Monday, January 13, 2025

If we have already lost our democracy, can we get it back?

If we have lost our democracy,  can we get it back? Preserving and restoration of democracy is not an effective pitch to motivate voters. We just got a lesson in that. In fact, at the risk of stating the obvious, what works is understanding and illustrating what voters feel in their lives and directing messaging to their real-life concerns. If democracy is mentioned, it should be that democracy will and can be the best vehicle to reflect and fix the problems important to "ordinary people" rather than an out-of-control kleptocracy and corruption of a Trump autocracy.

The problem is that in 2024, the fear of the loss of democracy was not taken seriously, not understood, nor urgent, and not relevant to everyday life, in spite of the Democrats making Trump's threat to democracy a major campaign issue. Experience is the best teacher if the connection between who and what is at fault can be made and voters are made aware of how they have been hurt. If and when Trump fails to deliver on such promises as rolling back grocery prices, keeping gas at the pump affordable, stopping inflation, and making health care and general living more affordable, will those swing voters, the non-racist motivated ones, be receptive to the message and will the pendulum swing the other way. The trust in Trump, that whatever he does that is good for him is good for you and me too, is a bond that needs to be broken. Trump will continue to win the race-sensitive part of the MAGA block with his anti-DEI, Project 2025 White nationalist agenda, and cruel immigration policies.

That strategy should not be that difficult to do because Trump has already reneged on many of those promises. Blame can also be pinned on Trump's makeup of his administration. How is peppering leadership in his administration with "billionaire bros" whose goals are feathering their own nests and millionaires who have never had to live on a budget and believe in the fantasy of trickle-down wealth to sell, promise, and placate the middle and lower rungs on the economic laddder? The Democrats have been lousy at messaging this, and now, not only does their leadership have to improve, but getting the message will be even harder as the media delivering is also cowed by fear and threats of revenge and retribution and willing to give a public platform for lies, propaganda, and disinformation.

Update: 1 14 2025 In reaction to rumors that Musk is considering buying TikTok and Zuckerberg caved into Trump and stopped fact-checking on Facebook, this is very important; non-profit media is launching an effort to keep social media out of the hands of billionaires. In the meantime, like never before, social media should be treated as people's opinions but not as a source of credible facts and data. My policy is to list the sources of my facts and data cite and what is influencing my opinions on my blog or on social media postings.

The first crack will be the midterms to take advantage of Trump's failures to keep campaign promises before he can consolidate autocratic control and to take aim at the billionaire bros. The Senate and House must become blue to restore the check on an administration ruling by edict and executive orders, thumbing their noses at the rule of law.

That Trump is now immune from abiding by the rules of law while engaged in his official acts, courtesy of his supreme court. That could be fixed by amending the constitution. However, the barriers to amending the constitution are long-term and long-lasting and would not affect Trump's power in this second term. Reminder: n amendment has to be proposed, and it would take super majorities in the House and Senate, or 34 state legislatures would have to call for a convention to propose and then 38 state legislatures or special conventions to approve. Most amendments took decades of effort to succeed. The harm done by the Supreme Court's immunity gift to Trump is profound and nearly impossible to reverse.


MUFTIC FORUM BLOG: New resistance opportunity arises: Rule by oligarchs and class warfare updated 1 17 2025

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