Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Trump's challenge:appealing to the misogynists and racists while trying to look like he is not.

 Trump is having a hard time appealing to the misogynists and racists in his base while trying to look like he is not a misogynist and a racist to others. Who is he fooling? Not me. His dog whistles are earsplitting as he rallies MAGA. He is trying out a variety of verbiage, and so far, it has not worked to expand his appeal to all but those who are already in the choir to which he is preaching. He seems not even trying to win friends and influence independents. The blowback and the deftness of Harris keep getting in his way. Having been the first woman to take on an entrenched mayor, male, and old-school political boss some 40 years ago, I can relate. Dirty jokes, slurs, and more like that behind my back stuff did not deter me, and I came in second place in a field of 13 candidates. My supporters were as many males as females. In public, I just ignored the dirty misogynism and, in private, laughed them off and kept on trucking. Kamala Harris is taking the same course. However, surrogates do not have to take the vow of silence, nor should opinion writers. To males threatened by strong, outspoken, fearless women like Harris, calling women stupid or emotional (crazy), ugly in politics is an oldie and not a goodie attack line. Claiming they got there by sleeping around is another. There is not much I could do about my race (white), gender (married, 3 children), blonde/blue-eyed.. Any ethnic background in a city with a large Hispanic minority? (There indeed was a Hispanic connection of a great-grandmother, an immigrant from Spain, and a bilingual family of my father's early years on the Colorado plains), but I did not make a big deal of that, though I honored those unusual roots). I, a DEI? , Huh? There was no affirmative action in place in the early days of the women's lib movement. It was still an upward struggle and not yet completed years later, ether.


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