Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Who's a fascist? Trump or Biden

 Calling someone a fascist has become part of the thoughtless name-calling I have seen on social media. Democrats call Trump a fascist, and MAGA responds with, no, Biden is one.  Both sides agree that fascism is a dirty word.  So... Let us first define fascism and then let us debate which candidate fits the definition the most.

Take the fascist test: From Websters: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

  • Racism is key to Trump's rise; golden elevator migrants, criminals, rapists etc., contaminating our blood, Central Park 5, birtherism; Neo Nazi's fine people
  • Trump wants to limit the civil rights of individuals to the matters of elections in rewriting the Constitution, suppression of opposition
  • Trump wants to concentrate all powers in the executive branch, beginning with Project 2025 and a unitary form of government, virtually destroying checks and balances of the judicial and legislative branches..Centralized autocratic government
  • Trump wants to use active military to put down civil demonstrations, suppression of opposition
  • Trump has a long record of supporting political violence to achieve a goal; suppression of opposition
  • Trump supports and applauds white Christian nationalists to regiment society;
  • Trump wants to be immune from criminal prosecution; he is above the law, an autocrat/dictator
  • Trump proposes to delicense media that criticize him, suppression of opposition
So, if you approve a great deal of these Trumpisms, look in the mirror.  Biden supports none of these.

Shall I go on?








Project 2025 agenda    


Excerpts from the MSN article:

Last week, a group of House Democrats launched a task force to combat Project 2025, a blueprint for Trump’s presidency, should he win in November, put together by conservative groups. Led by the Heritage Foundation with the support of over 100 other right-wing organizations, the far-right tome is a chilling roadmap for the subversion of checks and balances, the creation of new authoritarian presidential powers, and the empowerment of political appointees to Christianize the federal government.....

Read their plan for yourself: https://www.project2025.org/

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