Saturday, September 30, 2023

If democracy is on the ballot in 2024, are age and competence still issues updated 10 6 2023

 While it appears the Biden administration is placing democracy as the main message in the 2024 presidential election, there are other issues that need to be addressed and cannot be ignored. What is clear is that without democracy and maintaining its structure and practice as we have known it, public policy issues that address citizen needs cannot be expressed and debated.  Democracy practiced as we have known it for 250 years provides that ability for the majority to express its will, yet it gives the minority protection to convince voters they have a chance to become the majority view in the future.  Democracy is for everyone.   Nonetheless, there are public policy issues on the table in 2024, and the question of the direction of the country and the competence of the individual candidates to advance them, for good or evil, cannot be ignored. The elephant in the room in 2024: abortion rights. In Colorado, it will be on the 2024 ballot.

The following originally appeared in  the 9/28-30/2023 blog postings and is reproduced here:

Are age and competence still issues in 2024?  They cannot be ignored and they can cut both ways.  If age is a concern, so is competence and effectiveness. . If vigor is the only criterion, is it to be used for good or evil ?. There is a case to be made that Trump's second term will also be as incompetent as the first one  Trump may be three years younger, but getting things done to help people? His failure is in his effectiveness at any age to implement his public policies have failed. He has used his appearance vigor to advance his own power enhancement, using fear, revenge,  and violence as his tools. He plans to use vigor to turn our democracy into his autocracy.  He is using his vigor to destroy those in his way. 

Biden's wisdom and judgment are his assets; his competence ia based on years in the Senate and as Vice President.  He knows how to get things done that help voters who need help. His track record in the past three years in getting his legislative agenda enacted is ranked by observers as the most since the Lyndon Johnson years.   Biden still can draw this contrast as a counter to his frail appearance. Do not underestimate his effectiveness.  Biden's book you cannot judge by its cover.    

 Competence is still an issue out there, though now secondary to the democracy vs anti-democracy emphasis.   Aside from the House clown show, we see what kind of a future another Trump administration would have in store for us. More incompetence, counterproductive solutions to problems,  and failure to address and enact goals were the track records of the first Trump term. His controversial attempt to grab autocratic power will distract the second Trump term. Even now, the House is tied up in knots by a few of the radical right who are obstructionists. They are just bent on stopping what everyone else in Congress proposed, and what they propose would surely die in the Senate. Power and attention are what they crave and what they are getting.

  Biden's skills and wisdom got some of the most popular parts of the Trump agenda done. Infrastructure funding, American manufacturing, and jobs, jobs, jobs. The public policy issues Trump originally espoused, reviving American industry and employment opportunities, , and reducing the national debt, were good ideas,  but his actions were failing before COVID struck.   Raising tariff barriers got us nowhere in helping American industry, and a tax policy that benefitted the rich did not generate enough income to the treasury to offset the losses. Trickle-down failed.  The debt soared under Trump by 43%, but only a part of the increase was due to COVID. In the first several years of Biden, debt increased only by 13%.   Trump's holding infrastructure week once a year resulted in the road to good intentions, but nothing was built or funded until Biden's legislative skills got it done. Inflation fell under Biden from around 9% at the beginning to around 3%,  far better than Europe's 6%, though most inflation depends on the Federal Reserve's control of interest rates. Biden kept Trump's appointee fed chair in office. While we are not where either Biden or others would like it all to be, the trend line is good and almost there. 

 An American First foreign policy espoused by Trump,  weakening NATO, failure to deal with China's encroachment in the southeast Asian seas by killing trade agreements with China's neighbors, and bootlicking North Korea and Putin, made us weaker and geeenlighted Russia's invasion of Ukraine, destabilizing Western Europe, and revived nuclear sabor rattling. He made it worse or did not deal with the nuclear threat of North Korea and enabled  Iran to become a threat again. Once again, his election would give hope to a Chinese grab of Taiwan because we become isolationists and leave Ukraine to the mercy of Russia, abandoning our support of Ukraine. 

