Monday, September 30, 2024

From a one time Reagan Republican: Disillusionment and a plea for normalcy and sanity

From my son, a one-time Reagan Republican's Facebook post to me: Disillusionment and a plea for sanity and normalcy.

As we approach the election, I’ve been paying close attention to polling. There’s always one question I find particularly fascinating: "Do you think the country is on the right or wrong track?" Overwhelmingly, the answer is that the country is on the wrong track. There's little context behind this, but the response is so lopsided that it must include voters from the left, right, and center. From this, I can only conclude that most Americans are angry, concerned, frustrated, and worried about the country’s direction. Count me as one of them.


There was a time when I thought I understood what the majority of Americans believed. Maybe I was wrong—misguided, living in an "elite" bubble, believing my own nonsense, holding onto a fantasy about our country that was unrealistic, impractical, and naïve.


I once believed it was impossible for someone twice impeached, a convicted felon, found liable for sexual assault, a serial bankrupt, facing multiple federal indictments, and guilty in civil court of fraudulent business practices—someone who organized and abetted an attack on the U.S. Capitol to overturn our democratic processes—could ever come close to holding the office of the presidency again. I was wrong.


I believed America would never abandon the post–World War II order that, through our leadership, brought unprecedented prosperity, peace, and scientific development. I thought most Americans wanted to stand firmly with our democratic allies to oppose territorial conquest, a practice that had caused centuries of conflict. I believed we wouldn’t back down to autocratic bullies or yield to their ambitions and nuclear blackmail. I thought most of us understood that appeasement only offers a temporary peace before autocrats’ reckless desires needed to be fed again, leading to another global catastrophe. I was wrong.


I believed that those aspiring to sit on the highest court in the land were of the highest moral character, with integrity and impartiality. I expected them to resist the corrupting influences of money, power, and ambition. I thought they understood that secret, unlimited money in politics is corrosive, and that the rule of law applies to everyone, including the president. I believed they had the wisdom not to reopen old wounds over women’s rights, civil rights, and voting rights. I also believed our elected leaders, responsible for appointing these justices, acted with purpose to keep the Supreme Court above the fray of petty politics. I was wrong.


I believed that the men and women who put on a uniform to serve this country should be respected and honored, especially those putting themselves in harm’s way.  I thought it would be impossible for someone who denigrated this service, exploited it cynically for political gain, mocked POWs, called those who has paid the ultimate price “losers” and “suckers”, and was repulsed by the sight of the wounded, could ever be close to serving as Commander-in-chief again.  I was wrong.


As the son of an immigrant, I believed immigration was a fundamental part of the American story. I thought that those who played by the rules, worked hard, and contributed, regardless of their background, should be respected and celebrated. I believed most Americans agreed and that even those attempting to enter illegally deserved humane treatment because, at our core, we are a decent and humane people. I thought even suggesting the use of military or police to round up and detain families en masse for forced deportations would disqualify anyone from public office. I was wrong.


I believed that any child from a middle, or lower-class background, with talent, ambition, and hard work, could succeed because America provided a fair and level playing field with educational and economic opportunities for all. I was wrong.


I once believed my colleagues would put the good of the country ahead of their personal tax benefits. I was wrong. It seems some people enjoy paying a lower tax rate than their secretaries.


I used to believe all these things. Now, I’m not sure what to believe anymore. Maybe that’s the point.


To summarize an idea from Hannah Arendt, a German historian and philosopher of the last century:


This constant lying is not aimed at making people believe a lie, but at ensuring that no one believes anything anymore. A people who can no longer distinguish between truth and lies cannot distinguish between right and wrong. And such people, deprived of the power to think and judge, are, without knowing or willing it, completely subjected to the rules of lies. With such people, you can do whatever you want.


I don’t know if our country is changed forever. I doubt the country I grew up in will ever return, but I hope we find enough compromise so that, when my time comes, it will resemble enough of the place I chose to remember.


I’ll be voting for a strange coalition—one that includes Bernie Sanders and Dick Cheney. I’ll be voting for Harris-Walz. I’m not trying to convince anyone else to do the same; I just want four years of some semblance of sanity and normalcy. I was comfortable in my bubble.



