhere along the line, many in the US fall for such mind games because they somehow forgot or never learned the definition of the words being thrown around.  While both sides practice the taunts, Trump has made this psyche trick his standard operating procedure to deflect criticism. 

What has also happened is that terms are not defined but just connected to an example as if it is a mike dop " You are like Hitler,";" You are like the old communists,"; "You want to be a dictator like Putin, etc.".... all geared to rile up the other side or to buck up your own.  Trump himself is responsible for the Hitler analogy with  his frequent invoking of terms and words found in Nazi writings.

The best defense against falling for the trick is to educate yourself about words loosely used in taunts in the 2024 campaign terms ( fascism, communism, democracy, dictatorship, autocracy).  Then, you can see what "shoe fits." The best sources of definitions are supplied by those who do not have a horse on which they are betting in this race and are stated in clear, simple English. Dictionaries are good at this. They lack any shades of gray and " yes, buts," but they provide an agreed-upon yardstick against which you can measure and make a case for how what you believe fits in. 

FASCISM has many definitions, but most overlap. From Merriam-Webster: "a  ", movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascists) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and advocates a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. "From the Cambrdge dictionary: " political system based on a very powerful leaderstate control of social and economic life, and extreme pride in country and race, with no expression of political disagreement allowed. "

COMMUNISM:  I picked this definition from the National Geographic because it was aimed at grades 5-8."Communism is a form of government most closely associated with the ideas of Karl Marx, which he outlined in The Communist Manifesto. Communism is based on the goal of eliminating socioeconomic class struggles by creating a classless society in which everyone shares the benefits of labor and the state controls all property and wealth."What's the difference between communism and fascism. This from Quizlet is the one that comes closest to mine: "Two similarities between fascism and communism are that they both imposed totalitarian governments and both claimed to rule in the national interests. One difference between the two is that communists sought world revolution while fascists pursued nationalism. Another difference is that communist supporters were the urban working class, while fascist supporters were business leaders, wealthy landowners, and the lower middle class."

DEMOCRACY : This one from Meriam Webster:  a
government by the people especially rule of the majority.,,,a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections"  That is roughly the kind of government we have had for 250 years.

DICTATORSHIP From  Cambridge:

"Dictatorship is a form of government in which one person or a small group possesses absolute
 power without effective constitutional limitations. ....Dictators usually resort to force or fraud to 
gain despotic political power, which they maintain through the use of intimidation, terror, and 
the suppression of basic civil liberties. They may also employ techniques of mass propaganda in
 order to sustain their public support"

AUTOCRACY: from Cambridge: "government by a single person or small group that has unlimited power or authority  "     My observation: This differs only from dictatorship because it is the rule of a person,  not of a group.  

If Project 2025 is the blueprint and Trump is only the vessel that activates the plan, this could morph our country into a dictatorship of white Christian nationalists.   Educating the public about the contents of Project 2025 is the challenge. For that purpose, House Democrats will hold hearings:

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Yep, grocery prices are still too high; Trump plans to make them higher

Yet to fix are high grocery prices. Yep, grocery prices are still too high; Trump plans to make them higher Gr.ocery prices for food at home rose less than 1% over 12 months, so the bleeding has stopped. Just griping fixes nothing. Price gouging prosecution among fixes in Harris's priorities and plans. Trump's fix plans? Zero, no power to roll back prices, but he plans to make it worse with high tariffs on all imports, including it appears on fruits and vegetables we get in the winter from Chile and Mexico. . No more imported veggies and fruits in winter from Chile and Mexico. Florida and California, with no competition, can charge scalpers prices. Harris on grocery prices: taking action to lower grocery costs—increasing food assistance for low-income families, strengthening supply chains to lower food prices, and cracking down on price gouging and promoting competition in the agriculture industry.,has%20come%20down%20remarkably%20fast..


Saturday, September 14, 2024

My elevator pitch when MAGA claims Biden was a failure

 My elevator pitch when MAGA claims Biden was a failure and his successful handoff to Harris that Trump would upend. It may take more than one floor on the elevator for this pitch, maybe two.

