Friday, August 30, 2024

Did you notice when a strong woman blocks his actions, they are crazy, mental cases

 Vintage Trump.  Misogynist, scofflaw, and disrespectful of those who gave their lives in defense of our country. When confronted by an authoritative woman who stands in his way, he has a long history of just calling them stupid, crazy, or a mental case.  That was only part of Trump's stupid political trick this past week at the Arlington Cemetery. He committed a trifecta of political backfires with this act of misogyny, disrespect of those who gave their lives to this country, and an arrogant violator of federal law. Trump used a soldier's grave as a prop for a political message, and he shoved aside a female guard as he was told he was breaking the law using the grave for political purposes. A Trump staff member called the guard "clearly suffering from a mental health episode." The Army responded with a rebuke of Trump's actions and support for their guard. Trump violated federal law with his arrogant act of disrespect for the fallen he had called suckers and losers, giving his opponents the opportunity to remind voters of his other acts of disrespect. If he meant to make an issue of Biden's messy withdrawal from Afghanistan, the message got mostly lost in the flap's backfire.

It also got Lia Cheney's dander up, too.  She called Trump and Vance "misogynist pigs".Liz Cheney Rips Into ‘Misogynistic Pigs’ Trump and Vance to Hoots and Hollers (

From the Army rebuke of Trump verifying the shove and the breaking of a federal law“ Participants in the August 26th ceremony and the subsequent Section 60 visit were made aware of federal laws, Army regulations and DoD policies, which clearly prohibit political activities on cemetery grounds. An ANC employee who attempted to ensure adherence to these rules was abruptly pushed aside,” the Army spokesperson said in the statement on Thursday.

 Not to be outdone, his Vice Presidential candidate, JD Vance, disagreed with Harris on the Afghanistan withdrawal at an event. In his closing argument to what he called a "disagreement", he concluded with, "Harris can go to hell. "  Only a whimper arose from the media. Single cat ladies were just his opening salvo. However, his attitude toward women and Trump's as well were on display for the world to see.

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