Sunday, September 29, 2024

Nutty and diversionary:"Biden caused Russia's invasion of Ukraine" and Vance proposes appeaseming Putin

Nutty and diversionary:"Biden caused Russia's invasion of Ukraine" and Vance proposes appeasing Putin

Expect Ukraine to be on the table in the upcoming VP candidate debate. JD Vance has been laying the groundwork for his Sudetenland-like peace plan for Ukraine. " During an interview on the Shawn Ryan Show podcast on September 11, Vance said, "Ukraine retains its independent sovereignty, Russia gets the guarantee of neutrality from Ukraine—it doesn't join NATO, it doesn't join some of these allied institutions. That is what the deal is ultimately going to look something like." Zelensky bit back: go read the history of World War II and appeasement. or your favorite news source, you may be reposting Russian disinformation or believing it. For those who do not trust our own government on this matter, here it is a warning from the government of Canada. Countering disinformation with facts - Russian invasion of Ukraine

Updates: n 

Vance is considered the leader of the America First movement, advocating isolatiionism and appeasement of Russia.

For more on Sudetenland and appeasement, go to

In addition to repeating history, , MAGA has been trying to rewrite history, blaming Biden for Putin's invasion of Ukraine in 2022. That is diversionary and nuts. It is a way to divert attention from the more important question: What"deal" would Trump hand Putin if Trump won in 2024 on day one of swearing in. 

 But if pointing fingers is the diversionary game  MAGA is playing, then blaming Biden is nutty BS. Putin had been trying to take over Ukraine for years, and Trump had been Putin's useful idiot.. No wonder Putin misjudged the extent of US support for Ukraine. Trump in the White House had been using Ukraine for his own purposes, blackmailing Zelensky to find dirt on Hunter Biden so he could rant about the Biden crime family (failed to connect Pres. Biden), slap on the hand for Russia's grab of Crimea from Ukraine a minimum opposition to Russia's little green men and warfare in eastern Ukraine, and weakening NATO and American alliances to undermine its ability to respond. In fact, there is evidence Putin had made the decision to invade Ukraine with the Russian army as early as March 2021,   a year earlier.  Biden had let Putin know the US would strongly support Ukraine if Russia invaded in a warning made in advance to Putin on February 12, 2022, that Putin chose to ignore. Instead, Putin began the invasion on February 24, 2022, when he thought he would take over the capital, Kyiv, in three days. He never reached that goal thanks to Ukraine's resistance and US and NATO aid.

Biden's support of Ukraine was and is based on national US national security interests and is not charity.  It is necessary to stop the Russian takeover of NATO allies in Eastern Europe.  That would be a bloody test of NATO's military resolve,  drawing the US into putting boots on the ground.  

 Harris's view of Trump negotiating with Putin, Trump is so smitten by Putin's flattery, "Putin would eat Trump for lunch".  700  national security and former military brass recently endorsed  Harris because they do not think Trump is fit to be commander and chief and should not be trusted to support US national security interests.

 But if pointing fingers is the diversionary game  MAGA is playing, then blaming Biden is nutty BS.  In fact, Putin had made the decision to invade Ukraine a year earlier. There is evidence that after years of annexing Crimea and fighting in the Donbas region, and abortive attempts at negotiations, Putin made the decision in March 2021 when Ukraine shut down his pro-Russian media outlet in Ukraine. Subversion and propaganda, the stalemate in Donbas were not working for him and his goal to absorb Ukraine into mother Russia.  Biden saw a full takeover of Ukraine would green light Putin to invade Poland and the Baltics regardless of their membership in the mutual defense treaty of NATO. Appeasement would not stop Putin's goals to weaken NATO so he could reconstruct Russian control of their former satellites.  Biden's support of Ukraine as the way to stop the Russian takeover of Eastern Europe coincides and directly tests NATO's military, leading to WWIII.  

