It will easy to get lost in the weeds of figures and statistics as the debate begins. All of are subpoints, but always come back to a simple message.
Update: 2/28/2025 The GOP has a plan to cook the books on the impact of extending tax cuts to the rich:; They will try to change the original basis to disguise their lies.
Here are the detailed weeds: House Budget Economic Claims Don’t Add Up | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities The simple truth is that they are "cooking the books to cover a lie"
Continuing with the original post:
I got this comment on a private Facebook page. My response.
GOP supporter:
My response, especially, meaningful to those in red states and Congressional districts throughout the country who benefit the most: The opportunity is now to make the point: the House budget proposals as the debate that puts the specifics in writing and votes for and against in the official record.
"Keep it up GOP. You are handing the Dems a simple message. . Cutting or eliminating programs that are popular for even red-state ordinary people comprehend: "You want me to sacrifice what I need to give more tax cuts to those who do not need them and increase the debt? I dare you to call positive, cutting (social security, medicare, and Medicaid kids lunches, cancer research etc.). Positive for whom?."
Add this to GOP/Trump not reducing grocery prices and inflation, and Democrats will have great messaging in the midterms.
James Carville , Democratic strategist, proposes that Dems just sit back and let the GOP manufacture enough rope to hang themselves That is one approach, but it is still important to educate voters who is responsible for what as the budget issues are debated. It makes it easier at midterm campaign time. It is doubtful that the GOP will have the guts to cross Trump publicly other than about an isolated issue or two since they risk facng well-funded oppostion in their primaries.
So spooked by the angry constituents at the town hall meetings, GOP representatives are being encouraged by party leaders to not hold such public meetings. However, GOP votes on behalf of their House bill are on the record, thanks to direct intervention by Trump, and it wll be hard to duck their official votes. (one negative GOP vote in the end) I can see the Democrats already crafting their attack ads. The challenge Dems face is breaking through the foxated informaton silo to reach and educate less hard core Trump voters. It will take some imagination and cleverness using other methods and social media channels.
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