Saturday, August 24, 2024

The hidden and not so hidden Trump agenda .

 I was just presented with a Trump agenda by a MAGA .:(below in the meme graphic0  The real agenda is a hidden one...or at least,  it was not spoken out loud until the Heritage Foundation with Project 2025 and laid out he first 180 days of the transition playbook, put it in writing for all to read. is my response to the MAGA plan as presented in the "Real Donald Trump" GOP agenda for 2025. The "real" part is what you are supposed to hear. It is not the real one.

Even before COVID-19, Trump failed to carry out his own agenda when he controlled the Oval Office and both houses of Congress. He now thinks he knows how to govern...become a dictator immune from criminal prosecution, and destroy democracy, bringing us rule by a person and not by the people. In short, he never learned how to work to get things done in a democracy, so his plan is to become a dictator/autocrat and destroy that democracy. Biden took parts of what Trump had dreamed about and failed and got it done. As President Trump, even before COVID, was a failure as his economy coasted along on the accomplishments of the prior administration. Trump began his agenda with 4 years of infrastructure week( 0 accomplished: Biden got it done)) and continued to engineer failure from Mar a Logo, sabotaging a conservative bi-partisan immigration bill to give Maga something to run on. fueled by fear, lies, and hate.

Here is the hidden or not so hidden agenda others see. Stupidly proposing to increase inflation with tariffs on imports with fees passed on to consumers, and is planning to sabotage elections by fake electors and compliant elections officials interfering with the election process to secure them for the MAGA party. even though they lose the 2024 election. In his second term., following the desires of Project 2025 and his only public statements, he wants to revert to Jim Crow point 2, returning uninclusive participation in governance and the economy to the 1950s; suppress freedom of the press by delicensing opposition, force an unpopular white Christian nationalist agenda on the majority of the population, which is not white evangelical Christian, sic the DOJ on his political enemies, and use the army to put down any opposition demonstrations. The immigration bi-partisan bill (by the way, included federal dollars to build the wall), which Trump failed to do because he could not get Mexico to pay for it,) Through executive orders, appointments, and Schedule F, he plans fire all bureaucrats who do swear loyalty to him or do not rubber stamp his demands. He began abusing Schedule F toward the end of his term by using permission given him to designate certain governmental positions except from civil service process. Project 2025 plans to have a re-elected Trump expand those exemptions ten times what it is now and replace them with political appointees. Biden stopped it with rules, but such rules can be overturned easily. . Civil Service is bye-bye. Bring on the political hacks stead/ He can commit all the felonies he wants to in implementing his agenda since his friends on the Supreme Court gave him immunity to do so. Heil Boss Trump. He wants to make his peer group internationally Putin and Orban...who have shown him the way.

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