Wednesday, June 5, 2024

GOP, the party for law and order? Not.

 I nearly choked when I heard Speaker Mike Johnson claim the GOP party was the party of law and order after a jury of their candidate's peers found Trump guilty of a crime, and the party faithful erupted to agree not to respect the decision. The party of law and order? Not. This candidate they back so slavishly had asked "his" Supreme Court to declare he is immune from being prosecuted for crimes he committed when he was in office, and wants to be immune if he got elected again.  It also seems among Trump's followers the only fair trials are those where the jury, the judge, and the prosecutors have sworn loyalty to him.  They are hanging their hopes now that the appeal of this state case will make it to the federal Supreme Court with its supermajority of Trump-friendly justices.  The following article from ABC presents a list of disrespects of law and order. by members of the GOP.

The most common response for those who claim the hush money trial was unfair shows a basic misunderstanding of how the jury was chosen (each legal team could challenge, and Trump's team challenged only one), that one juror disagreeing with the other 11 could throw it into a mistrial, and that the evidence presented by the prosecution proved guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. The GOP Trump loyalists are also either missing the point of what was charged or are inventing wild conspiracy theories. 

The other response from Trump loyalists and GOP leaders is throwing flak in the air to mislead voters. They conveniently ignore the basic criminal element that there was a cover-up that was involved, which involved a version of what is commonly called cooking the books. Catch and kill was not the crime. A one-night stand with a porn star or a mistress on the side are not crimes. Paying hush money itself is not a crime. Even lies are not a crime as long as the candidate is not sworn to tell the truth in a justice proceeding. The jury found Trump guilty of violating a state law, cooking the books to keep another crime a secret to benefit him in the election campaign, which is the core criminal charge in the hush money trial. Three of the trials Trump faces are about committing crimes to fool and scam voters.

Members of the GOP and rank and file are more supportive of the riois on January 6 than ever before.  That was no orderly happening: the first violent attempt to overturn an election in the history of the US.  Axios in 20204 on the anniversary of January 6 provided this report of where GOP leadership stood 3 years after the event.

Trump himself has called for violence in the wake of the hush money verdict, and he got a response from his violent supporters.  That in no way fits the definition of order.

Trump's vision to keep order if re-elected is suppression by the active military of opposition demonstrations and he has a long history of advocating political violence on his behalf. That, too, is not order.

Trump blames immigrants for crime and that, too, fails the fact check. That fear mongering success,is likely mixed with white nationalism and overt racism. Nonetheless, voters truly think immigrants are the cause for whatever reason. If Trump is against immigration, he must be for order, right?

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