 Calling climate change a farce in Trump's first-term and second-term plans did not stop the palpable effects of record hurricanes, fires, and floods.  Biden is getting a handle on it,  while he sensibly began to change to a green economy while seeing natural gas as a bridge to a green future. His efforts are beginning to gain traction. It is a start, at least.

 Trying to undermine Obama care by replacing it with nothing else or ignoring the high cost of pharma as Trump did make a feeble attempt near the end of his term, but it was Biden who got it done..  Biden's reduction and forcing pharma to bid on Medicare meds is just now being felt.  My daughter, an elementary school teacher, is now feeling relief from student debt, but Trump told his Secretary of Education she did not have the power to cancel student loan debt. The Supreme Court agreed.  However,   Biden figured a way to give some relief to those in public service segments. 

Statement from President Biden on Historic Action to Lower Prescription Drug Costs | The White House

Update: 10/6/23    GOP trounces Dems on economy and border security: poll ( inflation is still felt by voters means all of the touting of full employment, GDP growth, and Bideneconomics will not move the poll needle.  The problem is that consumers do not see inflation decreasing so long as they compare grocery costs before COVID with what they are paying now..even if the prices seem to be leveling off or decreasing from the month before.  The only hope for Dems is that the presidential election is a year away and we cannot predict what the inflation rate will be and  if prices decrease enough to make consumers feel better. The other hope is that other issues like abortion and the GOP clown show, fear of a Trump dictatorship,  and Trump's legal woes eclipse the economic issues.  

Trump's building the wall and having Mexico pay for it failed as an immigration policy. True, Biden still has not solved that problem, either, since what is driving the wannabe immigrants shift from Mexico and Central America to Venezuela and other  South American countries with their failed governments and economies.  Biden must give more serious attention to this knotty problem. We may have stopped the non-existent "caravans" of "Mexican rapists and murderers", but now those knocking on our doors are victims of economic deprivation and fear of drug cartels and oppressive government policies that persecute the non-compliant, so more seek legitimate refuge. These require new approaches and greater border staffing and settlement assistance. Small steps have begun. Biden administration announces relief for Venezuelans in the US in bid to ease burden on NYC officials (

Update: 10/6/23 Biden is heeding the call on immigration and now is building more walls. Whether the wall works is probably not the issue; it is, however, symbolic and political as he can point to a step he can take to placate even the growing sense in his own party that he needs to do something, anything, to stop the flow of economic refugees.  In the meantime, Trump issues a clarion anti-immigrant, neo-fascist bullhorn to his white nationalist supporters and their allies: to continue, scroll down.

There are other paths to resolving the immigration issue, but they take money.  From Unidos, We need humane immigration reform, not walls. -

There is another issue on the horizon: Trump's dissing the military: Private bonespurs is attacking the military at every opportunity. This in time may tick off veterans and military families if he keeps that up. There is resentment among old-time military retirees about Biden's "woke" military. However, calling those who serve and sacrifice " losers and suckers" may well offset that. That is an issue worth staying tuned to: Aside from Milley's parting salvo and a rising chorus of brass, Tubberville's holding the military hostage to the abortion issue, anti-Ukraine aid voices increasing, Trump's habit of informing the world at Mar-A-Lago of top naval secrets may begin to be felt in the polls.. An excellent opinion piece on the issue: Trump's 'losers' and 'suckers' troops scandal is one final call to action for America (     Milley blasts "woke" as pure B......

Update 10/5/23  
Did Trump really say immigrants are poisoning our blood? That is not just fascism, it is 1930's Nazi speak. From the Maddow Blog
The Meidas Touch Network published this report, accompanied by a striking video, highlighting a Trump interview that generated less attention. In reference to migrants entering the United States, the former president said on camera, to an outlet called the National Pulse:
“Nobody has any idea where these people are coming from, and we know they come from prisons. We know they come from mental institutions and insane asylums. We know they’re terrorists. Nobody has ever seen anything like we’re witnessing right now. It is a very sad thing for our country. It’s poisoning the blood of our country.”