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Harris on immigration: There's a non-cruel way to deal with the migrant problem

Original version has been revised and mmoved to a new posing 10 6 2024

Here's the problem: The immigrant issue, as Trump uses it, appeals to the irrationality of emotions held by so many of his followers. Facts and "fix the administrative problems" have no traction with them. Cruelty is the point.They seem quite OK with breaking up families(6.4 million families have both legal and undocumented members), using the military to do it, and sending them to detention camps. Harris, on the other hand, has a long history as DA and AG of following the rule of law and going after immigrant law breakers and gangs. Her solutions are not cruel. The only explanation I can see for wilful ignorance of  cruelty or  foradvocating cruelty is that cruelty must fulfill some primal sense of satisfaction.85 % percent of the GOP support the concept of mass deportation. A much smaller percent of independents and democrats support the concept of mass deportation...but a little more than half of the total electorate also support mass deportations. For  39% of voter  immigration is their top issue and 54% support mass deportation, but that means many still go along with the concept.. How many of them understand what Trump is proposing is cruel, probably cannot be measured by asking a simple question to a pollster if you do or do not support mass deportation.  Harris, on the other hand, has a long history as DA and AG of following the rule of law and going after immigrant law breakers Her solutions are not cruel. 

In case there is any doubt left,Trump, JD Vance, and others have whipped up hatred and fear of any brown or black immigrants (no problem with those from Norway), legal or not, because the issue of immigration is a stand-in, a code word, for his core campaign strategy.  It is an issue that is also natural for him given his long history of housing discrimination, birtherism, and attacks on the Central Park Five and Charleston, where he called new Nazi tiki torch marchers "fine people on both sides." It was that issue that catapulted him into national political success.  He has been using racial hatred before and after he descended on his golden escalator., but particularly on that kickoff event (migrants at southern borders are mostly rapists and murderers, and they are going to adulterate the blood of Americans)..  To do that, he has to lie and exaggerate. The lies about the characteristics of immigrants as criminals are ongoing and even shrill in these later 30 days of the campaign. Every statistic available verifies immigrants were less likely to commit crimes than anyone else due to the fear of being caught, jailed, and kicked out of the country (as the law permits) so to make a point, Trump and his spokespersons have to lie and exaggerate.. The prime example was that Haitian migrants were eating Springfield pets, and even his running mate, JD Vance, said he had the right to lie about it if it made a political point.  Trump then turned his focus on Aurora, Colorado, that Venezuelan gangs had taken over the city, but called off a visit when the GOP mayor admitted he had exaggerated the problem.   And now the lie that FEMA was only going to immigrants in the wake of Hurricane Helene is insulting to anyone on the ground and providing relief who knows better.  And those who look to justify their gut feelings of fear and loathing of black and brown people are eager to use, spread,  or believe the lies.   This is a get-out-the-vote strategy that only appeals to those already supporting Trump since the sorting out of those motivated by racism and hatred has already chosen sides long ago.

Harris provides a non-cruel alternative.  Fund better screening of asylum seekers; deny migrants just looking for a better economic opportunity; and if a migrant breaks the law. the law, they can be deported using the rule of law that exists, though all need of these measures need to be better funded and enforcement needs to be increased.Kamala Harris spent a great part of her life as an AG and DA prosecuting immigrant gangs and has been in their smuggling tunnels. She comes from a border state. Illegal border crossings are already down to what Trump's were when he left office. She already knows the problem and what needs to be done and pledges to take tough with well-funded action to fix it. Trump killed the best border control bill funding ever last spring so he could keep his MAGA Base angry and have something to run on. The number of migrants illegally crossing the U.S.-
Daily crossings have fallen below 2,400. Due to Biden's executive order. That was the lowest level of crossings when Trump left office.,

Thursday, September 26, 2024

MAGA and Trump, modern day appeasers, are carrying water for Putin

MAGA and Trump, modern-day appeasers, are carrying water for Putin. Trump and MAGA are now supporting Putin''s pitch:  save lives (instead of saving Ukraine's independence from Russia) so agree to Putin's terms to even first begin peace talks. Putin's conditions: agree to hand over land to Russia and withdraw troops from them and agree never to join NATO.  As Harris put it: Putin's terms are surrender., Trump, like Putin, wants Ukraine to surrender first before they can negotiate. we will talk about what part of Ukraine Zelensky will hand over. In short, first defang Ukraine and then talk. Not only is that a non-starter, it paves the way for a full Russian takeover of the rest of Ukraine using subversion or military action because it takes away the ability of the remaining part of Ukraine to use force and Western support to stop any takeover.,of%20their%20GDP%20on%20defense

