Saturday, December 16, 2023

Now the House crazies are pulling a Tuberville

The irresponsible," we don't care about national security matters", wing of the GOP House is now pulling a Tuberville, holding a national security matter hostage to their hardline, extremist demands on the southern border to satisfy their fear of national contamination by immigrants. It has nothing to do about choosing between two budget line items. . It is about a political stunt..  We need to give this kind of action a name..and it is Tubervilling.  Sen. Tuberville's actions were considered silly and finally self-defeating, a stunt to make sure his constituents knew he was hard-core anti-abortion, but our military suffered.  In this House case, an issue vital to our national security is at stake: Ukraine's ability to hold the line against Russian imperial aggression.

A footnote: I used the term "House Crazies" to describe this hard-core radical right-wingers in the current US Congress.  In Colorado, the term House Crazies originated in the 1970s and was applied to a similar group of fanatical right-wingers in the state legislature. The current group is a reincarnation of the Colorado version, just as obstructive, destructive, attention-grabbing, off-the-charts right-wing ideologues and irresponsible in their political maneuvering.  The most famous of the Colorado House Crazies of the 1970s was Anne Gorsuch, mother of the current Supreme Court Justice, Neil Gorsuch..

From my November  7 blog posting on Tuberville's shenanigans. :

The GOP  Senators demanding policy changes to border policy as a condition of aid to Ukraine is an outrage and dangerous to our national security interests.. It is the latest example of the Senate holding national security interests hostage to their directly unrelated priorities, even though the majority of them support Ukraine's war..  Their inability to deal with Sen. Tuberville holding up military and diplomatic post approvals until his version of anti-abortion law is adopted is another example of GOP hostage taking. .. The House Speaker backs  GOP hostage-taking of demanding a cut in IRS funding before approving aid to  Ukraine.  This is nuts. It may be good politics and strategy, but it is a stupid way to make public policy.  National security and defense are at stake and should be considered on its merits, not tied to unrelated issues. That the GOP playing politics with it is a shocker: What is being hurt by this strategy once was the top priority of the GOP: national defense and national security. The GOP were the hawks in our very recent history. Now, strangely enough, the Democrats and the GOP have changed places.  Biden was wise to include in his funding proposal not only aid to Ukraine and Israel but also address GOP wishes on added compliance to existing laws to border security funding and more attention to the potential aggression of China in increasing military aid to Taiwan. This is the GOP response? It is the height of irresponsibility.  Ronald Reagan just turned over in his grave. 

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