Donald Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That It’ll Weigh Down the Economy for Years — ProPublica

What is the US national debt and how has it grown over time? (

Monday, September 25, 2023

America's future, the short and the long, macro and micro, at stake in 2024 updated 9/30/23, 10/2/23

 Upated 10/2/23 The strongest argument Democrats have on their behalf in 2024 is a choice in the short term between chaos and control by the "clown show" of the MAGAs in the House and a second-term Trump, or will it be a choice for a candidate, including the Biden, striving for more peace and prosperity and the rule of law.

 With a Trump victory, it is chaos and conflict, a country tied up in knots by a party and its leader bent on revenge, ginning up racial and cultural conflicts, and consolidation of power in one man's hands  who believes that violence is an acceptable tool to advance its agenda. Trump is openly calling for political violence – and 'that is the story of the 2024 election': analyst ( is what is at stake in the macro sense in the next four years.  Political violence is not democracy: the rule of law is. Merrick Garland, attorney general on CBS 10/1/23: People can argue with each other as much as they want and as vociferously as they want. But the one thing they may not do is use violence and threats of violence to alter the outcome. An important aspect of this is the American people themselves. American people must protect each other. They must ensure that they treat each other with civility and kindness, listen to opposing views, argue as vociferously as they want, but refrain from violence and threats of violence. That's the only way this democracy will survive.Scott Pelley: Why do you feel so strongly about that?Merrick Garland: Well, I feel it for a number of reasons and a number of things that I've seen. But for my own family, who-- who-- fled religious persecution in Europe and some members who did not-- survive. When they got to the United States, United States protected them. It guaranteed-- that they could practice their religion, that they could vote, they could do all the things they thought a democracy would provide. That's the difference between this country and many other countries. And it's my responsibility, it's the Justice Department's responsibility to ensure that that difference continues, that we protect each other.Scott Pelley: Two of your ancestors were murdered in the Holocaust.Merrick Garland: Yes.Scott Pelley: Is that why you devoted yourself to the law?Merrick Garland: Yes. That's-- I would say that's why I devoted myself to the rule of law-- to public service-- to trying to ensure that the rule of law governs this country and continues to govern this country.

The macro view of the long of it: November 2024 is not just a  battle between two old men over the next four years. It is whether democracy, as we have known it for 250 years, will continue.  It is choosing between visions of entire political parties or their factions up and down the ballot, giving the winner the backup needed to succeed.  Will we ever be a country,  and answer "yes" to the words of Rodney King: Can't we all just get along? Or will we be tied up in the madness of gridlock, inaction, incompetence, conflict, and even state-sanctioned violence, revenge,  and repression, leading to a one-man rule , an autocracy?   

The significance of Biden's Tempe speech:

The problem is there are plenty of pundits pointing out the choice between democracy and autocracy or a plethora of similar terms, but until Biden took off his kid gloves once again in Tempe, AZ, 9/28/23, that choice still needed defining and boosted. It appeared that the once disdained "political science" of a pro-democracy position for a Biden second term had gained traction in spite of its abstract concept in the midterms. It is not the first time Biden had addressed the theme. MUFTIC FORUM BLOG: Bravo. Biden brands MAGA Republicans, extremists, semi-fascists  (August 2022) Lately, he had said something similar to a smaller gathering. MUFTIC FORUM BLOG: Finally Biden takes off the kid gloves and attacks Trump as wanting to destroy democracy  

 Both of these messages got little coverage by the media, but they are becoming the overarching plank on Biden's platform and his case for re-electing him. Biden's speech, combined with Trump's inflammatory remarks on retiring Gen. Mark Milley, who" should have been shot",  should have been a media fire alarm and put in the context of how a dictator acts (treason per Trump is loyalty to dear leader, not to the constitution),\. Instead,  Biden's Tempe democracy remarks were covered as passing reference in the context of praise of John McCain and the opening of the McCain library. It took the next day for the coverage of his remarks about the danger of the MAGA movement to be reported as a stand-alone story. (I know: I could not find much coverage searching keywords like "democracy" or MAGA  from YouTube to Google later in the day of the Tempe speech.)  .  Slowly, in the few days following Tempe, the non-Trump devoted media realized the importance of Biden's attack on both Trump and MAGA in the context of their danger to democracy. The significance of that, for the first time, he called both of them out by name and did it with bullet point clarity. It was not just Trump that got tagged, it was the extreme core of his most loyal supporters and the dangerous movement they both represented.  Even then, I had to go to the White House site a day after the Tempe event to get the text and reproduce it on this blog. 

