Tuesday, February 18, 2025

How stupid does Trump think Americans are?

Update: 2/27/2025 The Associated Press has been barred from White House pressers; CBS was forced to settle a lawsuit over an interview with Kamala Harris; the owner of the Washington Post, billionaire Jeff Bezos, has taken over the Washington Post editorial page and will permit no dissent.  

 The free press is the last line of defense of democracy threatened by a president who now boasts he is a king. The free press is key to America becoming aware of the danger and the fallout that will also harm the very lives of American citizens.  Without a free press, voters will not even know that they have been hurt by whom, much less be able to mount a resistance.   Trump thinks he can lie, and he can get away with it because his loyal followers will believe any thing he says.   Grisham: Trump ‘knows he can basically say anything and his base will believe’   That is what it is like to live in a dictatorahip.  

: "Modern-day dictators have gained the power they seek because they have used modern technology to spin and mind-control their way to their position. .They spin the news to engineer their support" "The central goal remains the same: to monopolize political power. But today’s strongmen realize that in current conditions, violence is not always necessary or even helpful. Instead of terrorizing citizens, a skillful ruler can control them by reshaping their beliefs about the world. He can fool people into compliance and even enthusiastic approval. In place of harsh repression, the new dictators manipulate information. Like spin doctors in a democracy, they spin the news to  support. They are spin dictators." How Do Dictatorships Survive in the 21st Century? | Andrew Carnegie Fellows | Carnegie Corporation of New York   

Don't believe your eyes; we were told the violent rioters on Jan. 6 were just looky-loo tourists. Now, Trump tells us again not to believe our eyes that the Russian army invaded Ukraine. Ukraine started it.(so Putin tells him) How stupid does he think Americans are, anyway? Grisham: Trump ‘knows he can basically say anything and his base will believe’

.https://www.reuters.com/.../pictures-600-days-war.../ From British Reuters: Images from 600 days of fighting in Ukraine after Russia launched an all-out invasion by land, air, and sea, the biggest attack by one state against another in Europe since World War Two .  Trump, as suspected, is a Putin tool and a fool. He has just spouted Kremlin talking points. We now know on whose side he is...suspected, but now the proof. Wicker has other ideas...Putin is a war criminal and should be executed. https://www.mediaite.com/.../top-gop-senator-slams-idea.../

What Trump appears to be doing is to form an alliance with Russia against Western Europe by capitulating to Russia and appeasing them. That kind of belly-up is a characteristic of a weak country in the face of an overwhelming aggressor. Trump is engineering the US to be a weak country on purpose, repeating a history of appeasement by fools that led to World War II. instead of "peace in our times". 

Russia had planned the invasion months before they demanded Ukraine to agree to their terms that Ukraine would never join NATO and demanded from NATO that Europe partially disarm an parts of Ukraine would be surrendered to Russia.. Surrender to Russia would have stopped the invasion, no doubt, and would have made Ukraine a Russian satellite, going all the way to Kyiv and Odesa, with Putin's publicly stated eventual goal for Ukraine to be absorbed into Russia itself. Masses of Russian troops were on Ukraine's border as they made their demands. Spunky Ukraine had said no thanks through the ballot boxes earlier. Their population wanted democracy and a Western economy. Recent polls verified the majority still support Zelensky.

Ukraine had been fighting Russia in the Donbas since 2014. Russia had believed the West would belly up and not aid Ukraine because Russia had already grabbed part of Ukraine, Crimea, with only token sanctions resulting.
In a sense, Crimea was like HItler's grab of Sudetenland in 1938, which only goaded his plans to invade Poland a year later. The West, in an infamous declaration to not stop Hitler taking over Sudetenland, were fools as they announced they would "have peace in our time" .

All reactions:
Frank Zavl

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