Saturday, August 3, 2024

What does the Heritage Foundation have to do with Trump's campaign? My answer, updated.

 On a private Facebook site, a rare one where the entire spectrum of political thinkers can meet, one posting asked what the Heritage Foundation has to do with Donald Trump's campaign.  This is my response. The backup documentation and details have been frequently posted on this blog. Search Heritage Foundation and Project 2025.   Update: 8/12/24    ProPublica just released training videos of Project 2025 if you had any doubts about connections to JD Vance, the Trump campaign, and the "How to" training of how the Christian right plans to take over the executive branch, destroy references to global warming and climate change, and civil and affirmative rights beginning Day One. Inside Project 2025’s Secret Training Videos — ProPublica

There is also an action plan for the first 180 days of the 2nd Trump administration, courtesy of Project 2025.. Both this and the training of course are dependent on Trump being elected in November 2024. From Google:  "The time is short, and conservatives need a plan. The project will create a playbook of actions to be taken in the first 180 days of the new Administration to bring quick relief to Americans suffering from the Left's devastating policies.


 The key is getting Trump elected in 2024 because he is the tool to execute the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025. Trump attempted to do it with Schedule F changes but failed when he was President. It is a takeover of the administrative state, which MAGA calls the deep state, by ideological loyalists.. The Heritage Foundation's Project Project 2025, 150 right-wing and Christian nationalist and former Trump staffers plan funded by $150 million to get rid of potentially two million civil service employees and to replace them with those pledging to and passing their ideological litmus test in the federal executive branch. Personnel applications and screening are already ready in the process.. The purpose is in all branches of government to have all employees and presidential appointees apply administrative decisions that are ideologically based and uniformly practiced and no longer pledged to the Constitution and the rule of law, as they are now, but to carry out their extreme religious convictions. It is a way to sabotage the intent of the legislation and laws. The impact would last for years, long past any Trump occupation of the Oval Office.

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