Wednesday, November 6, 2024


 I am so grateful I was able to live nearly all of my adult life in the golden age of American democracy, enlightenment, and leadership in the world. I am so sorry for my children and grandchildren, who will now have to endure a future full of conflict and strife as white nationalism attempts to keep the multi-racial demographic shift and their control from happening. Democracy has met the enemy, and it is us.

The electorate has revealed itself. We are a fascist country as the rule of Trump and Project 2025 take over. ..whether we like being called it or not. Trump and/or Project 2025 have already attempted, advocated, proposed, or threatened these fascist-like policies. How much of this he is able to put into action has been eased by his control of the Supreme Court, the legislative branch, and Schedule F replacement of civil service employees with political hacks with proven loyalty to MAGA and not the Constitution and the rule of law.

Here is how it worked in Hungary in this century and in other fascist countries in our history. The problem is nearly all fascist countries in our era are mostly racially and religiously homogeneous. How that works in America with large and active groups of minorities who see themselves becoming majorities by 2040 is why attempting to make the fascist template work in America portends chaos and strife.

Tolerance of others who are different from us is no longer a national value. Civil rights are to be ignored and not protected.

The rule of a person, immune from legal constraints, takes the place of the rule of law. Interpretation of law becomes whatever leader Trump says it is. The control of the voting process is tightly controlled, including access and how the vote is counted.

People can no longer protest the actions of Trump policies they oppose by voting in free and fair elections since Trump, the ruler, can use the power of prosecution to shape who can have their votes counted.

The government exists to perpetuate and favor certain groups of people in power, in this case, the very wealthy and the slim white majority who swear allegiance to their particular version of a religion.

Only messages on social media extolling the leader are to be respected. The conveyors of opposition messages, the press, and TV are to be delicensed or otherwise financially disadvantaged.

Foreign alliances exist to support the interests of Trump and his supporters. Favoring democracies elsewhere is no longer part of the foreign policy objectives. Otherwise, the nation is disengaged from alliances that call for mutual defense.

Trade is a tool to generate national income through tariffs.

Financial policies and preference is given only to those who have demonstrated their loyalty to Trump

The military is a legitimate tool used to suppress opposition to the policies of Trump.

Women are to return to their traditional roles of taking care of children, bearing them, dying while bearing them, church, and the kitchen....while working for lower wages and inferior positions to males.

Allegiance to America means allegiance to Trump.

The way to succeed in a fascist country is to keep your political views to yourself, your head down, and shut up.


A personal note of how Trump.2 will personally impact my family. Forgive my bitterness; our situation may be unique, though others may relate to some of this. High tariffs will put my small import business in the trash. My kids will be unable to get out of student loan burdens until their mid-40s and will be renters, not homeowners, for years. My son's international consulting business is highly dependent on Europe and what happens in Ukraine. Trump's flirtation with Putin has his business in turmoil as most European leaders do not trust Trump. A daughter found happiness in a same-sex marriage and will be facing government and discrimination by religious fanatics, ironically led by a godless man who would fail the Ten Commandments test and dismiss the Beatitudes because it has nothing in it for him. In short, Trump's win is our family's loss.

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