Whether Trump is an appeaser or not will be on the agenda, no doubt, in the VP debates on October. Expect JD Vance to respond to that accusation if Walz makes it. Vance's position non that entry into NATO is a return for some "guarantee of Ukraine's sovereignty" and unstated expected gifting of some Ukraine territory to Russia. That's a Sudetenlike trap, and Zelensky is justified in alluding to it: 

Recently, MAGA has been trying to rewrite history, blaming Biden was to blame for Putin's invasion of Ukraine in 2022. The more important question is what "deal" would Trump hand Putin if Trump won in 2024 on day one of swearing in.  He seems to be echoing Putin's position for whatever reason.  It begs the question of whose side is Trump on, anyway.

These fools opposing US aid to Ukraine are like the appeasers in 1938 led by British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, who handed the keys to the Sudetenland to Hitler in Munich, thinking it would stop WWII and there would be "peace in our time". Sudetenland, a province of Czechoslovakia, became part of Germany. Hitler claimed that was his last territorial claim to northern Europe. One year later, the rest of Czechoslovakia had become a state Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, controlled by Hitler, reneging on his agreement at Munich and opening the door for the invasion of Poland and France later in 1939. MAGA, the American Firsters, and Trump are the Chamberlains of 2024 who want to give Putin what he wants: Ukraine. In some fantasy ideas, it would avoid WWIII. Like Hitler, Putin, too, lusts for the expansion of control over neighboring land. Hitler called his goal Lebensraum (living space). Putin is also a dictator, with his publicly stated goal to destroy the USSR's former satellites' alliance with the West in order to bring the USSR's Cold War former satellites back into Russia's control. It satisfies his hypernationalistic international expansionism at the expense of Western democracies and strengthens his control over his own citizens who buy into his vision. His invasion of Ukraine was his first step, and war is one of his methods of accomplishing that.

Why should we care? Putin gets it, and we should, too: Those in control can determine their destiny; the rest either follow or are victims

What MAGA should have learned from the past 85 years is that appeasement of a determined aggressor leads to war, not peace. Appeasement is fool's gold. It leads aggressors to epic miscalculations. To aggressors, appeasement is a signal of weakness and lack of resolve of their target takeover. It is not a bone thrown to keep the dog quiet. Japan and Germany thought the American Firsters opposing involvement in Europe would keep the US neutral and provide easy pickings to get away with their territorial grabs. Japan and Germany learned a hard lesson...but at an enormous expense of America's blood and treasure.

How determined is Putin to go further after he absorbs Ukraine into Russia? It may come as a surprise to MAGA to know that Putin is not America's friend. Using his own words and his published ideology, Putin's goal is to make Russia great again by making America and Western democracies weak again, perhaps more like they were before WW II., isolated and divided. To increase his power at home and abroad, his goal is to weaken NATO and the G7, and Ukraine was to be his first step with the use of war. For Putin, the loss of the USSR's satellites at the end of the Cold War was Russia's "genuine tragedy". His regime wants "Ukraine to come home to Russia".

It might come as a surprise to MAGA if they get their news only from media "they trust" to learn that Harris has the endorsement of 700 military and national security leaders of all political affiliations.

Putin's miscalculation was that Ukraine would be unable or unwilling to resist what he thought was a three-day march to the Ukraine capital.  He had reason to believe he could succeed since Trump's bromance with him was a sign of lack of Western opposition, a US president who could be manipulated by flattery, the election of a comedian as Ukraine's new president, years of low-level stagnant warfare in eastern Ukraine,  and Russia's blackmailing control of oil supplies to Western Europe. His takeover of Ukrainian Crimea only got a verbal slap on the hand and some sanctions.  Instead of weakening NATO, Biden was elected. With his leadership, NATO members rallied to support Ukraine with military and economic aid because they also began to see  their own members as Putin's next target. Instead of destroying NATO's mutual defense clause, Putin's Ukrainian invasion backfired.  The membership of Sweden and Finland completed NATO's surround of Russia's western facing borders. With the prospect of a Trump return to the White House and his isolationist, anti-alliance resolve, you cannot blame Putin for still thinking his stalled takeover of Ukraine is a temporary setback. He is just biding his time until Nov.5 and Trump's election.

