Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Killing Obamacare, a last minute issue affecting 45 million people

 Speaker Mike Johnson just promised massive changes to Obamacare with seven days to go and most Americans  will not have a chance to consider  this. Democrat candidate for the House need to grab it and run and demand their opponents tell what they plan.  

A last minute sleeper issue affecting 45 million people. https:/ut / What are the massive reforms? Chances are that those with pre-existing conditions will be the victims among other.Whatever the GOP does, it will be to the advantage of big pharma and health insurers. Be very afraid all those on Obamacare now. Trump only hints he has a concept, but if he is afraid to give details, they probably would be political suicide if he dared Here is what is probable. It is a reproduction of a prior blog posting of mine May 27, 2024.

The Democratic National Committee came up with a list of Trumpisms spouting how he plans to destroy affordable health care.  That one issue seems to get eclipsed by others, such as abortion and democracy, but the issue of affordable health care cuts across many more demographics, sex, age, and middle-class income. "Across coverage groups, a total of 45 million Americans are enrolled in coverage related to the ACA, the highest total on record. This represents 14.1 million more people enrolled than in 2021 (a 46% increase) and 32.5 million more people enrolled than in 2014 (a 258% increase, or more than triple).Mar 22, 2024"

While I am usually reluctant to quote a political party's press releases, I thought this one used Trump's own words against him.  I think this issue has legs and I hope during the upcoming campaign, it gets more exposure.  Like the ending of Roe v Wade, most voters don't get the message in advance of its ending until the dirty deed is done, and all of a sudden, the access door is slammed shut in their faces. The only thing left for those who sound alarms left to say is "I told you so".  Chicken little warnings often get dismissed as "the sky is falling" hysteria.  In this case, it really could fall in when it concerns the ability to get health care to cover pre-existing conditions. afford premiums, and give a vehicle for 45 million to pay for it via Obama care. 

From the DNC release with links to sources

Trump“We’ve really decimated Obamacare.”

“We’ve done a great job, but we’re going to be getting rid of it entirely.”  

As Trump pledges to repeal the ACA in a second term, here’s a recap of some of the most egregious statements he’s made about killing the program:

Daily Beast: “Trump Revives Plan to Dismantle Obamacare if Elected in 2024”

NBC: “Trump, by contrast, stood by his support for a lawsuit headed to the Supreme Court that seeks to invalidate Obamacare. The justices will hear the case one week after Election Day.

“‘I would like to terminate Obamacare, come up with a brand new, beautiful health care,’ Trump said at the debate, which was moderated by NBC News’ Kristen Welker.”

Trump: “Obamacare is a disaster. And I said, ‘We’re gonna do something about it.’”

Trump: “The cost of Obamacare is out of control, plus, it’s not good Healthcare. I’m seriously looking at alternatives. We had a couple of Republican Senators who campaigned for 6 years against it, and then raised their hands not to terminate it. It was a low point for the Republican Party, but we should never give up!

Trump: “And what we’d like to do is totally kill [the ACA].

The Hill: “In a Truth Social post, the leading GOP presidential candidate claimed he’s ‘seriously looking at alternatives’ to replace ObamaCare, and that the failure to repeal the health law in 2017 while he was in office was ‘a low point for the Republican Party.’” 

Trump does not care that the majority of Americans support access to affordable health care and protections for people with preexisting conditions.

Washington Post: “But what’s clear is that an effort to ‘terminate’ Obamacare is not something Americans are pining for. Not only were the GOP’s efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare during Trump’s term historically unpopular, but the law also appears to have gotten more popular since then. … And when politicians talk of ending health insurance for tens of millions of Americans, dropping coverage of preexisting conditions and cutting Obamacare’s Medicaid funding, things get even dicier.”

Reminder: Trump spent his entire presidency trying (and failing) to get rid of the ACA while making it harder for people to sign up for health care.

NPR: “The very day President Trump was sworn in — Jan. 20, 2017 — he signed an executive order instructing administration officials ‘to waive, defer, grant exemptions from, or delay’ implementing parts of the Affordable Care Act, while Congress got ready to repeal and replace President Obama’s signature health law.” 

