Friday, January 31, 2025

Trump's purge of the FBI was an assault on the rule of law and democracy itself

Trump's purge of the FBI was an assault on the rule of law and democracy itself. The purge of a large number of the FBI this week, firing any agent having to do with the investigation of January 6, is more than just Trump getting revenge. It will be filling the FBI with those who either are loyal to him or who fear being purged if they are not. It paves the way for Trump to use federal police to take revenge on his enemy's list and use the federal police powers to act in support of his regime by harassing and charging those who participated in investigating Trump's role in the January 6 coup regardless of whether there is no evidence of probable cause to believe they cooked up the evidence. Even filing a criminal case or civil suit causes financial harm and emotional stress as the defendants have to lawyer up.. It will take at least a year for the illegal firing of FBI civil servants to be resolved, and most likely, it will end up in Trump's Supreme Court. Welcome to the new world of Trump's rule; it will take many brave people to take a stand against this attack on our democracy, to resist this power grab, and to take back the rule of law applied without fear or favor to no citizen above the law.

In firing the agents, mostly civil servants, Trump is ordering an "internal review" of them. This will be an effort to rewrite the history of the past four years. He will attempt to appoint a loyalist to review and rewrite.

To negate the power of law: Trump pardoned 1500 convicted and charged rioters on January 6, making a mockery of the law if it applied to those who supported him. Even those convicted and in jail for seditious conspiracy, the equivalent of treason committed in peacetime, were released from jail with a stroke of Trump's pen. Those now willing to commit violence on Trump's behalf can expect the same favors in the future, freeing them to commit violence on behalf of Trump in the future.

I was a student in Berlin in 1958 with a front-row seat to see how the Communists established their dictatorship in the zones the Russians controlled. This was before the Wall, and it precipitated the later attempt to stop the flight of thousands crossed into the western zones with democratic allies of occupation. One of my closest friends to this day was one of those who fled before the wall was built. Aside from blasting propaganda and slogans with every media and billboard, the key was the control of the police (Volks Polizei), which terrorized its inhabitants. I met my husband of 52 years to be in 1958, and soon to be a refugee from another dictatorial Communist regime (Yugoslavia). This is not a matter of abstract paragraphs in some history books. I may have been a political science major in college. It was a hands-on experience of how dictators worked at the grassroots level and first-hand observation of how they gained and kept control of the lives and thoughts of their subjects during regimes that lasted until 1989. Their instruments: power to use the police to do their bidding. It is the first step in achieving the power of a dictator. JD Vance, Trump's vice president, has admitted he has been influenced by Curtis Jarvn, who advocates a dictatorship and declares, "We must get over our dictator phobia." I never will; I know what it is like.

Here is the record Trump would like to rewrite:

The evidence gathered by the FBI and other agencies, as presented to juries to get indictments for Trump's role in the attempted coup of January 6, was comprehensive. There are volumes in print, and there will be an attempt to rewrite history now that Trump is in charge of the Department of Justice and Congress. There was enough for the Grand Jury to come to the decision that there was probable cause to believe Trump had committed crimes. On August 1 2023, Trump was indicted for  "a months-long campaign of lies about the election results and says that, even when those falsehoods resulted in a chaotic insurrection at the Capitol, Trump sought to exploit the violence by pointing to it as a reason to further delay the counting of votes that sealed his defeat."  

The Supreme Court then ruled that Trump or the president had immunity from being prosecuted for crimes if the act was part of his official duties. Jack Smith then refiled the indictment to narrow the scope of the indictment.

In case we forget or Trump and his allies try to rewrite history: The charges were dismissed in November 2024 after Trump's election a separate case alleging that Trump illegally sought to overturn the 2020 election was also dismissed.

Jack Smith's final report on the cases against Trump were released to the public in January 2025:

"Jack Smith, who was appointed by attorney general Merrick Garland to investigate Trump, said in court filings that he requested the dismissals because the Justice Department is banned from prosecuting a sitting president, and not because of anything having to do with the substance of the cases."  Other charges against Trump and those involved in the Mar-a-Lago case were also dropped.  

Freedom of the press has been compromised by a threatening Trump updated.

Update: 2/27/2025 The Associated Press has been barred from White House pressers; CBS was forced to settle a lawsuit over an interview with Kamala Harris; the owner of the Washington Post, billionaire Jeff Bezos, has taken over the Washington Post editorial page and will permit no dissent.  

 The free press is the last line of defense of democracy threatened by a president who now boasts he is a king. The free press is key to America becoming aware of the danger and the fallout that will also harm the very lives of American citizens.  Without a free press, voters will not even know that they have been hurt by whom, much less be able to mount a resistance.   Trump thinks he can lie, and he can get away with it because his loyal followers will believe any thing he says.   Grisham: Trump ‘knows he can basically say anything and his base will believe’   That is what it is like to live in a dictatorahip.  "Modern-day dictators have gained the power they seek because they have used modern technology to spin and mind-control their way to their position. .They spin the news to engineer their support" . Trump has a gullible audience.  