As VP Kamala Harris noted in her joint meeting with President Zelensky of Ukraine on 9/26/24, MAGA's demands that Ukraine agree to give up chunks of land to Russia and agree not to join NATO are identical to Putin's recent conditions to end the war. It is a demand for surrender. As Harris said, the US support of Ukraine is not an act of charity but an act of self-interest and national security. "Isolation is not insulation", Harris's direct rebuke of MAGA and American Firsters, 2024 edition. Isolationism will not insulate us from Putin's plans. FYI MAGA, Europe has contributed twice as much to Ukraine's defense as the USA, but unchanged, Trump's way to end the war is to give Russia whatever" the hell they want." He'll just pick up the phone to Putin, his friend, and settle the matter.   That is music to Putin's ears.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Trump the conman is selling consumers a bag of hot air

 Trump, the con man, is selling consumers a bag of hot air. Trump has no plans to lower your prices, but he does have a plan to raise them by 20%. In the last two years of Trump, we had COVID-19, the worst economy since the Great Depression, and Biden got us back to near normal. Harris has a plan to lower families' cost of living and prosecute price gougers.

You have got to hand it to Trump, the salesman of everything from golden sneakers to "Elect me; only I can fix the economy," and the sad thing is that so many are buying it.  Fix what, fix how?  Let's see what people want fixed. Prices?First, a reality check: The last two years of Trump's term was a disaster... the worst economic crash since the Great Depression thanks to COVID.  The first two years of Trump were coasting on the prior Democratic administration with figures similar to what he got handed when he took over. 

 COVID-19 ended, and Biden got handed supply chain backups around the world and pent-up demand.. The old supply and demand impact caused inflation and Ukraine-related oil shortages, causing world prices to soar..and fixing that mess is what he did in 3 and a half years. Thanks to Biden cranking up oil production and alternative sources, we have no crude oil shortage now so Trump's hot air of drill baby drill is just that: fixing something that ain't broke when gas prices at the pump have already come down.. What about grocery prices? He's got no plan to fix that, either.  What do the gullible think? He can waive a magic wand and zap, back to the good ole days? Of course he does not have the power to dictate prices. Where's his plan? Nothing. Nothing at all.

Except: he's got a great plan to make much of whatever you buy at Walmart 10 to 20% more expensive if it's imported.  Look at your clothes labels. You may be shocked how many are imported and and imagine what you bought is 20% more expensive.  Like your winter fruits and veggies from south of the border? Add another 20% to that. That is the tariff effect, and the Trump con man tells you you will not pay it? What a joke: an importer has to pay it when it lands here, and to make a profit, he'll have to make it up somewhere, so he just increases his price to the retailer or distributor for you to pay. (That is what Harris folks call sales taxes to you. Just as well be one; the effect is the same)  Get a grip on yourself: the company importing pays the tariff and just considers it an added cost recovered by raising prices to the retailer or US distributor.  Even big ticket items like electronics and cars will go up, and you get to pay the bill. Toyota, Honda, etc, will just raise their cost to you even for parts that are imported. Without competition from imports, our own producers will be able to raise their prices, too, and gouge away. Then, to add insult to injury, he will sell you a concept for health care, no plan, just a concept. That's just for starters.   At the same time, he signs Project 2025's plans on Day one.  Trump says he has not read Project 2025, so believe the con man. He does not have to read it. He just has to sign off on the executive orders and replace thousands of government workers with those who passed the Heritage Foundation ideological litmus test.

In the meantime, Harris has the plan to fix a lot of middle-income budget-conscious people's kitchen table expenses and continue to improve on what Biden has accomplished...and they are not hot air. The highest employment rates in 50 years. Everyone has a job if they want to work; normal economic growth and wages are rising higher than inflation. Big pharma fought, and prescription drug prices lowered. Immigration illegal border crossings are fewer than when Trump left office. The crime rate is lower than in Trump's years. Rip-roaring Wall Street. No oil shortage, and we are now nearing energy independence. Fixed a bunch of bridges and roads, retooled more rust belt with 21st-century industry, and lowered gas at pump prices closer to what they were.. Russian aggression checked. Fed cut interest rates 9/18 as inflation licked.. That is Biden's handoff to Harris.  