  We had COVID. Remember?? That put the economy on ice. When it thawed in 2021, there was pent-up consumer demand and screwed-up supply chains that caused too much demand for supplies, causing inflation. Biden fixed it. The inflation rate is now back to normal; expect MAGA to claim the dramatic reduction in interest rates yesterday was political. Fed Reserve chair Jerome Powell was appointed chair by Donald Trump and held over by Biden. Fed Reserve Board was composed of 12 members serving long terms and appointed by a variety of presidents, and the vote was 11 to 1 for interest rate deductions.

Federal Funds Rate: What It Is, How It's Determined, and Why It's Important

, and the highest employment rates in 50 years. Everyone has a job if they want to work; normal economic growth and wages are rising higher than inflation. Big pharma fought, and prescription drug prices lowered. Immigration illegal border crossings are fewer than when Trump left office. The crime rate is lower than in Trump's years. Rip-roaring Wall Street. No oil shortage and we are now nearing energy independence. Fixed a bunch of bridges and roads, retooled more rust belt with 21st-century industry, and lowered gas at pump prices. Russian aggression checked. Fed cut interest rates 9/18 as inflation licked.. That is Biden's handoff to Harris. 

This paragraph moved to a stand alone post as well.Yet to fix. High grocery prices. Grocery prices for food at home rose less than 1% over 12 months, so the bleeding has stopped. Just griping fixes nothing. Price gouging prosecution among fixes in Harris's priorities and plans. (Trump's fix plans? zero, no power to roll back prices, but he plans to make it worse with high tariffs on all imports, including it appears on fruits and vegetables we get in the winter from Chile and Mexico). Harris on grocery prices: taking action to lower grocery costs—increasing food assistance for low-income families, strengthening supply chains to lower food prices, and cracking down on price gouging and promoting competition in the agriculture industry.  

Trumps plans impact more than just food prices. Screw the middle-class consumers with import tariffs, destabilize the country with racial conflict, destroy democracy and the rule of law, replace the rule of the people using ballots with the rule of Trump now immune from criminal prosecution, use violence to suppress opposition, limit freedom of speech and media, cave into foreign adversaries, have the government take away women's control of their bodies and health, and end civil rights protections..,has%20come%20down%20remarkably%20fast..

expect MAGA to claim fed dramatic reduction in interest rates yesterday was political;. Fed reserve chair Jerome Powell was appointed chair by Donald Trump and held over by Biden. Fed reserve board composed of 12 members serving long terms and appointed by a variety of presidents and vote was 11to 1 for interest rate deductions.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Trump's biggest fibs September 10 build his foundation on sand.

Gullibles' travails.  Eventually, one can only hope outright Trump lies will catch up with the con man. Maybe also, there is something else at work, even if Trump lies. For MAGA, facts are irrelevant. Trump channels his followers' racial rage/ white nationalism/anti-immigrants, misogyny, and self-interest of pro-business segments with low regulation and taxes that appeal more than those who know better and don't care about facts and the end of democracy. This is really dangerous to the foundtation of this country. Trump's lies ignored are like building a house on sand. If the gullible prevails, eventually, the foundation crumbles and collapses when, unfortunately, it is too late to repair the damage.  

(Update 9 16 24.  In defense of the Springfield Haitian dog-eating hoax he had promoted, GOP VP candidate JD Vance said, "It is OK to make stories up to get media attention" because Harris was getting a free ride from the press.  https://www.th  How very sad that Trump and Vance depend on the gullibility of their most loyal base, who they hope are as easily manipulated and fooled by their lies as they think. )

"Migrant crime" is now Trump's shorthand for his anti-immigrant fear and hate platform.  Aside from the substance of the crazy conspiracy theory of Haitians eating family pets in Springfield, Ohio, this is Trump's big dog whistle to the racists and those wanting to get rid of immigrants who are "adulterating our blood."  The pet story excrement was debunked in real-time by the moderators and later by fact-checkers. Trump hit two of his platform planks in one blow: immigrant hatred and fear of black people.

