Sunday, January 26, 2025

How Trump is trying to hide corruption and racial/gender discrimination from voters

 Trump just attempted to bury corruption and discrimination from voter and public scrutiny. He just fired 15 independent inspectors who watchdog waste, fraud, and abuse. .    . Watch now, with whom he will replace the watchdogs. I fear they will be his lapdogs. 

Yet to come: It appears he is paving the way for an openly corrupt administration he fills with loyalists and/or wealthy campaign contributors who will be more responsive to citizens who themselves prove loyal and contributed to Trump's enterprises and campaigns in the past and will be expected to do so in the future.

 The floodgates have been opened to bury from public scrutiny racial and gender discrimination as well under the guise of so-called "merit" hiring and firing. It is more than just replacing appointees and stating policies. It is shaping public opinion to view civil rights as no longer a politically correct value in Trump's America. Per Trump recently: woke is crap. Eliminating DEI and getting rid of "woke crap" in government and military is also an openly stated goal of Trump.   He just boasted about doing it already at a Las Vegas rally.

In signing the anti-DEI executive orders, Trump claimed he had ended 50 years of discrimination. Welcome to the dystopian Orwellian world of newspeak and doublespeak,  language that deliberately obscures, disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words.  Or did he leave unspoken that DEI discriminated against White people? The inference was suspicious. (Definition and Orwell reference courtesy of Wikipedia) 

Trump is also getting ready to replace thousands of other non-partisan civil servants with political appointees and campaign funders, just like the way big-city political bosses operate. This is the spoils system we long ago abandoned in the federal government because of the corruption and favoritism it nurtured. He's doing it with the Project 2025 authors he has appointed to powerful positions to make the change.  

  DEI administrators have already been "placed on leave" to make sure Trump's orders go into effect on Day One, not a day later. Watch who he replaces advocates of DEI with whom.  Are the advocates of ending DEI appear to be motivated by an underlying blanket assumption that women, brown, black, and disabled veterans only got government positions by the grace of DEI because, by nature of their gender, race, and any disability, they do not have the same merits as white people do? So it appears. Trump just fired the highest-ranking military woman because she was too DEI and opposed sexual harassment in her ranks.

 Non-partisan civil  servants will be replaced by those with "merit." That action begs Trump's definition of "merit" since appointees have already been screened and vetted by Project 25 to replace thousands of mid-level civil servants for loyalty to Trump and upholding the Heritage Foundation ideology. Still to come is using Schedule F to declare a merit-gained status protected from partisanship,  with those who pass their loyal test for being loyal to Trump and his goals, not whether they are the most qualified for even middle management jobs. 

 Expect regulatory agency judgment calls to favor Trump supporters, replacing appointed positions with his loyalists, from the FTC (advertising, fair trade standards) to the FCC(licensing of media) to the FDA (food, drug, cosmetics).

Trump is already cowing anyone in the past in elected and appointed positions who called him out by investigating him in Congress or in the Department of Justice by using the DOJ as an instrument of revenge. Those in the future who dare raise their voices in opposition have to take that into calculation about whether to take such risks, ranging from being primaried with opposition funded by Trump's billionaire supporters to being harassed by Trump's Department of Justice threats of investigation and prosecution.

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