Sunday, February 23, 2025

Democrats, messaging again. It's not the layoff victims, it's the service cuts

 Democrats are missing a very important point: Chainsaw Musk is not about cruelty to laid-off career civil servants.  It is about what happens to the services so many Americans have taken for granted as important to their lives.  Cutting the workforce is one thing, but voters are finding that services that have been cut did have value to them, and in the next few months, they will find more. The demonstrations should begin to dramatize how voters are being  hurt, not how sad it is for those who were laid off 

An interesting dialogue with a dedicated MAGA on a private Facebook page
"Dummycrats still don’t understand these positive advancements that he’s accomplishing. Still so many brainwashed uninformed sheep people.
My response:
Keep it up GOP. You are handing the Dems a simple message. . Cutting or eliminating programs that are popular for even red-state ordinary people ((brainwashed and sheeple) comprehend: You want me to sacrifice what I need to give more tax cuts to those who do not need them and increase the debt. I dare you to call cutting social security, medicare, and Medicaid positive advancements. Positive for whom?.

We lived for a year during the first month of Trump's regime. By his blitzkrieg of so many issues making news at once, he depends upon humans who can only hold one thought at a time to get you to look at his tree and no others in a forest that is falling on top of us. There is a possibility that his blitzkrieg also allows time for a backlash to develop in time for the 2026 midterms. The backlash will be a slower burn as enough former Trump voters feel the impact on their actual lives. I still think the ultimate pushback will be whether rising prices and, inflation and anger with prized federal services evaporating will be as bad as the left predicts. 

All voters are freaked, for sure, over whether they will still get their social security check or afford to keep grandma in a nursing home who depends on Medicare/Medicaid to stay in one, or their veteran benefits are reduced  .That hits home. However, it is going to feel worse soon. They are going to feel the shock when their kids no longer get lunches at school or their local rural hospital is closed because their patients cannot get Medicaid to pay their bills. Need I go on? .Grocery prices; inflation will likely increase.  That is where the outrage should focus, now and until the 2026 congressional midterms, where the blame can be pinned on the local congress person who voted for these cuts to services.  . The focus should be on how tax cuts to the rich are the cause of these service cuts.  Saving democracy may be the long term goal, but that is still a sales point for those who understand what democracy is...the more educated,,but Democrats already have that 48% of the popular vote who gets it.  The message to those who need a lesson in democracy is that when Trump rules like a King, their voices do not get heard or they will get some vague BS answer.

  The town hall focus on how awful it is so many good people got fired across the board is a strategy this week but not for the weeks before the 2026 midterms. Understand there is a great deal of resentment against bureaucracy and red tape, who actually think government bureaucrats are the problem not only because they are being disloyal to Trump and MAGA, but for their taxpayer money paying for services that they suspect have waste, fraud, and abuse, for which they do not see benefits, or they get lousy service when they try to get problems resolved.  That service, for sure, will get lousier with no one left in DC or the local federal branch to answer phones or emails or chats. 

 Right now, the GOP answer is" The pain is only short term; it will all get better soon." The retort should be "Better for whom"?  The very rich who want to cut the services you need to justify their absurd tax cuts?? Providing incompetent political appointees now to provide whatever services are left? Their spots will or may not be filled, and if filled, by those who are there because of screened and proven loyalty, ready for TV and campaign contributions, not because of competence or experience.  Once again, these services the government provides, and no one in MAGA gives a twit if they get them.  The oligarchs and billionaires running the Trump show certainly don't get it or care. They won in 2024."They'll get around to fixing grocery prices later" (after Trump whines are too hard to do and then tried to slap import fees to double down on the pain.). Not exactly Day One, was it? It is not just a matter of class warfare. It is unfair to everyday Americans coping with daily life.  

When will it get better?  Why 2026? Congress is the only body other than the courts that can fix the pain Trump causes, and their Congressperson has become useless and uncaring in the face of Trump and Musk's rule by fear. The next time, and maybe the best, is 2026 before Trump consolidates power, controls media, bullies the free press into silence, and controls free and fair elections, putting the post office mail-in balloting and the federal election commission under his direct control.( Did you notice that one?).

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