Harris has a plan, not concepts, but a plan to lower costs in many different areas that are weighing down those in middle-income, budget-sensitive families. These are not ones based on lies and vague concepts. but in reality.

Note: econ 101. No or low tariffs help US consumers and the economy. High tariffs may protect some industries and jobs, but not if an angered country like China retaliates and puts their high tariffs on our agriculture exports to them. That is what happened in the Trump administration and Trump had to pour subsidies to farmers to pay them for their lost exports.

Friday, September 20, 2024

How Project 2025 could turn the US into a fascist dictatorship

 If Project 2025 is the blueprint and Trump is the vessel that activates the plan, his signature pen could begin the process of morphing our country into a fascist dictatorship of white Christian nationalists.  In the name of educating the public about Project 2025, House Democrats will hold hearings.

Update 10/11/2024:  Former Joint Chief General Mark Mlley calls Trump "fascist to the core"

There is one candidate in the race for the White House, Donald Trump, who openly said he aspires to be a "dictator on day one" . He has tried to distance himself from  Project 2025 with "I did not read it". He does not have to read it to benefit his lust to be a dictator. It could happen if he spent his first day in office signing piles of executive orders and appointments supplied by Project 2025. If Trump were to follow Project 2025 and execute their scheme for taking over the executive branch in 180 days, he could turn the executive branch into the vehicle to use the power of fear and retribution to control the other two branches and the election process and ignore civil rights protections.  He attempted all of these actions in his first term, but legal constraints and staff stood in his way.  Project 2025 has now given Trump the method and the means to do it using his "official duties." The Supreme Court has granted him immunity from criminal prosecution when engaged in "official duties." Trump has already struck fear into what was once the Republican Party is an example of how he uses fear and threats to operate.  He attempted to get the active military to put down demonstrators, and he promised political violence and retribution, using the DOJ to launch investigations of his opponents, whether there was probable cause or not. He had already advocated executing generals who did not obey his orders even when they violated the Constitution.. advocating and executing disobedience generals delicensing opposition media.

Trump has had a history of drawing on Nazi terminology to support his rhetoric: While this has been extensively covered by the median,  as a memory refresher,  read this from ABC News  ttps://    

Vance's attack on women who are childless cat women and Huckabee Sanders as women who do not have their own children as not humble are echoes of a bygone era where women knew their place, and it was not out in politics.  I saw this as a backhanded misogynistic slur, a code, and way to put Harris in her place and to explain why she is an uppity woman in a man's world. This is part of their strategy to appeal to their masculine base.

The definition of terms helps to put us on the same page. Here are mine: What is a fascist, what is a democracy, and what is a dictator/autocrat? These are bare-bones, simplistic definitions,but the discussion worth having is about which candidate fits one or the other more closely or aspires to fit the definition.

  FASCISM has many definitions, but most overlap. From Merriam-Webster: "a  ", movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascists) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and advocates a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. "From the Cambrdge dictionary: " political system based on a very powerful leaderstate control of social and economic life, and extreme pride in country and race, with no expression of political disagreement allowed. "

COMMUNISM:  I picked this definition from the National Geographic because it was aimed at grades 5-8."Communism is a form of government most closely associated with the ideas of Karl Marx, which he outlined in The Communist Manifesto. Communism is based on the goal of eliminating socioeconomic class struggles by creating a classless society in which everyone shares the benefits of labor and the state controls all property and wealth."What's the difference between communism and fascism. This from Quizlet is the one that comes closest to mine: "Two similarities between fascism and communism are that they both imposed totalitarian governments and both claimed to rule in the national interests. One difference between the two is that communists sought world revolution while fascists pursued nationalism. Another difference is that communist supporters were the urban working class, while fascist supporters were business leaders, wealthy landowners, and the lower middle class."