    In spite of media message coverage muddling, voters were getting the message that their democracy was indeed in danger, and polls showed it figured into the poor showing of the GOP in the 2022 midterms. Media may have thought the political science approach was boring and did not get them more listeners, readers, and users of social media, but they underestimated their audience's intelligence and ability to think critically.

  Biden represents a safe harbor, stability,  and the best chance for democracy's survival.  It was becoming an effective message strategy, more so than "what has Biden done for you...lately and effectively in spite of his age".  Until now, Biden's slogan seemed to be "competence vs chaos". However, the results of Biden's bi-partisan legislative successes and his competence were not felt yet by the voters. Fear of the chaos of a Trump second term was taking on greater urgency as the indictments and exposed evidence also gained greater public attention. Trump himself recently added his own fuel to his bonfire of democracy with very incendiary words, attacking the military for not being loyal to him himself, proposing to shut down media that did not praise him,  and turning the federal bureaucracy into a hand-picked force that carried out  Trump's desires instead of serving the public interest and the rule of law.  

Media can be partly excused for missing Biden's democracy vs autocracy messaging. Biden had low-keyed it himself.  In the few past times when Biden spoke about the danger to democracy, he skirted around naming those who he saw as the perpetrators. Maybe Biden was waiting to see if Trump would fend off his challengers because he wanted Trump to be his opponent due to the extreme and dangerous contrast he represented..  Biden himself needed to come out swinging and draw the contrast since the Trump madness seems to be gathering speed per alarming recent polls ( UPDATE) as he did 9/28/2023 in remarks in Tempe, AZ/    What the Tempe speech signals is that Biden sees Trump as the inevitable opponent in 2024. Biden did hedge his bet, but just in case Trump is not the party's candidate. The  MAGA movement is just as important a danger to democracy, with adherents waiting to step in. Biden can still run against Trump clones. He gave them brand names: MAGA extremists and MAGA Movement.  Furthermore, Biden also painted the entire GOP, not just the MAGAs, the extremists, as being complicit.  Their silence was deafening.   This is the kind of focus that has been lacking until now with so many terms applied to those who "do not believe in the Constitution", fascists, extremists, and right-wing extremists.  He needs to repeat, repeat, repeat the new theme.  Trump is a danger to democracy.  The MAGA movement is a danger to democracy.  From there,  explanatory points and examples can be put in context of whatever tweets, spoken words, and actions making the news that day demonstrate that danger.  

 The usual approach of those accused is to fire back that Biden is a danger to democracy because Trump is a victim of government persecution. Facts and judges' rulings don't count since they are all political. The MAGA movers try to distract with false equivalencies.  Everyone else is just as corrupt, too. Right? Wrong. The scorecard of indictments, court and jury rulings of liability, and impeachments of Trump vs everyone else is telling.  Trump will now be doing all he can to make himself look like a victim of Biden's weaponization of the deep state against him. It's all politics, right? Or for pete's sake. He would not have been in this fix if he had not been so flagrant in his unethical, fraudulent, and sometimes illegal methods to attain financial and political power.  It would be in his character that he plans to use media to make the point, it is all political, even appearing in person at criminal and civil trials, if not testifying in his own defense. Watch him run to the nearest microphone and camera after every damaging court proceeding. Does he really think those not in the Trump Movement forget increasing evidence that he was a flagrant cheat, amoral, a liar, a bully using the threat of fear and "retribution" (revenge against the disloyal to him), and a scofflaw in both his private and public lives? The chickens are coming home to roost now that he has lost the protection of prosecutorial rules and deference to a sitting president.  That is why it looks like he is being dumped on all at once and DQ'd as a candidate. Therefore,  his legal problems are all unfairly political.