In any case, fact-checkers had a field day on the September 10 debate. It was rich pickings. Looking at the various fact-checking, here are the biggest fibs Trump told in the September debate, and they are fundamental to his pitch to the gullible and others with its racism/immigration, lues about the economy and prices, energy/oil, and national security/male superiority/misogyny.  

Trump's pitch ever since 2016 is that immigrants are bringing crime and are responsible for a crime surge. Fact check: 1) The rate of crime was worse under Trump than now.  2) Illegal immigrants' crime rate is well below the rate for American-born (probably because they do not want to be sent back to what they fled if they get caught). 3) It also appeared to some viewers as a surprise that Trump killed the bi-partisan funding bill this spring, which would have funded more border guards and immigration judges, fentanyl detection equipment, and more of the wall so his supporters' anger about immigration could last through Nov. 5 . 4) Illegal border crossing volume now are lower than  Trump's at the end of his presidency.More on the subject below. Update 9 13 24: More Trump lying BS on immigrants and Venezuelan gangs:  Colorado mayor, police respond to Trump's claims that Venezuelan gang is 'taking over' (  

Ukraine and national security: Trump, US taxpayers are losers because we are paying for this war while Europe gets a free ride (paraphrased). 1)Europe's contribution as a whole is nearly two times the US's. Putin's next victim if he is not stopped in Ukraine is Poland. Clever Harris: 800,000 Polish-related Pennsylvania voters in a critical swing state. 2) Misogyny: Harris is a woman, therefore de facto weak. The latter is not a fact-based response. It was the best line of the debate from Harris, given Trump's ego-driven personality flaw making him vulnerable to manipulation and flattery: " Putin will eat you for lunch. " Hawks like Dick Cheney and lists of national security advisors and retired generals are supporting Harris. She's got the cajones.

The big lie: Trump: no," I was just being sarcastic when I admitted I lost the 2020 election by a whisker." This was fact-checked as false by the moderator in real-time in the debate broadcast. Trump was not being sarcastic. It was enough to tick off January 6 mob leader Nick Fuentes, who thought he was a patriot.  So the Big Lie was really a big lie, underlying GOP efforts to keep adversaries from voting with any number of suppression methods and intimidation, including violence and threats by Trump to throw election officials, adversaries of all kinds, in jail if he wins.

Women's health: Trump: babies killed after birth by Roe v Wade. Nope. That's murder anywhere. This is Harris's 100-pound gorilla pitch impact: "The government should not tell women what to do about their own health and bodies, and they can still keep their own personal beliefs." Harris just wants to restore Roe v Wade, which we had for 50 years, and Trump's Court appointees tanked. She would sign that legislation like Roe  Wade sent by Congress. Trump's abortion bans in one-third of our states kill women, cause needless suffering, or make them infertile for lack of medical care in a miscarriage. In the debate, Trump weaseled out of answering (it's a state's rights thing) whether he would sign a nationwide abortion ban, probably because he would lose a large portion of his followers if he said he would not sign a federal ban. On ban details, he changed his position at least four times since March.

Economy and inflation: Trump paraphrased:"Economy: sucks, and I Trump will fix it". Reality check: Yes, grocery prices are too high, but gas at the pump has fallen to more tolerable levels. The inflation rate is now the lowest in three years...under 3%, near normal. Trump keeps hyping his  grievance, with no fix, and even a plan to make inflation worse. However he appeals to an unstated fantasy coddled by low-information voters that he will get them back to nearer pre-COVID prices. Heard on TV from COVID amnesiacs, "I liked the economy better under Trump, so he will do a better job. " With no plan, no how to do it? Keep the faith, MAGA. By the way, wages are up higher than price increases and Harris wants a nationwide minimum wage of $15/hr.  Was the post-COVID -inflation spike all Biden's fault? Nope and nope. Pent-up demand and the supply chain slow gearing up post-COVID equaled too much pent-up demand for too little supply.  Harris has a plan for helping middle-class living be more affordable while inflation rates. Harris's plan will prosecute gougers, deny monopoly price setting, flood the market with cheaper housing that is affordable for first-time buyers and renters, and make health care even cheaper by battling big pharma and financial relief for new parents.