CNN: “Trump slashes funding that helps people sign up for Obamacare.”

NBC News: “Affirming its disdain for ‘Obamacare,’” the Trump administration on Thursday announced sharp cuts in programs promoting health care enrollment under the Affordable Care Act for next year.

“Advertising will be cut from $100 million spent on 2017 sign-ups to $10 million, said Health and Human Services officials. Funding for consumer helpers called ‘navigators’ will also be cut, from $62.5 million for 2017, to $36.8 million for next year.”

The Hill: “Insurance Experts: ObamaCare Mandate Repeal Driving Premium Increases.”

New York Times: “The Trump administration said Saturday that it was suspending a program that pays billions of dollars to insurers to stabilize health insurance markets under the Affordable Care Act, a freeze that could increase uncertainty in the markets and drive up premiums this fall.”

NBC News: “Trump approved a surprise decision to push for the complete elimination of the Affordable Care Act in the courts. If it succeeds, millions of Americans will lose their private insurance or Medicaid coverage and the health care system would be thrown into chaos.”

Some still push for Medicare for All as the best alternative to Obamacare. I am slowly coming around to Medicare for all. Not only are those who are middlemen corporate profit seekers taking their bloated administrative cut but there is also an actuarial sound theory at work. The larger the number of all participating, in the pool regardless of health status, the more the cost is spread around. Much depends on how Medicare for all is structured. Are "advantage" and supplemental plans allowed. Do participants have a choice of physicians? Are private providers allowed? Do you have to belong to a network or can you go anywhere you want for care? Is there rationing based on need and urgency? and everyone else can stand in line. How much of a co-pay is required? There are many varieties and versions of this in Europe now and each country has its own kind. The most restrictive of all is Canada. My granddaughter lives in Austria and is happy with that system and she has a choice of a doctor. All of these systems are heavily subsidized by taxes but in the long run, the outcome is the best measure. France and the Scandinavian countries often poll the best in patient satisfaction. In France, high-income taxes pay for it, but if the taxpayers like the system and get their money's worth, they do not mind...and seems to be a tradeoff that is OK.  I am not sure the tradeoff would fly in the USA

 Until then we need to reform and refine Obamacare to do what it was designed to be: a safety net for those victimized without the income or ability to get insurance in the open marketplace, or not having employer-provided insurance and meeting some financial need criteria based on income. Obamacare was based on a proposal from a conservative think tank as an alternative to "socialized medicine, though the Heritage Foundation would like to avoid getting the blame.  What differs from some proposals is a law that requires all, a mandated law, to have health insurance. Obamacare does not have that mandate. However, both left and right felt they had to provide an alternative that was affordable to all consumers regardless of pre-existing conditions. 

High-risk pools have also failed. Experiments tried that failed were to put those with pre-existing conditions is a separate pool and subsidize that.  It was tried in Colorado and failed and if that is what the GOP has in mind, know that such a plan has never worked.       Why high-risk pools fail

 Backers of Obamacare had hoped the cost of insurance would also be reduced by the competition to be the private insurance provider in each state. That, too, has not worked and it has instead become a boondoggle for private insurers, who as a whole and as an industry exempt from anti-trust laws can get away with collusion and price setting.

From Google AI polls of satisfaction with healthcare systems shows only a quarter of those polled in the world are happy with them. However, relatively speaking countries with universal care poll much better that the US which ranks at the bottom. According to recent polls, satisfaction with universal healthcare systems varies widely across the world, with countries like the Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Denmark, and Switzerland reporting the highest levels of citizen satisfaction with their healthcare systems, while the United States generally shows the lowest satisfaction due to its non-universal system, with many people expressing concerns about cost and access to care; a recent Harvard study found that only a quarter of respondents globally felt their health system worked well.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

What a campaign based on retribution and fear can do to ordinary voters

In response to postings warning about Trump being called a fascist by those once loyal and very close to him in when he was in the White House, I received a private message on another method. The responder thanked me for postings like these and then the.....