  In Trump's own words, fear is real power. ( from  their book "Fear".Bob Woodward, Robert Costa July 1, 2020 ·  “'Real power is – I don’t even want to use the word – fear.'. Presidential candidate Donald J.Trump" Now those not in the MAGA movement, Democrats, Republicans, and independents, are beginning to fear the prospect of a Trump second term.  Biden is finding his voice as he goes on the attack by being specific, calling out names and examples, instead of being theoretical and leaving others to draw the connection.  Biden's speech in Tempe did provide a template of examples in a series of bullet points of how the MAGA movement and their leader, Trump, are both dangers to democracy' . 

And there is something dangerous happening in America now. There is an extremist movement that does not share the basic beliefs in our democracy: the MAGA Movement.

Not every Republican, not even a majority of Republicans, adhere to the MAGA extremist ideology. I know because I’ve been able to work with Republicans my whole career. But there is no question that today’s Republican Party is driven and intimidated by MAGA Republican extremists. Their extreme agenda, if carried out, would fundamentally alter the institutions of American democracy as we know it.

My friends, they’re not hiding their attacks. They’re openly promoting them — attacking the free press as the enemy of the people, attacking the rule of law as an impediment, fomenting voter suppression and election subversion.

Did you ever think we’d be having debates in the year — stage of your careers where banning books — banning books and burying history?

Extremists in Congress — more determined to shut down the government, to burn the place down than to let the people’s business be done.

Our U.S. military — and this is not hyperbole; I’ve said it for the last two years — is the strongest military in the history of the world. Not just the strongest in the world — in the history of the world. It’s the most diverse, the most powerful in the history of the world. And it’s being accused of being weak and “woke” by the opposition.

One guy in Alabama is holding up the promotion of every — hundreds of these officers.

Frankly, these extremists have no idea what the hell they’re talking about. (Laughter.) No, I’m serious.

They’re pushing a notion the defeated former President expressed when he was in office and believes applies only to him. And this is a dangerous notion: This president is above the law, with no limits on power.

Trump says the Constitution gave him, quote, “the right to do whatever he wants as President,” end of quote. I’ve never even heard a president say that in jest. Not guided by the Constitution or by common service and decency toward our fellow Americans but by vengeance and vindictiveness.

We see the headlines. Quote, “sweeping expansion of presidential power.” Their goal to, quote, “alter the balance of power by increasing the President’s authority over every part of the federal government,” end of quote.

What do they intend to do once they erode the constitutional order of checks and balances and separation of powers? Limit the independence of federal agencies and put them under the thumb of a president? Give the President the power to refuse to spend money that Congress has appropriated if he doesn’t like what it’s being spent for? Not veto — he doesn’t like what it’s being spent for — it’s there. Get rid of longstanding protections for civil servants?

Remember what he did as he was leaving office: He imposed a new thing, the Civil Service — but then he imposed a new pro- — schedule. “Schedule F,” it was called. These civil servants had to pledge loyalty to the President, not the Constitution. It did not require that they had any protections, and the President would be able to wholesale fire them if he wanted, because they had no so- — no — no Civil Service protection. One of the first things I got rid of when I became President.

Just consider these as actual quotes from MAGA — the MAGA movement. Quote, “I am your retribution.” “Slitting throats” of civil servants, replacing them with extreme political cronies. MAGA extremists proclaim support for law enforcement only to say, “We…” — quote, “We must destroy the FBI.”

It’s not one person. It’s the controlling element of the House Republican Party.

Whitewash attacks of January 6th by calling the spearing and stomping of police a leg- — quote, a “legitimate political discourse.”

Did you ever think you’d hear leaders of political parties in the United States of America speak like that? Seizing power, concentrating power, attempting to abuse power, purging and packing key institutions, spewing conspiracy theories, spreading lies for profit and power to divide America in every way, inciting violence against those who risk their lives to keep America safe, weaponizing against the very soul of who we are as Americans.

