Monday, August 12, 2024

Trump's mental health issues: what is a narcisstic sociopath? What is "projection"?

From the substack post today: 

Conservative lawyer and pundit George Conway has been calling Trump a narcissistic sociopath on recent cable shows.  What is that, and is Trump one?  Trump has also been called out for "projecting". Does he project his own negative characteristics, claiming others have them, not him?  Let's look at both accusations about his mental health, definitions of terms, and the impact on the presidential campaign.  


Trump's mental health condition of being a narcissistic sociopath contributes to his political positions and actions. 

We recently heard VP Harris refer to Trump as being about himelf when accusing Trump of sabotaging the bi-partisan immigration bill to keep it a political issue instead. "“Donald Trump does not care about border security, he only cares about himself."” That is one way to accuse Trump as being a narcissistic sociopath.

Have professional psychologists called Trump a narcissistic person? Yes. They tagged him with a “narcissistic personality disorder.”

What is a narcissistic person? From Mayo Clinic:

"Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much "attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence, they are unsure of their self-worth and are easily upset by the slightest criticism."

This from the Cambridge English Language dictionary made reference to unjustified delusions of superiority and power. "Narcissism is an exaggerated sense of self-love while megalomania is an exaggerated sense of self-worth based on fantasies of power, attractiveness, and other physical or psychological attributes and, therefore, all megalomaniacs are narcissists, but not all narcissists are megalomaniacs. "

What is a sociopath? Is Trump also that? From Psychology Today: How to identify a person with this trait is also part of this article."Sociopathy refers to a pattern of antisocial behaviors and attitudes, including manipulation, deceit, aggression, and a lack of empathy for others. Sociopathy is a non-diagnostic term, and it is not synonymous with "psychopathy." However, the overlap leads to frequent confusion. Sociopaths may or may not break the law. Still, by exploiting and manipulating others, they violate the trust that the human enterprise runs on." Trump’s cruelty in family separation policies to scare off illegal immigrants is a classic example of a lack of empathy. MUFTIC FORUM BLOG: Hispanic vote: GOP cruelty is their point; 16.7 million families could be ripped apart updated 8/8/2024 There are so many fact-checks of his lies, deceits, and distortions that are just too many to list here. This is a sampling ,though: MUFTIC FORUM BLOG: Fact checking the presidential debate:Trump wins the liar prize

The most glaring example of Trump's was this impactful deception: Democrats per Trump were the ones who cheated in the 2020 election (no evidence ever emerged of the”big lie” after 3 years), and now Trump and MAGA plan to cheat in 2024.


What is projecting, and does Trump do it? Trump also projects his shortcomings on his opponents, accusing them of what he is guilty of.  That is called "projection"

Projection is the process of displacing one's feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one's own unacceptable urges to another. "


 One Of Trump's greatest tricks of turning black into white if he is self-aware unconsciously of doing it is called by psychologists "projection".  When criticized, Trump often responds to personal attacks by pinning the act on someone else. Here are so examples of this trick: It is called "projection," and it is a way to deflect criticism. These are from CNN,. “This impulse to deflect and project continued in the general election against Hillary Clinton. So, when Trump was accused of being the “most corrupt candidate ever,” she became “Crooked Hillary.”..When Trump came under fire for racist appeals, he called Clinton a “bigot.”When Clinton raised questions about Trump’s erratic and impulsive behavior, he called her unstable, unhinged, lacking the “judgment, temperament and moral character to lead this country. ….For example, during the Mueller investigation, when he kept asserting without evidence that “there was no Collusion except by Crooked Hillary and the Democrats.”

We were getting deluged by Trump’s projections of the “Biden crime family”, when it is Trump that got convicted of crimes. Biden never got even charged with a crime. Son Hunter did, but the tie to Pres. Biden was never proven as a witness turned out to be a Chinese spy. Trump is struggling with trying to brand VP Harris, but watch for his “projections”

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