responder said that he would not post on FB because he had gotten threats and did not want to deal with the drama. I understand all too well. That is the way dictators, both fascists and communists, work.  Imagine a whole country like that, as I personally witnessed in Yugoslavia. Ordinary people concerned about their own safety or the next promotion just keep their heads down, mouths shut, and be able to parrot back the dear leader's own most up-to-date opinions. There are those all around who have big ears and who are willing to squeal to their upstream handlers. It is already happening in 2024, with Trump running a campaign of fear and retribution promised if he is re-elected.  I wonder if there are hidden Harris votes that are not being honest with pollsters or refusing to even be polled.  They are not cowards; they are in survival and self-protection mode. I get it. Be thankful your vote is still counted, and the election is as free and fraudless as it is in 2024.  That reality, too, goes away in a dictatorship, fascist or communist.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Democracy has an oligarch problem updated 1/17/2025

Democracy has an oligarch problem.

(Update: 12/15/2024 MUFTIC FORUM BLOG: Musk's return on investment in Trump has just begun)

Update 1/16/2025 : Capitulation by the oligarchs as now complete as  Facebook, Instagram CEO Mark Zukerberg suspends all fact checking of postings and all DEI diversity programs. Mark Zuckerberg Drops DEI And Fact Checking - Search News

I am canceling my subscription to the Washington Post in protest of their announced policy to never again endorse a presidential candidate beginning now. If democracy dies in darkness, Bezos turned off the lights, and the Washington Post editorial page can never be trusted to give their true opinion. It also makes me wonder if the reporting side of the paper will have to bow down to Bezos in the future while also affecting their other opinion writers. This is what happens when American oligarchs control the media. They shape it to benefit themselves, whether out of fear of a revengeful Trump or loss of customers or seeking benefits of tax and regulatory policies. The reported endorsement of the editorial board for Harris was killed by its owner, Jeff Bezos, also head of Amazon. Added to this oligarch's control of media is Trump's support of the richest man in the world, Elon Musk. The Murdoch family controls FOX. Murdoch's wealth in their multi-continental media empire reflects their ideology, influencing the slant and choice of what is reported, which brings in more viewership and advertising revenue. FOX was exposed as an entertainment business, not a news business, when it lost the law suit and their defaming Dominium voting machines.

This year's presidential election is pivotal in the history of our country. The choice is between a fascist-like Trump and Harris, who pledged to keep the democratic system we have had for 250 years. It is one of the most critical elections ever held because it will have a fundamental impact on determining what kind of a governing system we have going forward. This year's election is about whether the rule of law is responsive to voters or whether we have to rule a person responsive to his own self-interests and with nearly unchecked power. This is not 2020 because of new powers benefitting Trump. These new powers enable him to assemble extreme power for himself, such as immunity from criminal prosecution just granted him by his compliant Supreme Court, a judicial system with the final word in the same Trump-friendly Supreme Court, and the easy activation of the manual of how to circumvent Congress and the will of the majority that is detailed in Project 2025 documents. Elon Musk, chief oligarch and surrogate spokesperson for Trump now, is the owner of what we once called Twitter. Musk is the chief promoter of anti-immigrant conspiracy theories on the site he owns. Musk, alleged to be the richest man in the world, is an immigrant himself who came to the US as a teenager as part of the white flight when apartheid was ended in South Africa.

