It appears that last week's GOP talking point that Trump wanted to stop any solutions to the border crisis because he wanted to use the chaos as a plank in his election campaign got called out as cynical, and the crisis was not as important as Trump getting elected. That was not a winning talking point, so today, the tune has changed: Biden already has the power to enforce the laws, so it's his fault. That one has another bit of backfire: it takes dollars, and the House GOP has stonewalled any funding to do it. Using the dumpster fire analogy, the GOP lit the blaze and then took away the fire extinguisher, and then blamed the empty-handed citizen for failure to act. The ultimate cynicism is to blame the citizen and put the good citizen in jail with a bogus impeachment trial of Secretary Majorcas. How stupid do you think people are? Answer: everyone except the MAGA cultists who believe anything coming from their MAGA leaders is the gospel truth.
It is no secret that Donald Trump hopes the economy will fail, and he is trying to block any attempt to deal with the border crisis. The border crisis strategy has now spilled over into forcing the GOP Senators to belly up, too, because the boss has spoken..Called the best deal on border security ever by even GOP senators, the Trumpsters are setting a dumpster fire in order to detract from their real purpose...keep border security and fear of brown people their chief racist campaign issue in November. If the problem is fixed, or close to it, they lost their one platform plank left, since the public perception of the economy is on the mend and by November may be a very diminished issue. Biden called their bluff, giving them that best deal ever, which the GOP House declared dead on arrival. Give him the money he says, and he will close the border. If they take the deal, the GOP MAGAs lost their core collection plank, so all of a sudden, the crisis can wait for Trump's election?
I also note that Trump's role model and CPAC's as well is how Viktor Orban of Huntary got to be a dictator: it was raising enough fear of hordes of Middle Eastern refugees from Syrians violence were going to adulterate the 99 percent of Magyars who make up the Hungarian population. The trick is to keep the flames of fear fanning and any solution to the US border problem would put a damper on the Trump campaign plans. The gamble is likely to end up with an open border because if Trump is banking on the House staying GOP by a vote or too, that is a gamble with bad odds, given the issue of abortion and the impact it will have that pretty much ensures any other border solution would be dead in the water now. The GOP should take the deal now because there will not be a chance later but that is not their strategy: do what they can to keep chaos at the border before voters' eyes to give them a reason to elect Trump in November.