Saturday, June 29, 2024

Oklahoma to require teaching of the Bible in Classrooms. OMG

 Religious affiliation is another large determinant influencing voters' decisions besides race that overwhelms political critical thinking.  Justice Alito's wife was caught raising the Christian Nationalist flag, a flag carried by the rioters on January 6. It did not used to be that way. I am a white Christian protestant who belongs to a mainstream traditional church, and sometimes I wonder where some of the theology these evangelical radical right-wingers espouse has nothing to do with the bible I read comes from.  I grew up in the "bible belt," Eastern Oklahoma, where the goal was to get more believers in faith preached in a particular denomination.. Now it has become, get more Trump supporters because he is the second coming. Christian Nationalism is the cause they are fighting.  Their goal is to turn our democracy into their theocracy. This came as no surprise to me when I read that Oklahoma just now ordered the Ten Commandments posted in school and one-upped everyone else, requiring the Bible to be taught in school.  Christian Nationalists are jumping the gun: While the issue of posting the ten commandments in schools are being fought, Oklahoma has just went one step farther:  They order the Bible to be taught in classrooms.

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