Musk’s Anti-Immigrant, Election Voter Fraud Conspiracies Are All Over X

Jeff Bezos killed Washington Post endorsement of Kamala Harris

Journalists Once Defended Fox as a News Outlet. But That Was Then - Nieman Reports

Friday, October 25, 2024

Been there, done it: This why I take fascism and dictatorships so seriously

 This is why I am attacking Trump for planning and promising to become a fascist-like dictator and why I am so alarmed that so many do not care. It is personal to me. I have been there and done that. What became history to my children and grandchildren were current events to me. I was born in 1938 and have vivid memories of World War II . Even in my 6 and 7-year-old brain, I knew what enemies of America looked like and., and if we did not beat the Nazis, I experienced the fear my parents felt we would be governed by the evil fascists. We didn't know about Auschwitz yet.. As a 20-year-old, I spent my college junior year in rubble-emerging, war-devastated, pre-wall Berlin, and I had a first-row seat to how Communist dictators consolidated their power in the East Zone they controlled. It was in Berlin I met my husband-to-be of 52 years, who was planning to be a refugee from the communist dictatorship of Yugoslavia. He succeeded, even when threatened by foreign agents. I know how it works firsthand in both communist and fascist dictatorships; how individual liberties are destroyed, from the lost choices of a future profession., the fear of saying aloud what you really thought, the inability to break out of the restraints of mind-controlling propagandized media, the corruption such systems foster and how everyday life is controlled. To see America thinking about becoming a fascist dictatorship under the leadership of Donald Trump, one who tried to be one when he was president, and now is so open about becoming one in practice (if until recently not openly called one), is a bookend to my life that horrifies me. Those younger than me do not have a clue of the dangers and the loss of so many freedoms of what they wish. It is an irony of my life that I was born in the times of fascism and could die in the times of fascism and that I was so fortunate to live in American democracy in the years in between.

For those who object to Trump being tagged as a fascist, as those who knew him best call him "fascist to the core" and "he fits the definition", here are the definitions and reasons for not only my agreement but for raising the issue on this site for several years: Argue with me if you will. MUFTIC FORUM BLOG: Gen.Milley and Gen.Kelly aren't kidding " Trump's a fascist updated 10/25/24


In response to a comment on my Facebook posting, Iwas asked "why you attack Trump if you do not provide what the other side would do better. If you don't do that, you have lost the argument."

 Harris has the best answer: "Trump has an enemies list; I have a to-do list."

 Here is my response: What is this argument about? What good is anyone's position on public policy issues when its fate is made moot by a fascist system with the rule of an autocrat? Fascism v democracy is the fundamental question: how those issues get determined and enacted. All public policy issues are determined by the system and who controls the system: an autocrat or the voters. What Harris would do to democracy is keep it as a system that gives voters control over public policies through the ballot. That is it. Simple. What Trump would do is attempt to set up a fascist dictatorship. Essentially, the difference is Trump wants to end democracy as we have known it and replace it with a fascist system, and Harris is for no change. So far as public policy issues are concerned, that is a separate debate topic that has been fully discussed in my blog. Public policy issues concern government policy on immigration, abortion, tariffs, taxation, civil rights, inflation,  grocery and housing prices, etc. 

In another response through private channels, the responder said that he would not post on FB because he had gotten threats and did not want to deal with the drama. I understand all too well. That is the way dictators, both fascists and communists, work.  Imagine a whole country like that, as I personally witnessed in Yugoslavia. Ordinary people concerned about their own safety or the next promotion just keep their heads down, mouths shut, and be able to parrot back the dear leader's own most up-to-date opinions. There are those all around who have big ears and who are willing to squeal to their upstream handlers. It is already happening in 2024, with Trump running a campaign of fear and retribution promised if he is re-elected.  I wonder if there are hidden Harris votes that are not being honest with pollsters or refusing to even be polled.  They are not cowards; they are in survival and self-protection mode. I get it. Be thankful your vote is still counted, and the election is as free and fraudless as it is in 2024.  That reality, too, goes away in a dictatorship, fascist or communist.

How the Colorado mail-in voter system stopped an attempt an election theft

 It isn't enough that Tina Peters, former Mesa County clerk, was sentenced to 9 years in prison for her attempt to steal the election in response to Trump's call to "secure the machines" in the 2020 election. Once again, in Mesa County, Colorado, 2024, there was another attempted theft. Someone stole ballots from the Clerk's office and voted them for their preferred candidate, including forging signatures. The Colorado system designed to catch this theft worked. A criminal investigation is underway. How the system was devised to detect fraud in mail-in ballots is described in the article linked below. Briefly, signature verification was required throughout the process, and election officials emailed voters to say that they received the ballot and it was counted. That alerted voters who had not received their mail-in ballots. They then called the current clerk's office to complain. More red flags were raised.

