Saturday, September 14, 2024

My elevator pitch when MAGA claims Biden was a failure

 My elevator pitch when MAGA claims Biden was a failure and his successful handoff to Harris that Trump would upend. It may take more than one floor on the elevator for this pitch, maybe two.

  We had COVID. Remember?? That put the economy on ice. When it thawed in 2021, there was pent-up consumer demand and screwed-up supply chains that caused too much demand for supplies, causing inflation. Biden fixed it. The inflation rate is now back to normal; expect MAGA to claim the dramatic reduction in interest rates yesterday was political. Fed Reserve chair Jerome Powell was appointed chair by Donald Trump and held over by Biden. Fed Reserve Board was composed of 12 members serving long terms and appointed by a variety of presidents, and the vote was 11 to 1 for interest rate deductions.

Federal Funds Rate: What It Is, How It's Determined, and Why It's Important

, and the highest employment rates in 50 years. Everyone has a job if they want to work; normal economic growth and wages are rising higher than inflation. Big pharma fought, and prescription drug prices lowered. Immigration illegal border crossings are fewer than when Trump left office. The crime rate is lower than in Trump's years. Rip-roaring Wall Street. No oil shortage and we are now nearing energy independence. Fixed a bunch of bridges and roads, retooled more rust belt with 21st-century industry, and lowered gas at pump prices. Russian aggression checked. Fed cut interest rates 9/18 as inflation licked.. That is Biden's handoff to Harris. 

This paragraph moved to a stand alone post as well.Yet to fix. High grocery prices. Grocery prices for food at home rose less than 1% over 12 months, so the bleeding has stopped. Just griping fixes nothing. Price gouging prosecution among fixes in Harris's priorities and plans. (Trump's fix plans? zero, no power to roll back prices, but he plans to make it worse with high tariffs on all imports, including it appears on fruits and vegetables we get in the winter from Chile and Mexico). Harris on grocery prices: taking action to lower grocery costs—increasing food assistance for low-income families, strengthening supply chains to lower food prices, and cracking down on price gouging and promoting competition in the agriculture industry.  

Trumps plans impact more than just food prices. Screw the middle-class consumers with import tariffs, destabilize the country with racial conflict, destroy democracy and the rule of law, replace the rule of the people using ballots with the rule of Trump now immune from criminal prosecution, use violence to suppress opposition, limit freedom of speech and media, cave into foreign adversaries, have the government take away women's control of their bodies and health, and end civil rights protections..,has%20come%20down%20remarkably%20fast..

expect MAGA to claim fed dramatic reduction in interest rates yesterday was political;. Fed reserve chair Jerome Powell was appointed chair by Donald Trump and held over by Biden. Fed reserve board composed of 12 members serving long terms and appointed by a variety of presidents and vote was 11to 1 for interest rate deductions.

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