Saturday, November 9, 2024

Mass deportations: Colorado is ground zero for Operation Aurora.constantly updated.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Colorado offers legal assistance and educational resources for people detained by ICE. You can contact the ACLU of Colorado by phone, email, or letter. 
How to contact the ACLU of Colorado 
  • Phone(303) 777-5482
2/7/2025 Raids resumed and now separating families inAurora and Denver. Recommended for those detained: a lawyer.  ACLU is providing assistance.

To report ICE activities in your area,


Call our bilingual hotline, open 24/7, if you witness ICE activity, or if you want to document a past experience with ICE.

1/29/2025 upWhat's next for people who were detained in Colorado by federal agents? | Watchdate:  the raid was called off late 1/29 due to "leaks from the media". Leak, heck. All the information came out of the administration's mouths.  They were trumpeting their plans, naming federal agencies cooperating to the world. When they execute their plans, we should assume it will be more of a surprise.

1 30 2025 update: Aurora wll be the  Trump national target for mass deportations. as he has promised. Per media reports Trump is enlisting the federal cyber security agency, to track down their targets. So far, more than those with criminal records have been caught up in these actions in Chicago and in a smaller raid in Aurora on Day One. 
Pay careful attention to this: the racist, anti-immigration, mass deportation thrust of the Trump administration will be Colorado. They are naming their plans of mass deportation for the whole nation after Aurora, Colorado. the Trumpists succeed in little Colorado, they can use their court victories to take on California with millions of undocumented families with mixed status. We are Trump's test case and Colorado is ground zero. Per an interview in Bloomberg in October, Gov. Polis estimated 10% of the Colorado workforce is undocumented. While he welcomed deporting criminal elements in Colorado, the problem is what happens if the federal government goes beyond that and goes after the law-abiding workforce. The governor has control over the use of the Colorado National Guard to carry out mass deportations. The Colorado attorney general will also stop that when he can by filing many court cases, per his interview on MSNBC The Reidout last night. If those lower court cases succeed, the appeal will be to the US Supreme Court, also now under the control of Trump. However, in the past, when this was tried when Trump was the last president, the court upheld Colorado's state rights. That was then; what it will do in 2024-2028 is unknown. No doubt, given what Trump's priorities are, these legal cases will be decided quickly. by threatening state and local officials who refuse to go along with his demands and conditions.

All of this may take time, so the effect will not be immediate, and Trump will not be sworn in until late January. There is not enough money in the federal budget to ever deport every undocumented, and it will take time to construct deportation camps. The federal enforcement agencies will have to set priorities based on personnel and money they can raise in Congress. After that, only money and personnel will limit who and how many will be found by other methods. Colorado will be a priority. The whole Trump national mass deportation effort is named Operation Aurora.

Arresting and deporting undocumented with criminal records will be more immediate. The rest will depend on how many federal law enforcers there are and the budget and money Congress funds. Raids on places of work, will be sooner than later. Colorado, the target and the legal fight our state is promising to take, will also be a slower process. Trump's control of the Supreme Court may depend on how far the Trump appointees on the Court are willing to go on the issue of states' rights. Trump also may invoke emergency powers to short cut all of the court actions. It was done when Japanese Americans were put in concentration camps in World War II.
The real danger to resorts like ours will be raids on places of work to ferret out not only criminals but any undocumented workers, no matter how law-abiding. If their families have undocumented people, expect trouble. This will be a heartless family separation permitted attempt. Tears will not help.
Tools to resist individual cases: The burden will be on the American Civil Liberties Union to provide legal help, and the best they can do is hope due process, illegal imprisonment arguments, and states' rights will help. From what I know, the Trump plan is to try to place those who do not have documents into concentration camps as their status is challenged by lawyers. How about green card holders: keep them and any documents showing legal status (birth certificates if born here) with you at all times. Be aware there will be a movement by Trumpists in Congress to reverse green card status and to deport green card holders as well, but whether that passes into law will take some time and may fail due to the opposition of business interests who have valuable green card holders as employees. Also, slowing down the Trump plans, the whole mass deportation effort will suffer from the lack of federal personnel, but with Colorado the main target, we are a focus and a priority. Their efforts will not be just for any undocumented person with criminal records. It will also be an undocumented person who cannot prove status. including separating families with mixed status. If any family members become a target for mass deportation, a private organization, the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) can attempt to provide legal help to individuals, but they also have limited resources, and there is no guarantee they will take every case or that it will succeed. There are some helpful resources named in the Denver Post article. This ts he best I could find in google searches of articles without a paywall. Much has been written  

Excerpts translated to Spanish:
Arrestar y deportar a indocumentados con antecedentes penales será más inmediato. El resto dependerá de cuántos encargados de hacer cumplir la ley federal haya y del presupuesto y dinero que financie el Congreso. Las redadas en los lugares de trabajo se producirán más temprano que tarde. 
El verdadero peligro para centros turísticos como el nuestro serán las redadas en los lugares de trabajo para descubrir no sólo a los delincuentes sino también a los trabajadores indocumentados, sin importar cuán respetuosas sean las leyes. Si sus familias tienen personas indocumentadas, esperen problemas. Este será un intento despiadado de separación familiar permitido. Las lágrimas no ayudarán.
Herramientas para resistir casos individuales: Por lo que sé, el plan de Trump es intentar enviar a aquellos que no tienen documentos a campos de concentración, ya que su estatus es cuestionado por los abogados. ¿Qué pasa con los titulares de tarjetas verdes? Manténgalas consigo y cualquier documento que demuestre su estatus legal (actas de nacimiento si nació aquí) con usted en todo momento.  Además, al frenar los planes de Trump, todo el esfuerzo de deportación masiva se verá afectado por la falta de personal federal, pero con Colorado como el objetivo principal, somos un foco y una prioridad. Sus esfuerzos no serán sólo para cualquier persona indocumentada con antecedentes penales. También será una persona indocumentada que no pueda acreditar su estatus. incluyendo la separación de familias con estatus mixto.  Hay algunos recursos útiles mencionados en el artículo del Denver Post.
For help in Spanish: Recursos para migrantes y refugiados – 2-1-1 Colorado
Appeals court rules US can deport illegal immigrants despite local objections in win for incoming Trump admin

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