The Trump mantra 2020 election was stolen ran into a buzz saw on Joe Rogan's long interview and other claims of fraud now or in 2020 Trump and his cohorts have made have also been fact checked: Fact check: 12 election lies Trump is using to set the stage to dispute a potential 2024 defeat | CNN Politics

Joe Rogan Quizzes Trump On Election Fraud Claims: 'Give Me Some Examples'

Public polls are often used as campaign strategies and turned into propaganda tools. Ignore them at this late stage. Democrats claim that Trump is setting the groundwork to make an argument the 2024 election was also stolen by fraud and using polls to show any discrepancy in the final tally. How could he lose except by fraud.? a claim he made in 2020, and he is already using it again. Many of those polls are fake or push polls to set the stage in advance to make such claims. My thoughts are to ignore polls now and/or look for the polling source and who conducted it for any sign of legitimacy or logical methodology. Most public polls and averages of polls are useless since voting has already started and millions of ballots have already been counted.  So many polls and averages are now scewed by how they ask the question and of whom they poll on purpose.. Such tactics also have a psyche warfare element to encourage voters to vote for Trump by winning with the winner. This could also backfire since Trump voters making that extra effort to vote would wonder why bother since Trump was going to win anyway. The Harris campaign is taking the opposite tack.."election is so close, your one vote may make the difference". The closer the polls show or how the fake polls show Trump ahead, the easier it is for the Harris camp to encourage turnout of their voters. 3 tell-tale signs that Harris will beat Trump: Real polls, fake polls, enthusiasm -    

Public polls are often used as campaign strategies and turned into propaganda tools. Ignore them at this late stage. Democrats claim that Trump is setting the groundwork to make an argument the 2024 election was also stolen by fraud and using polls to show any discrepancy in the final tally. How could he lose except by fraud.? a claim he made in 2020, and he is already using it again. Many of those polls are fake or push polls to set the stage in advance to make such claims. My thoughts are to ignore polls now and/or look for the polling source and who conducted it for any sign of legitimacy or logical methodology. Most public polls and averages of polls are useless since voting has already started and millions of ballots have already been counted.  So many polls and averages are now scewed by how they ask the question and of whom they poll on purpose.. Such tactics also have a psyche warfare element to encourage voters to vote for Trump by winning with the winner. This could also backfire since Trump voters making that extra effort to vote would wonder why bother since Trump was going to win anyway. The Harris campaign is taking the opposite tack.."election is so close, your one vote may make the difference". The closer the polls show or how the fake polls show Trump ahead, the easier it is for the Harris camp to encourage turnout of their voters. 3 tell-tale signs that Harris will beat Trump: Real polls, fake polls, enthusiasm -

Republican-leaning polls in presidential race spark concerns

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Gen.Milley and Gen.Kelly aren't kidding " Trump's a fascist updated 10/25/24

 Gen. John Kelly, 4 stars, retired, and Gen. Mark Milley, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, retired. Both were quoted in the media, and Kelly had his comments on tape this week. Both agreed that Trump fit the definition of a fascist. The reaction has been varied, including "You gotta be kidding," "No kidding, those kinds of guys do not kid," "They were fired, disgruntled employees," and, unspecified, " Harris is worse.""John Kelly is "low life"and "Hitler did some good things",  replied Trump. Harris on 10/24 joined in with also calling Trump a fascist. Harris says Trump 'is a fascist' after official said he praised Adolf Hitler | AP News     A group of those also former staff for Trump in the White House signed a letter in support of Kelly's audio and reported statements. ‘This is who Donald Trump is’: Ex-Trump administration officials sign open letter backing John Kelly’s claims Both generals had up-close and first-hand experience in Trump's first term. (Milley was Trump's appointee as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and Kelly was Trump's longest-serving chief of staff.) Both served to put the brakes on Trump's worst illegal demands and attempt to defy the law and Constitution. Milley was ordered to use the military against US citizens. He told him, "No", you can't do that because it is against the law (oh? Don't forget he's got immunity now in 2024 from prosecution for breaking the law, remember?)Milley put it in writing in a draft letter of resignation he had sworn to uphold the Constitution, not a person. Milley, quoted in Bob Woodward's book WAR: Trump, was a "fascist to the core." Kelly, on the tape released this week, said Trump "fit the definition' of a fascist," and he was motivated to come out publicly last week because of Trump's repeated statements that he would use the military against his political enemies and opponents who Trump called" the enemy from within.."

