Continuing with the original post.
The lawsuits will start flying. What this order means after the temporary stay is lifted and the lawsuits settled in favor of Trump, is that Congress will have lost its power to control pursestrings and that any laws they passed directly on how the money will be spent are just ignored. Picking up the phone to call your congressman will be useless unless the OMB says you and your request passed Trump's ideology loyalty test. Congress will have been neutered or has become a bobblehead of nodding yes, Mr. Trump people...just like in China or Russia.
The Constitution is clear that the Executive Branch does not hot have the power to legislate but to faithfully execute the laws Congress passed. Failing to execute a law because the president says he disapproves of it is not faithfully executing the law. Let's see how Trump's Supreme Court rules if the lawsuits get to them on this issue. If the Court rules against Trump, wait and see if Trump complies or defies.If the latter, the government of, by, and for the people (not just partisans of Trump) has perished. Welcome to the brave new world of the rule of Trump. It is going to take enormous bravery to defy him.
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