DEMOCRACY : This one from Meriam Webster:  a
government by the people especially rule of the majority.,,,a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections."  That is roughly the kind of government we have had for 250 years.

DICTATORSHIP From  Cambridge:

"Dictatorship is a form of government in which one person or a small group possesses absolute
 power without effective constitutional limitations. .... 


AUTOCRACY: from Cambridge: "government by a single person or small group that has unlimited power or authority  "     My observation: This differs only from dictatorship because it is the rule of a person,  not of a group.  

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Trump's psyche tricks depend on voters' ignorance to succeed.

 Aside from the substance of whatever is a fascist, watching this exchange over the past couple of years, "You are a fascist, no you are one",  is common.  Variations of this are new ones hurled by Trump at Harris," You are a communist and fascist" (as yet not been answered by Harris ). These kinds of exchanges remind me of the old schoolyard taunts: Your mother is a (fill in the blanks)...., no your mother is one.....   Actually, it is an old psychological trick: Karl Marx stated it so clearly: "Accuse your enemy of what you are doing as you are doing it to create confusion." Some call this "projection", branding others for what you have been criticized for being.  Let's face it, it's still going on, and it works for Trump.  

Trump's psyche tricks depend on ignorance to succeed. Somewhere along the line, many in the US fall for such mind games because they somehow forgot or never learned the definition of the words being thrown around.  While both sides practice the taunts, Trump has made this psyche trick his standard operating procedure to deflect criticism. 

What has also happened is that terms are not defined but just connected to an example as if it is a mike dop " You are like Hitler,";" You are like the old communists,"; "You want to be a dictator like Putin, etc.".... all geared to rile up the other side or to buck up your own.  Trump himself is responsible for the Hitler analogy with  his frequent invoking of terms and words found in Nazi writings.

The best defense against falling for the trick is to educate yourself about words loosely used in taunts in the 2024 campaign terms ( fascism, communism, democracy, dictatorship, autocracy).  Then, you can see what "shoe fits." The best sources of definitions are supplied by those who do not have a horse on which they are betting in this race and are stated in clear, simple English. Dictionaries are good at this. They lack any shades of gray and " yes, buts," but they provide an agreed-upon yardstick against which you can measure and make a case for how what you believe fits in. 

FASCISM has many definitions, but most overlap. From Merriam-Webster: "a  ", movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascists) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and advocates a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. "From the Cambrdge dictionary: " political system based on a very powerful leaderstate control of social and economic life, and extreme pride in country and race, with no expression of political disagreement allowed. "

COMMUNISM:  I picked this definition from the National Geographic because it was aimed at grades 5-8."Communism is a form of government most closely associated with the ideas of Karl Marx, which he outlined in The Communist Manifesto. Communism is based on the goal of eliminating socioeconomic class struggles by creating a classless society in which everyone shares the benefits of labor and the state controls all property and wealth."What's the difference between communism and fascism. This from Quizlet is the one that comes closest to mine: "Two similarities between fascism and communism are that they both imposed totalitarian governments and both claimed to rule in the national interests. One difference between the two is that communists sought world revolution while fascists pursued nationalism. Another difference is that communist supporters were the urban working class, while fascist supporters were business leaders, wealthy landowners, and the lower middle class."

DEMOCRACY : This one from Meriam Webster:  a
government by the people especially rule of the majority.,,,a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections"  That is roughly the kind of government we have had for 250 years.

DICTATORSHIP From  Cambridge:

"Dictatorship is a form of government in which one person or a small group possesses absolute
 power without effective constitutional limitations. ....Dictators usually resort to force or fraud to 
gain despotic political power, which they maintain through the use of intimidation, terror, and 
the suppression of basic civil liberties. They may also employ techniques of mass propaganda in
 order to sustain their public support"

AUTOCRACY: from Cambridge: "government by a single person or small group that has unlimited power or authority  "     My observation: This differs only from dictatorship because it is the rule of a person,  not of a group.  

If Project 2025 is the blueprint and Trump is only the vessel that activates the plan, this could morph our country into a dictatorship of white Christian nationalists.   Educating the public about the contents of Project 2025 is the challenge. For that purpose, House Democrats will hold hearings: