Monday, October 14, 2024

FYI Trump is not the friend you think he is if you are on a budget, a woman, a person of color,.....

As the campaigns lure "undecided" or targeted demographic groups, there are irrational honey lures that need a reality check. If you are smitten his glittering persona, he is not the friend you think he is. If you think he is good for the economy, especially consumers and ordinary Americans on a budget, he is not your friend. If you are a woman, he is especially not your friend. He will instead treat you as a "threat from within" if you do not show loyalty to him or object to his suppressive, harmful policies.

If you are taken by Trump's machismo,  weigh this. Trump has a lifetime of racism and racial discrimination, and what he is promising to do if elected is to benefit his core supporters and to suppress those who are not, especially if you are an immigrant or have ancestors of any color.    In his past is calling tiki torch neo nazis some fine people, housing discrimination, making it hard for minority groups to vote using various methods, a birtherism crusade against Obama and his ranting against the innocent Central Park Five, voter suppression including inconveniencing access to ballot drop off locations in certain zip codes, and putting up administrative barriers, or intimidating those voting in person..  If his supporters have their way, as their Project 2025  blueprint goes, all affirmative action and anti-discrimination rules will be ended administratively (not by law or Congressional action). If you raise a voice against discrimination, you will be faced with Trump's promised use of the Department of Justice to cause you or your group money and time at best by facing criminal prosecution as you defend your civil rights. A few such prosecutions can serve to frighten even those not in a leadership position. Participate in a demonstration to protest Trump's executive orders? Expect him to call in the active army to put it down. He is promising that. If you have immigrant members of your family who may not have documentation of legal status, expect use the active army to hunt those without documents,  and place them in detention camps. 6.4 families are facing that vulnerability of having those in family both with legal status and not. If you choose to protest his policies, Trump will have your demonstrations ended by using active military to stop it. He has also whipped up into a froth with lies about the danger of all immigrants who are black or brown or are Muslim.  With friends like Trump, who needs enemies.

If you are a consumer on a budget, he has no plan to fight price gouging or fraud and he will cost your family money with his tariff scheme and raising prescription drug prices and harm your accesss to health care.  He himself has been convicted of fraud or forced to refund the money or his Trump University scheme to falsify business records to cheat banks and taxpayers, judged by jurors of his peers. His charitable foundations have been shut down because his family was using the money for personal benefit. He does have a plan to raise the cost of all imported goods across the board by imposing high tariffs on them to generate more money.  He also will continue the huge tax breaks to the rich and reverse forcing big pharma's prescription drug price costs. He has no plans to deal with high rent and price gouging by big corporations who control the housing markets. Obamacare is in jeopardy with his unspecified but suspected "concept," which would seriously harm those with pre-existing conditions with measures that have failed in the past. He refuses to be more specific because of the unpopularity of what he and his backers want. He spent his time trying to destroy Obamacare, not save it, FYI.  If you are a student, it is the mantra of MAGA to not give you any relief from student debt. 

You are fooling yourselves into thinking that Trump had a great economy to which all will magicallyreturn and prices will go back upon his re-election. The great economy under Trump was an illusion. In the first two years, it was due to the handoff left by Obama's successful economy that he did not change. In the last two years of his term, thanks mainly to COVID, we have had the worst economic and job losses since the Great Depression, which was his handoff to Biden.  Biden has managed to stop inflation, provide record job figures, and wage increases to compensate for the inflation that followed in the recovery from COVID-19's devastating effect on the supply chain and pent-up demand. By most indicators, we are back to the growth and economic figures before COVID struck. Gas at the pump prices are only slightly above what they were before the Ukraine conflict caused shortages. Interest rates are on their way down since inflation is close to the goal of 2% per year.  We never had the post-COVID recession that was predicted.

If you are a woman, Trump says he will let the states decide after appointing "pro-life" Supreme Court justices who carried out his wish to overturn Roe v Wade.  He can keep his extreme right-wing happy without signing a federal abortion ban into law or depending on Congress to pass one. Discrimination against women will revert to the 1960s status. A government now controls the reproductive lives of a third of Americans. If Project 2025 is his blueprint, his appointees will be able to extend access to birth control or deny other rights women have fought for since the 1970s.  His appointees will be able to do that in all states regardless of their local wishes by administrative means and rules without going to Congress or having Trump sign anything into law. In addition, affirmative action will also not be enforced via Project 2025. Discrimination against women will revert to the 1960s status.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

With General Milley calling Trump "fascist to the core", what's a fascist?

 With Trump's former chair of the Joint Chiefs, Gen.Milley, calling Trump" fascist to the core", here are some of the definitions of fascism.  What part of the definition does Trump not match?.  " From Merriam-Webster: "a ", movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascists) that exalts nation and often race (racism is central to Trump's political strategy. Fear of immigrants poisoning our blood with their bad genes is his current pitch)..... and advocates a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. "From the Cambrdge dictionary: " a political system based on a very powerful leaderstate control of social and economic life, and extreme pride in country and race, with no expression of political disagreement allowed.

During his presidency, Trump attempted to get the active military to put down demonstrators, and he promised political violence and retribution, using the DOJ to launch investigations of his opponents, whether there was probable cause or not. He had already advocated executing generals who did not obey his orders even when they violated the Constitution.. advocating and executing disobedience generals delicensing opposition media.  To get the power to successfully get done what he failed to do in a second term, the blueprint is ready to go. All he has to do is sign executive orders, and thanks to the Supreme Court, if he breaks the law doing it,  he is immune since all of these are official acts as president.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Trump to get an appropriate welcome for his photo op in Aurora, CO and here's what happened

As Trump continued his hate immigrants tour of very red and very glue states, here is what happened in Aurora Oct. 11, 2024:  Trump critics accuse him of 'demonizing' immigrants | Colorado-politics |

The "Haitians eat pets" hoax, the "FEMA money goes to immigrants" lie, and Venezuelan gangs run Aurora, Colorado BS"(even the GOP Aurora mayor says is a "gross exaggeration") are all part of this pitch, to scare his core racist and immigrant hater voters to turn out to vote. Colorado is giving Trump an appropriate welcome Friday, October 11. 

MUFTIC FORUM BLOG: Why Trump's immigration pitch works: It is cruel enough update 10/10/24

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

My updated elevator pitch answer to MAGA's BS about Biden's economy failures

 My one-floor elevator pitch when MAGA claims Biden was a failure.  He has a successful handoff to Harris Trump would reverse..   Updated 10 8 2024

  We had COVID. Remember??  It was the worst economy since the Great Depression, and Trump handed that off to Biden. Obama had handed off a great economy to Trump, too. The economy had frozen. When it thawed in 2021, there was pent-up consumer demand and screwed-up supply chains that caused too much demand for supplies, causing inflation. Biden fixed it. The inflation rate is now back close to 2% normal; interest rates already going down. Gas at the pump is less than a buck more than when Trump left office. The predicted recession never happened. Grocery price inflation has stopped, but prices are still too high. Housing and rents are still too high. Trump has no plan to fix those; Harris does. Trump's plans include cross-the-board tariffs on all imports, with costs passed on to consumers, adding $4K to a family's annual expenses and reigniting inflation.

Some of a variety of sources I relied on for these conclusions:

Trump says he will 'end' inflation. Economists say he'd make it worse (

Monday, October 7, 2024

Should we expect violence if Trump loses in November? Yes

Should we expect violence if Trump loses in November?  My belief: yes. Trump has a record of supporting political violence before and after January 6.  In the past few days, Trump and his media allies have increased their hyped up lies in such dire tones it looks like they are rallying supporters to commit violence if Trump loses on Nov. 5. Among them are trying to pin the blame on Democrats for attempts to assassinate him (The Butler attempt was a registered Republican; the one in Florida, a Democrat, but mental illness has not been discounted in either). It is particularly rich as more evidence comes out in the just court-released January 6 indictment that Trump stood by while the January 6 mob tried to lynch VP Pence, with a "so what"response to the warning from his own staff. Trump has a long history of supporting violence to get his way even before January 6, praising the January 6 rioters as patriots, and Trump and his allies have been threatening it again in advance of Nov. 5. 

I have a hard time getting my head around public polls that show the race is tight.  The race appears to be coming down to one-half of the electorate full of hate and fear and the rest of us in the other half.   I fear I have been overestimating the rationality and intelligence of the American people in the face of America's changing racial demographics.    It is hard to imagine that half the country is OK with a candidate who lies to make a political point, leaving even governors, mostly Republicans, of Ohio, North Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee calling Trump and Vance. calling out those lies of  "  Haitians eating pets" and "FEMA only delivers Helene aid to immigrants" idiocy.  I also wonder if a dictatorship sounds good to some since it is "their" dictator or one who advocates that political violence will get the job they want done if voters do not do it for them.

 My only thought reassuring me if Trump is elected is that the country would not be coming totally unglued in "chaos," violent or not, is that there will be a Democrat-controlled House. Just maybe state elections could defy predictions and have a squeak of a Democrat majority Senate. The issue of abortion and women's health would be the determining factor in those state-by-state races.  The Supreme Court is in Trump's pocket, but the lower courts are diverse and unpredictable.  We've seen in these past four years how long and slow that process is as appeals and responses, trials, and hearings seem to take forever.

Biden says he doesn’t have confidence in a peaceful transition of power if Trump loses | CNN Politics     Documented history of Trump's call to violence 2020-2024

He calls Harris a “fascist” i almost every public appearance — for instance, he said on August 26 in Virginia that “we have a fascist person running who’s incompetent.” He used similar rhetoric on August 23, August 17, and August 3 in campaign appearances. i

From an earlier blog posting this summer:Earlier this year, he claimed Biden was running a “Gestapo administration,” referring to the genocidal Nazi secret police. He parroted the language of some of history’s worst tyrants by calling his political opponents “vermin” and by warning that immigrants were “poisoning the blood” of the United States.

And when he refused to concede that he lost the 2020 election, Trump called supporters to Washington, DC, and told them to “fight like hell” or they wouldn’t have a country anymore. Then his supporters smashed their way into the US Capitol, to try to thwart the certification of Biden’s victory. Trump has since called those arrested over the events of January 6, 2021, political prisoners and said he’d look at pardoning them if he wins back the White House in November.

Even now Trump is warning he will only accept the result of this year’s election if he deems it fair and has warned he will seek to jail officials and political opponents if he wins back power.We heard this before in October 2020;    It will be Trump's definition of legal and legit, of course.  Courts did not count then but they have the Supreme Court compliant now. 

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Trump's con games: he is "protecting women" and "defender of democracy"

Trump knows his Achilles heels are his positions on women's reproductive health and his wanting to be a dictator on day one.  Democracy and women's control over their bodies' health are the issues on the table that have given his opponents par or a slight edge.  His attempt to turn the tables is worthy of a belly laugh:  No'"I will protect women" and" I am the defender of democracy," he proclaimed within this past week.  Those are very hard sells after all he has done in the past to grab women in their private parts, cheat on his wives, and make it his goal to overturn Roe v Wade.  An even harder sell is having promised he would be a dictator on day one as the one to defend democracy.   He is the one who said he wanted to be a dictator and who engineered a violent coup or who forced those who once were loyal to him to defy the law and arbitrarily count fake electors in place of the certified ones or to "find" his missing votes. With that kind of defender of women, it's the women who need real protection from him.   With that kind of defender of democracy,  who needs a dictator? He already fits the job description.

Let's at least agree on the definition of terms. 

DEMOCRACY: This one from Meriam Webster:  a

government by the people especially rule of the majority.,,,a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections." That is roughly the kind of government we have had for 250 years.  (Thank you, Trump, you almost succeeded the first time in overthrowing the vote of the people, and you are already planning to do it better the second time)

DICTATORSHIP From  Cambridge:
"Dictatorship is a form of government in which one person or a small group possesses absolute
 power without effective constitutional limitations. (Thank you, Supreme Court, for that immunity gift to Trump)

AUTOCRACY: from Cambridge: "government by a single person or small group that has unlimited power or authority. "     My observation: This differs only from dictatorship because it is the rule of a person,  not of a group.  

Why Trump's immigration pitch works: It is cruel enough update 10/10/24

 Here is why Trump is doubling down on "mass deportations" as his main pitch in the closing days of the presidential campaign.  It is cruel enough to get his voters to turn out.  The immigrant issue, as Trump uses it, appeals to the irrationality of emotions held by so many of his followers. Facts and "fix the administrative problems" have no traction with them. Cruelty is the point.They seem quite OK with breaking up families(6.4 million families have both legal and undocumented members), using the military to do it, and sending them to detention camps.

 (From a 10/10/24 separate posting reproduced here:)The "Haitians eat pets" hoax, the "FEMA money goes to immigrants" lie, and Venezuelan gangs run Aurora, Colorado BS"(even the GOP Aurora mayor says is a "gross exaggeration") are all part of this pitch, to scare his core racist and immigrant hater voters to turn out to vote. Colorado is giving Trump an appropriate welcome Friday, October 11.

Harris, on the other hand, has a long history as DA and AG of following the rule of law and going after immigrant law breakers and gangs. Her solutions are not cruel. The only explanation I can see for wilful ignorance of  cruelty or  foradvocating cruelty is that cruelty must fulfill some primal sense of satisfaction.85 % percent of the GOP support the concept of mass deportation. A much smaller percent of independents and democrats support the concept of mass deportation...but a little more than half of the total electorate also support mass deportations. For 39% of voters, immigration is their top issue, and 54% support mass deportation, but that means many still go along with the concept even if they do not understand the cruelty. How many of them understand what Trump is proposing is cruel and probably cannot be measured by asking a simple question to a pollster if you do or do not support mass deportation.  