 What part of the definition of fascists did  Trumpt try to match in the past and promises he will match if re-elected. John Kelly comes out swinging against Trump, says he fits 'fascist' definition   Per Kelly:" The former general held nothing back, arguing that Trump could fit the bill of a "fascist.""Well, looking at the definition of fascism: It's a far-right authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy," he told The Times". 

With Gen. Milley and Gen. John Kelly and Kamala Harris calling Trump a fascist, does that make MAGAs fascists, too? With Trump saying Hitler did some good things, does anyone care? Calling someone a fascist is no longer inflammatory? So take the Gen. Kelly test. You may be a fascist unawares. If you answer yes to what you want, look in the mirror. Kelly's definition: dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy (ie. one race or class is superior to others)

Trump fits all of them, and which part does Harris match (hint:0)?  The enabling document: Project 2025Once again, the definition of a fascist and is the kind of a country we will become if he succeeds follows.

Trump only wants yesmen to serve him and no constraints. If he wins the presidency again, neither one, Kelly or Milley, or anyone of their caliber and with loyalty to the Constitution will be around. If Trump wins the presidency again, he will also have immunity if he breaks the law, courtesy of his compliant Supreme Court ruling. If Trump wins the presidency again, he has the blueprint, a manual that shows him how to become a fascist ruler it is Project 2025 that shows the way to do it is by firing those who are not loyal to Trump and replacing them with those who will do as he orders, subverting the intent of the law, without Congress having to send him a piece of legislation to sign.

What part of the definition did  Trumpt try to match in the past and promises he will match if re-elected.? Trump fits all of them, and which part does Harris match (0)?  The enabling document: Project 2025

Bold print italics from the dictionary ( my comments in parentheses and not in bold)

 From Merriam-Webster:  

 "a movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascists) that exalts nation and often race (Extolling and preferring his own race is extremely evident and becoming more so. Examples of his devotion to white nationalists, neo Nazi's some fine  people, immigrants from Norway preferred,  disdain for "s..hole nations", immigrants brown and black with bad genes "poisoning our blood", ..and so much more. The "pride in country" part is not his as he is constantly putting down America which only he can fix.) ....... and advocates.  

 a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader ("dictator for a day," a government administered by those sworn to loyalty to the leader and not to the law or a constitution. wants generals like Hitler had). Harris pledges to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law).

 severe economic and social regimentation (replacing all appointees to cabinet and federal administrative positions with loyalists; continued opposition to a federal Row v Wade type of reproductive health care for women; ignoring and removing Constitutional civil rights protections; doing away with the Federal Reserve and Obamacare, among much more. Harris, in every instance pledging the opposite and a professional history of lifetime support)

and forcible suppression of opposition. (Trump's definition of "the enemy from within" is his political opponents such as Rep. Schiff and Nancy Pelosi. Milley and Kelly are cases in point above in opposing Trump's use of active military to put down opposition demonstrations, executing Milley, delicensing all opposition media, and prosecuting political opponents without any probable cause for wrongdoing but used as threats and harassment. Trump's use of violence, as in  January 6, and many prior years of approving of violence to suppress opposition is legendary. Harris is an experienced prosecutor sworn to uphold the rule of law and the rules and regulations governing her actions, a professional lifetime of doing it.) 

