Thursday, June 20, 2024

What is Project 2025 ? Plans to turn Trump an autocrat to implement their agenda

The BBC provided the best, most objective, and succinct answer.   It erred, though, on the plans to eliminate any women's control over their reproductive health. They are dire. Go to page 428 of the text of their plans to take over the federal government with the election of Donald Trump.   The link to the text may not work, but copy and paste the URL.  Much more follows after the link.

The most long-term damage implementation of Project 2025 could do is replace the entire personnel of the executive branch with those who pledge loyalty to Donald Trump or the ideology mandated by the writers of Project 2025 instead of what the law requires.  One of the questions ordinary people ask is, what your office can do to help me with my day-to-day life.  Implementation of Project 2025 would destroy the ability of the federal government to put your concerns first and instead put the retention of Trump as president and fellow ideologues first, instead.

Excerpts from the MSN article:

"Last week, a group of House Democrats launched a task force to combat Project 2025, a blueprint for Trump’s presidency, should he win in November, put together by

 conservative groups. Led by the Heritage Foundation with the support of over 100 other right-wing organizations, the far-right tome is a chilling roadmap for the subversion of checks and balances, the creation of new authoritarian presidential powers, and the empowerment of political appointees to Christianize the federal government....."

The road to a theocracy is what is unstated.  This is how it can be done, how a vocal minority can take over a government, leaving it in the form of a democracy but not in practice. What Trump says about Project 2025, if asked, is to be taken with a grain of salt because he can lie as easily as he breathes. However, it is his plan to become a dictator in one day for the days to come. This is the plan of how to do it. The organization will have ready-made vetted nominees for his appointments and, if he can destroy the civil service, replace it with their vetted loyalists to the religious right's cause; it is his way of becoming the autocrat he so wishes to be.  Amoral Trump and the religious right are strange bedfellows, but they share the same purpose: replace democracy with an autocracy/theocracy  This careful vetting and Trump's acquiescence is how the Heritage Foundation and those like them turned the Supreme Court into the Trump Court. That alone should be instructive and a warning.

Project 2025 has enormous relevance to the hottest topic in Biden's stable of issues: Such kinds of strategy resulted in the overturn of Roe v Wade, and now every other choice of women's reproduction is targeted specifically by this radical group. 

Read their plan for yourself:

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