In case there is any doubt left that cruelty and hatred are the drivers of the Trump base, Trump, JD Vance, and others have whipped up hatred and fear of any brown or black immigrants (no problem with those from Norway), legal or not, because the issue of immigration is a stand-in, a code word, for his core campaign strategy.  It is an issue that is also natural for him given his long history of housing discrimination, birtherism, and attacks on the Central Park Five and Charleston, where he called new Nazi tiki torch marchers "fine people on both sides." It was that issue that catapulted him into national political success.  He has been using racial hatred before and after he descended on his golden escalator., but particularly on that kickoff event (migrants at southern borders are mostly rapists and murderers, and they are going to adulterate the blood of Americans)..  To do that, he has to lie and exaggerate. The lies about the characteristics of immigrants as criminals are ongoing and even shrill in these later 30 days of the campaign. Every statistic available verifies immigrants were less likely to commit crimes than anyone else due to the fear of being caught, jailed, and kicked out of the country (as the law permits) so to make a point, Trump and his spokespersons have to lie and exaggerate.. The prime example was that Haitian migrants were eating Springfield pets, and even his running mate, JD Vance, said he had the right to lie about it if it made a political point.  Trump then turned his focus on Aurora, Colorado, that Venezuelan gangs had taken over the city, but called off a visit when the GOP mayor admitted he had exaggerated the problem.   And now the lie that FEMA was only going to immigrants in the wake of Hurricane Helene is insulting to anyone on the ground and providing relief who knows better.  And those who look to justify their gut feelings of fear and loathing of black and brown people are eager to use, spread,  or believe the lies.   This is a get-out-the-vote strategy that only appeals to those already supporting Trump since the sorting out of those motivated by racism and hatred has already chosen sides long ago.

Harris provides a non-cruel alternative.  Fund better screening of asylum seekers; deny migrants just looking for a better economic opportunity; and if a migrant breaks the law. the law, they can be deported using the rule of law that exists, though all need of these measures need to be better funded and enforcement needs to be increased.Kamala Harris spent a great part of her life as an AG and DA prosecuting immigrant gangs and has been in their smuggling tunnels. She comes from a border state. Illegal border crossings are already down to what Trump's were when he left office. She already knows the problem and what needs to be done and pledges to take tough with well-funded action to fix it. Trump killed the best border control bill funding ever last spring so he could keep his MAGA Base angry and have something to run on. The number of migrants illegally crossing the U.S.-
Daily crossings have fallen below 2,400. Due to Biden's executive order. That was the lowest level of crossings when Trump left office.,

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Update on the Tina Peters trial: 9 years for criminal election interference

Update on the Tina Peters trial: 9 years for criminal election interference. She was defiant to the end, no remorse. A true MAGA soldier, a true believer who was loyal to Trump but not to democracy and the Constitution. Her conviction should serve as a warning to other election officials who try to interfere with the count, as the Trump campaign appears to be planning to do in 2024 as they did in 2020.  The rule of law still prevails.

Tina Peters was sentenced to 9 years.

Hear how the judge came down on her: Colorado County Clerks Association responds to Tina Peters' sentence | Watch (

 From my Substack posting of 8/13/24:

There has been a great deal of hand-wringing about MAGA replacing local election clerks with election deniers in a plot, hardly secret, to throw the 2024 presidential elections into chaos and even violence if Donald Trump appears to have lost the election. Here is what it took in Colorado to successfully prosecute a county clerk who tinkered with election computers. Former Colorado clerk Tina Peters found guilty in election computer breach (

The 2024 version of MAGA plans to overturn the election is to place election deniers and Trump loyalists in swing states in local election board officials. The plot, well underway now, would have MAGA election officials in swing states refuse to certify results on some pretext of fraud, though they do not have the power to make that determination if the Constitution empowering them contains “shall relay results.” Shall means it is an administrative duty that they are required to perform.

The state Attorney General removed Tina Peters from election administration functions earlier. That is how we did it in Colorado and how it could be done in the MAGA-targeted scheme elsewhere. The fight has moved to Georgia, where the state elections board claims they have the power to refuse to relay the results, contrary to the “shall” provision in their state constitution. This is an attempt to get around the “shall,” and no doubt will result in court actions. In the meantime, the Tina Peters case gives the blueprint for how to deal with election deniers who do not abide by the rules, and it may serve as a warning to the MAGA wannabe certification deniers at the local and county levels.

MAGA replaced my own county clerk in Colorado in an election squeaker two years ago with one suspected of being an election denier. The state GOP party chair election denier, Dave Williams, was recently defeated in his primary bid for Congess and there is an earnest attempt to oust him as GOP chair. Judge allows Colorado Republicans to meet to remove Dave Williams (     Update 8/24/24 Colorado Republican Party members vote to oust chairman Dave Williams (

Georgia county election boards could refuse to certify results under new rule : NPR

Election certification under threat - CREW | Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (

MUFTIC FORUM BLOG: Colorado, an epicenter of the conflict between election deniers and established voting systems.

Jeff Crank defeats Dave Williams, the Colorado GOP chair, in congressional primary • Colorado Newsline

Colorado GOP picks election denier Dave Williams to lead party into 2024 (axio