Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Nearly unknwn nationally, Walz defined himself in the cultural and populism wars

 From my Substack posting: 8/7/2024    Harris's pick of Gov. Tim Walz's for her running mate is the Democrat's answer to the Trump cultural wars.  In addition, he gives a new spin to populism with his focus on kitchen table issues.His populism is not based on hate, fear, and anger as is the Trump brand. Walz defined himself in the 8/6 rally in Philadelphia. Walz is the Democrat’s answer to the Trump cultural wars. Considered a blue dog dem when he was in Congress, he revealed his kind of populism, kitchen table down to earth and a dollop of libertarian on cultural issues. His best line on IVF and choice: “Mind your own damn business.” Both of his kids were the result of IVF. It's the best antidote to MAGA’s anti-woke cultural chants, too. His message I heard was loud and clear: keep the government out of my private life, and I will respect my neighbor’s choices. Walz was a fireball on the political mass gathering stage at the Philly rally. His background as a winning football coach and crowd-inspiring positive persona will earn him the best title ever: Coach Walz

From  my Facebook post 8/8/2024 Finally I have been given a name to what has inspired me to write and be active in politics for the past 60 years. So, excuse my self-indulgence in putting this in a FB post. Thanks to Gov. Tim Walz, I now have a name to what I have been philosophically for the years I have been active in politics and business: I am a kitchen table populist..and, like Harris, earned my spurs in a prosecutor's office as director of the DA white collar crime and consumer affairs unit.. When some 40 years ago, I ran for mayor with a platform of combatting Denver's brown cloud, protecting neighborhood quality of life, and safe from being a commuter's freeway through them with alternative transportation and mass transit. I did not win, but came in 2nd in a field of 13, and still continued advocating for consumers and neighborhoods (taking a view protection case to the US Supreme Court,) a radio talk show host, and as Denver's Clerk and Recorder, part of duties as an election commissioner, expanding voter access to minority neighborhoods. Later, I was an executive with a non-profit debt counseling service. I was inspired by having married an immigrant with no command of English and had to take over the family's financial management.. It was a wake-up call to learn all I could to be competent. I wrote a book on the subject, The Colorado Consumer Handbook, which is now out of print.

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