"The central goal remains the same: to monopolize political power. But today’s strongmen realize that in current conditions, violence is not always necessary or even helpful. Instead of terrorizing citizens, a skillful ruler can control them by reshaping their beliefs about the world. He can fool people into compliance and even enthusiastic approval. In place of harsh repression, the new dictators manipulate information. Like spin doctors in a democracy, they spin the news to  support. They are spin dictators." How Do Dictatorships Survive in the 21st Century? | Andrew Carnegie Fellows | Carnegie Corporation of New York   

My original post on the subject of the freedom of the press highlighted how dangerous it was for oligarchs to have such control of so much. MUFTIC FORUM BLOG: Whoever controls and owns the media separates democracy from dictatorship by oligopoly updated 1 28 2025 However, it has become clear that Trump himself plays an even bigger part in media control, especially in broadcast media. What happened this is particularly alarming.  Alarm bells just went off this week when CBS settled a suit with Trump, who had claimed some softball treatment of his opponent, Kamala Harris.  Defamation suits against Fox have been extensive and successful but by private individuals and corporations, including voting machine companies that were accused of throwing the 2020 election. This one is far more politically driven by the President himself for political reasons. CBS staff alarmed by reports of settlement talks with Trump over ‘60 Minutes’ Harris interview | Business |

The update at the end of the original posts poses a question: Is American media beginning to self-censor? I have seen some evidence. There are differences in reporting Trump's mass deportation raids and media coverage compared with British coverage, which puts a story in a more realistic and accurate context, mostly just the facts. I have just subscribed to Reuters, and I contribute to the Guardian. I will tap the British press as a way to compare how American media is trying to keep in good graces under Trump's threat of delicensing media of which he disapproves.

et tu? CBS?

CBS staff alarmed by reports of settlement talks with Trump over ‘60 Minutes’ Harris interview
CBS staff alarmed by reports of settlement talks with Trump over ‘60 Minutes’ Harris interview
CBS staff alarmed by reports of settlement talks with Trump over ‘60 Minutes’ Harris interview
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Thursday, January 30, 2025

Always blaming his political target for any mishaps is getting old

From my Muftic Forum FB posting this 1 30 2025 Before the investigation of the cause of the crash..he was busy posting that it was a conspiracy and/or Biden policies caused it or DEI employees (always incompetent because they are not white males, right?) caused it. Or incompetent army pilots caused it. He couldn't wait for the investigation of the cause, could he. His modus: all tragedies on his watch in January 2025 were somehow Biden's fault, including the price of eggs( that one's for the bird flu), but somehow always excluding the oil glut Biden left him with. This blame game will, in time, get even old to some voters who voted for him...or am I being too optimistic. This from the Daily Beast should get you a sardonic laugh through the tears: Plane Disaster Strikes One Week After Trump ‘Restores Excellence and Safety’ to FAA


3:14 PM (11 minutes ago)
to me

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Why yesterday's Trump edict to pause any grants or aid is very important news updated.

Update per various media: Ooops. Another stupid is as stupid does by the Trump administration that does not have its act together and put Plan 2025 ideologues in charge at the OMB. order has been rescinded for now.  What was disturbing was the administration's attitude that they could decide to break agreements, contracts, and aid whenever they did not meet the ideological standards of Donald Trump or Project 2025 instead of the direction and the intent of the law, plus funding from Congress.  It was a power grab in keeping with Project 2025's plan to turn a system of checks and balances between the three branches of government and make the federal government a "unitary" government with just one branch holding power..the executive one.. led by a strong man. That will still be the issue if the administration fries this stunt again in a more limited or case-by-case attempt to make themselves the legislators and defy the Constitution.

Continuing with the original post. The lawsuits will start flying. What this order means after the temporary stay is lifted and the lawsuits settled in favor of Trump, is that Congress will have lost its power to control pursestrings and that any laws they passed directly on how the money will be spent are just ignored. Picking up the phone to call your congressman will be useless unless the OMB says you and your request passed Trump's ideology loyalty test. Congress will have been neutered or has become a bobblehead of nodding yes, Mr. Trump people...just like in China or Russia. The Constitution is clear that the Executive Branch does not hot have the power to legislate but to faithfully execute the laws Congress passed. Failing to execute a law because the president says he disapproves of it is not faithfully executing the law. Let's see how Trump's Supreme Court rules if the lawsuits get to them on this issue. If the Court rules against Trump, wait and see if Trump complies or defies.If the latter, the government of, by, and for the people (not just partisans of Trump) has perished. Welcome to the brave new world of the rule of Trump. It is going to take enormous bravery to defy him.