From the Cambridge Dictionary:

" political system based on a very powerful leader (that one desire seems to be on every lips of a MAGA)

 state control of social and economic life (particularly of women; replacing all appointees to cabinet and federal administrative positions with loyalists to the white nationalist evangelical ideology as screened and vetted by Project 2025; continued opposition to a federal Row v Wade type of reproductive health care for women; ignoring civil rights; doing away with the Federal Reserve and Obamacare, keeping tax breaks for the very rich, among much more. Harris in every instance, pledging the opposite)

 and extreme pride in country and race. (Repeated from above that one extolling and preferring his own race is extremely evident and becoming more so.) . The "pride in the country" part is not his; he is constantly putting down America as a failing, weak nation, so only he can fix it. One of his fixes  stopping wars by appeasement of our enemies and adversaries, giving them "what the hell they want and destorying NATO and other defense alliances)  Harris, multiracial herself, is the opposite, in about every way'

 with no expression of political disagreement allowed. (Using military to put down civil demonstrations; delicensing all opposition media, as noted above).

Trump calls John Kelly a "lowlife" after Hitler praise revelations

Trump adds to his enemies list...the enemies from within..leaving no doubt what he meant in spite of JDVance's attempt to deflect and clean up.

Short form based on above of a fascist:

  • a movement, or regime  that exalts nation and often race 
  •  a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial,or very powerful leader
  • and forcible suppression of opposition use of active military to put down opposition demonstrations
  • delicensing all opposition media
  •  prosecuting political opponents without any probable cause
  •  state control of social and economic life (particularly of women.keeping tax breaks for the very rich, 

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Pres. Trump, a president for MAGA loyalists; but not for blue states?

That Pres. Trump is a president only for MAGA loyalists, which is a tricky bit of criticism, but he has shown himself before. Harris says she would be a president for everyone, even those who did not vote for her. That is the contrast she wanted to dramatize, and it is certainly part of her appeal to form a coalition of traditional Republicans, independents, and Biden Democrats.  The most disturbing report of the Trump presidency, particularly with the frequent devastating wildfires of the past several years in, recently, a blue state, Colorado, was that Trump tried to refuse federal aid during a raging wildfire in California because "they were a blue state." Trump refused to give California wildfire aid until told how many people there voted for him, ex-aide says - POLITICO

Nothing says it better than that: Trump would be a president for those who are loyal to him because that is what is most important to him. 

Saturday, October 19, 2024

An incomplete list of MAGA litmus tests fact checked

 A MAGA litmus test: Approved and only answer always" true ... Fact checked"

There is a reason Trump has refused to appear in debates or appearances where he would be fact-checked in these few weeks leading up to election day. Instead, he only appears at FOX-friendly shows and before carefully screened friendly audiences. Each of the list has come from Trump's or Vance's lips within the past month and is demonstrably false or factually faux.

January 6 was a day of love
Ukraine caused Russia to invade oe Biden caused it
Trump did not threaten to use the military against political
The 2020 election was stolen.
Tariffs on imports do not raise prices to consumers

Immigrants ' crime rates are much higher than native-born Americans

    Americans wanted Roe v Wade to be sent to states

Libs want open borders: 
 On immigration we libs are not for "open borders" and we want legal and vetted immigrants, too but that takes a lot of money for enough guards and immigration lawyers to do it, but Trump killed the bipartisan bill that would provide it so his MAGA can remain angry through Nov. 5. One of many articles on this.

 Trump has been saying he would act against real enemies from within and use the military and National Guard against them. The lies coming from Trump's apologists are that Trump was just referring to immigrants.. Trump specifically named Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi as examples of enemies within. Trump is not confused,, He meant political opponents, but those who understand the damage the statement does are trying to confuse voters. This is the prime examples of gas lighting.

Harris sometmes mispeaks or makes partially untrue statements and exaggerates, too, but compared to Trump's blatant lies and "don't believe your eyes" , she is nowhere near Trump's track record of overt, provable lies often repeated and core to his stump speeches.

Favored fact check sites:
and search also for Harris's A brief summary of what damage Project 2025 does