This MAGA threat is the threat to the brick and mortar of our democratic institutions. But it’s also a threat to the character of our nation and gives our — that gives our Constitution life, that binds us together as Americans in common cause.

None of this is surprising, though. They’ve tried to govern that way before. And thank God, they failed.

But they haven’t given up. Just look at recent days: their accusations against — of treason — treason against the major new net- — news network because they don’t like its coverage. I don’t know what the hell I’d say about Fox if that becomes the rule. (Laughter.)Do we still believe in the Constitution? Do we believe in the basic decency and respect? The whole country should honestly ask itself — and I mean this sincerely — what it wants and understand the threats to our democracy.................

I believe very strongly that the defining feature of our democracy is our Constitution.

I believe in the separation of powers and checks and balances, that debate and disagreement do not lead to disunion.

I believe in free and fair elections and the peaceful transfer of power.

                        I believe there is no place in America — none, none, none — for political violence. We                          have to denounce hate, not embolden it. "  (Source of  speech quotations: White House web site)

From an event honoring Gen. Mark Milley, Chairman  of the Joint Chiefs, on his retirement, who Trump had called a traitor who needed to be shot, came another clarification of American democracy. Milley had made it his guiding principle when dealing with Trump's attempt to use the active military to quash political protests against Trump.  In so doing, Milley inferred another tag to ID Trump: a wannabe dictator. “We are unique among the world’s militaries,” Milley said. “We don’t take an oath to a country, we don’t take an oath to a tribe, we don’t take an oath to a religion. We don’t take an oath to a king, or a queen, or a tyrant or a dictator.”

“And we don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator,” he spat. “We take an oath to the Constitution and we take an oath to the idea that is America – and we’re willing to die to protect it.”   (source: CNN)

 Now for the micro, the issues that make up the macro. Getting into the weeds. A warning: the issues are not stand alone and a distraction from the core message that Trump and the MAGA Movement are a danger to democracy.   They need to be tied to the main message:  Never has democracy ever faced a threat from such a rogue president as Trump. His attempts to distort and ignore the results of an election and an overt attempt to overturn the election results to stay in power in his first term almost put us on a path to the destruction of democracy while replacing it with an autocracy.  Trump's announced plans for democracy in a second term include the increase of the power of an executive branch by every means possible, making federal employees and Department of Justice employees his appointees requiring loyalty to the president, their boss, and not to the Constitution or civil service credentials. Those seeking favors from the government will have to become bootlickers and financial contributors instead of being subject to the rule of laws they do not like. Whistleblowers would go the way of the dinosaurs.  

Trump's first term was a prologue, a predictor,  to a second term. Thanks to Trump's actions and policies, human and civil rights were rolled back for the first time since the post-Civil War years. His appointees to the Supreme Court took away half the country's women's healthcare choices and undermined voter rights and reforms to unfair political gerrymandering. His new effort to keep minorities from the polls (if you can't beat them, keep them from voting) is a war on any action, making it easy for presumed opposition to vote. Among those convenience methods are motor/voter registration, mail-in ballots, and accessible drop boxes, all used already in many states with no evidence of "fraud". The "stop the steal" BS has been debunked over and over again in court rulings and "forensic audits". His current thrust: Trump Instructs RNC to Replace Debates with Lawsuits Against Voter Registration - MeidasTouch Network If Trump had his way, the active military would be used to squash public protest gatherings and shoot protestors in their legs, and via his appointees to the military brass, no General Milley would stand in his way.Trump Wanted to Deploy 10,000 Active-Duty Troops to Quash Protests: Book (  Trump Told Officials to Shoot Protesters in the Leg, New Book Claims (  Trump, Paul Gosar suggest Gen. Mark Milley deserves death (  .Trump says he would use that power to ban all media that does not praise him. Trump Vows to Ban All News Media That Doesn’t Praise Him (  Bye, bye first amendment.  If the Consitution stands in his way, Trump has even proposed terminating, suspending it, or changing sections: Trump calls for 'end' of US Constitution in Truth Social post - YouTube


This next segment has also been reproduced in a separate posting/ MUFTIC FORUM BLOG: If democracy is on the ballot in 2024, are age and competence still issues  and moved to that posting.

Elephant in the room in 2024:

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Pinch me: Is it 1938 or 2023. Is this "defund Ukraine" stuff DeJa'Vu all over again?

Pinch me. Is it 1938 or 2023. Is this "defund Ukraine" stuff DeJaVu all over again? While Russia fights in Ukraine, another former USSR Satellite faces a Russian land grab as Russia tries to reassemble the old empire. Now it is Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan Issues Warning as Russian Ally Teeters (newsweek.

Putin’s plan for a new Russian Empire includes both Ukraine and Belarus - Atlantic Council

Putin has succeeded in Crimea, Moldova, and Georgia, but he miscalculated in Ukraine because Ukrainians wanted to join the Western economy and stay independent of Russia. There are centuries of history at play here. Putin also miscalculated that the West cared, and the West saw Ukraine as the largest country in Eastern Europe, bordering on a long list of our allies, many of which once were former USSR satellites. This is not just a land dispute between two corrupt countries. We did not help Ukraine because we wanted to save it from corruption, as some foolish appeasers claim Ukraine is not worthy of our help. We helped Ukraine in spite of their struggles against corruption but because they voted for reformers like Zelenskyy and a Western-style economy. As a condition to join the EU, they have to bridle their corruption. We did it because Russia's grab of Ukraine threatened our own national security interests... We saw Ukraine's independence as vital to stop Russia from further land grabs of our allies that would cause us to put our troops into a bloody conflict. This is 1939 all over again. Ukraine is our 21st-century Sudeten Czechoslovakia, and annexing it to Russia formally or informally will not bring peace in our time. Russia miscalculated they could control Western Europe by blackmailing them over energy dependence on Russia. They miscalculated that, too. Europe saw where their national security interests lay and found other sources of energy. What Putin is calculating now is that Trump and his appeasing followers will win in November 2024, so they will be handed a victory without firing another shot. Because of this, there will be no peace talks for at least another year. Why should Russia concede anything when the foolish keep gaining strength in US polls and Congress?

This is a concept as fatigue sets in with the support of Ukraine, and the war reaches a stalemate similar to the trench warfare of WW I. Western Nations holding Russian funds should freeze them and set up a reconstruction fund for Ukraine, not only funding Ukrainians from Russian money but also providing a reconstruction fund kept out of the hands of Russia. Russia cannot get away with what it did, invading a country to absorb it on its own. Currently, per Zakaria, Russia is holding on waiting for the election of Trump who would hand over Ukraine to Russia, eliminating any ability for Ukraine to keep up the fight,

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Voting rights bill passes or fails worth the pro-democracy effort

Those of us who feel strongly about protecting our democracy from the MAGA autocracy movement do not have to wait to vote in November 2024 to make our voices heard.  The Democrats have just provided the focus for us to express ourselves now by putting the federal voting rights bill back on the front burner.  One of the tactics used by the MAGAs is to make it as hard as possible for those they ID'd as likely not to vote for them as inconvenient and difficult to cast their ballots.  The premise used by red states is based on the big lie and the debunked claims the 2020 election was stolen.      Even if the legislation has little chance of passing both houses before the November 2024 elections, it will serve to put on the record which incumbents voted against it, and it will give an opportunity to members of both political parties who opposed the MAGA voter suppression efforts dramatize the damage that has been done by red states to the right of people to vote and to have their votes counted.  If a big enough issue is made of the proposed legislation, win or lose, the issue will have focus and exposure.  On the other hand, passage of voting rights legislation  will also scotch any of Supreme Court-dominated conservatives to restrict voting right by their decisions and at least get it in a storm that will be hard to overturn. should somehow the White House falls into Trump's hands in 2024. 

 The most anti-democratic voter suppression efforts are still a storm on the horizon: white nationalist attempts at  destroying birth right citizenship, which means immigrant children cannot be citizens of the US and so they could not vote against white people's race.  Face it. That is what it is about. That will leave this country in the future full of very angry second class citizens, an institutionalized Jim Crow country with all of the conflict and violence such suppression creates.  That is the future this nation would face. That is not the kind of country I hope for my grandchildren who are white. Without racial peace in this country, kiss prosperity goodbye as such turmoil would absorb us instead. 

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Let's get real on Ukraine peace talks.. Putin is just waiting for Trump's reelection to win update 10 16 23

Update: 10/16/23

Putin suffered another setback as Poland votes against right wing incumbents who had attempted to reduce support of Ukraine and connections with the EU .

From my Facebook post this morning: An excellent backgrounder and a realistic look at the status of the war now. Just expect the World War I style of trench warfare will continue for another year unless by some unforeseen Ukrainian military breakthrough as Putin waits for Trump to hand him a victory. .NPR analysis raises the question if it should be time for Ukraine to ask for a cease-fire, but that was clearly put to rest by Zelensky's UN speech on September 19, 2023. He was defiant, and the peace plan he is putting forth calling for Russian withdrawal will probably go nowhere as long as Trump's reelection in 2024 is possible.. Why should Putin negotiate in good faith now when all he has to do is wait until November 2024, and the election of Trump and his MAGA GOP that oppose any future aid to Ukraine and Trump promises would end the war in a matter of minutes. Trump will just do the job for Putin by leaving Ukraine's territorial integrity flapping and tattered in the breeze with no option but to capitulate to Russia.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023



Survey: A large number of Americans want an anti-democratic leader | Preserving Democracy | PBS

More adapted from my Facebook posting 9/19/23 The MAGA extremists are supporting autocracy, the opposite of democracy, instead because they are frustrated they are unable to get their agenda implemented under the democratic process. Their answer: destroy the democratic process and replace it with an autocracy so their strong man becomes the ruler over all three branches of government. That is one conclusion drawn from a highly touted book: ‘Tyranny of the Minority’ writers say Constitution not strong enough to protect democracy | PBS NewsHour Their role model, as CPAC fawns over the dictator Viktor Orban in Hungary as the method. He is particularly popular with right-wing extremists who are also white nationalists since Hungary is also 99% Christian. The Orbab model is frankly dangerous to US peace and prosperity since Hungary is not a multiracial society. The major problem: Hungary is nearly 99% ethnically pure and only uses the language widely spoken by its citizens.. The Orban message and media are under his control. The USA is less than 60% racially white, and in a few years, that demographic trend will see the current racial minority become the majority. The only way to make the US a white e Christian nation is to suppress and cow the increasingly larger minority. In a multi-racial society, implementing the Orban model would make chaos look like mild reaction.

The facebook posting continues updated:: Biden also puts democracy on the world agenda today at the UN. President Joe Biden speaks at United Nations General Assembly ( major part of the GOP is also committing a serious blunder by failing to support Ukraine's attempt to become democratic instead of an appendix of Russia and dictator Putin's style of governance. By failing to continue our commitment to Ukraine, the MAGA folks who say we should focus on China only gives the signal to the Chinese autocratic regime that America has chosen to be weak militarily and isolationist.. This not only threatens Europe's ability to stop Putin's stated goal of reassembly of former USSR satellites under his control, it would create a military crisis in Europe, even if the extreme MAGAs succeed in defanging NATO's mutual defense treaty as Trump tried to do when he was president. Welcome to 1939 as the result of 1930's isolationists who were fooled and fools that failed to stop the fascist power grabs.. In 2023, the US is even more closely linked in economy and defense than in 1939... It greenlights China's takeover of Tawan and the trade routes used by US commerce in Southeast Asia. Not only are these extremist anti-democracy fools just like their isolationist predecessors in 1939, but they are a threat to US security and business interests, as well. furthermore, at the UN on 9/19/23, Biden also made a powerful statement in support of Ukraine to wide applause: if we permit Ukraine to be carved up, then no nation's sovereignty and borders and human rights are safe.