Women's health: Trump: babies killed after birth by Roe v Wade. Nope. That's murder anywhere. This is Harris's 100-pound gorilla pitch impact: "The government should not tell women what to do about their own health and bodies, and they can still keep their own personal beliefs." Harris just wants to restore Roe v Wade, which we had for 50 years, and Trump's Court appointees tanked. Harris would sign that legislation sent by Congress. Trump's abortion bans in one-third of our states kill women, cause needless suffering, or make them infertile for lack of medical care in a miscarriage. In the debate, Trump weaseled out of answering (it's a state's rights thing) whether he would sign a nationwide abortion ban, probably because he would lose a large portion of his followers if he said he would not sign a federal ban. On ban details, he changed his position at least four times since March.

Economy matters and deserves some more details: 

1)The rate of annual price increases (inflation)  is now below 3%, the lowest in 3 years,  and near the historical normal. The bleeding has stopped, but we are stuck with past inflationary prices. That hurts. On average, the good news is wage increases have been more than inflation increases, with Harris bucking for the $15 minimum.. Everyone who wants a job has one with the lowest unemployment rate in 54 years. The Fed is predicted to lower interest rates this month since inflation is licked. 

2)Trump's proposed solution to fund the government (so he can continue to give a tax break to the very rich and keep the rest of us quiet): 10 to 20% on all imports with tariffs. Tariffs are like sales taxes, paid for by importers themselves (not their governments), who raise prices to cover added costs, and the prices are like a rising tide that raises all boats in the entire marketplace while boosting deficit/debt. Nearly all big-time economists agree.

 3) Oil and energy prices at the pump are dramatically down to less than a buck more than in the old days as crude oil has enough supply on hand and unused leases to provide oil for the next 40 drill baby drill makes the unnecessary useless.  Natural gas? Enough forever. 

4) Harris opposed fracking natural gas? Give me a break. Trump, please update this before lying again. She evolved years ago and does not oppose it now. Her energy policy is all of the above, a combination of renewables and traditional sources.  

5) Obamacare? Trump only has a "concept" to improve and/or replace Obamacare (used by over 16  million people), his same old empty promise since 2016. Where's the beef? Next to women's health, this may be the largest sleeper gorilla infecting Trump's hoped-for voter support. 

I mostly drew on ABC and CNN fact-checking post-debate on September 10 and many recent posts on my blogspot. Key word the blog to search sources and posts on my blog.

New sources not cited on my  blog before:

 Ukraine   Commitments and actual expenses by Europe are much more than the US's...but not sufficient as a replacement for US assistance. They still need us

.News: Unemployment is at its Lowest Level in 54 years | U.S. Department of Commerce

When the bi-partisn immigration bill was killed by Trump, Biden issued some executive orders.Border crossings are lower now under Biden than when Trump left office.  From:How do Biden, Trump's border policies compare? (, closing the border to all but manageable levels, given our current capacity, got the figures down.( But that is a half done job and subject to legal challenge and existing authorized expenditures.. Border guards are underfunded and understaffed.. Wall unfinished. Fentanyl detection machinery is unfunded. Biden's exec order can be challenged in court because it ignores the intent of federal immigration legislation to provide asylum to all those those qualifying under the law.) Per the article: "last month, Biden signed an executive order shutting down asylum requests at the U.S.-Mexico border once the average number of daily encounters between ports of entry hits 2,500. According to several people familiar with the discussions, the border will reopen only once that number declines to 1,500...After Biden’s executive action went into effect at the southern border, he touted a drop in illegal immigration, saying encounters have gone down over 50% with levels lower than when Trump left office." July 2024.

Proved Reserves of Crude Oil and Natural Gas in the United States, Year-End 2022 (

Statement from President Joe Biden on Record ACA Enrollment Numbers | The White House