Sunday, June 9, 2024

Opponents to student loan forgiveness need a shot of reality and a chaser of shame UPDATE 9 4 24

From a Facebook posting on June 9, 2024, a response.  For those objecting to student loan forgiveness, a) costs them money in taxes, b) illegal..c) we can't afford social security and student loan forgiveness. Here is a shot of reality with a chaser of shaming. Federal judge hands Biden a victory and shoots down GOP suit.,could%20proceed%20with%20their%20case.
Obviously, their self-serving, selfish attitude who think service to them is a free lunch deserves a reply. I am 86; Trump is losing seniors' votes after years of being a reliable GOP voter. We know both social security and student loan forgiveness for public sector jobs and for others are feasible if the will is there and not stopped by the self-absorbed who appreciate teachers, firefighters,  and police only in words. ""Thank you for your service, and enjoy the vows of poverty. " not either or. However, teachers, firefighters, and police have to have degrees to advance or to even teach, fight fires, and do more than use brute force...but their pay in public sector jobs never leaves them enough to pay them off for years. This trunch of loan forgiveness was especially helpful for teachers who worked in the public sector long enough to pay off the principal but not all of the interest.
You who hate student debt forgiveness love the service they provide, don't you?  No wonder there is a national teacher shortage.   The bankers lost no money except more than 20 ten years of interest. They had already collected the 20-25 years of interest.

Personal notes:

 My daughter was not sure how to ever pay for her certifications to teach in public schools and the master's degree to advance her career.. Long ago for over 25 years, she more than paid for the principal but not the interest..60 years old, cannot qualify for a house loan because of the black mark these loans leave on her credit score and her take-home pay ($400 plus per month for student loans off the top, alone), ever. If she works until seventy years old, even with student loan forgiveness, social security may give her enough for a basic retirement life since she and not sure if she has enough in her PERA account to retire on. Then came the notice last week...the millstone around her neck was lifted.    She is now looking for a house she can afford to buy and in which to retire.   May these self-servers who care not for anyone but themselves claim don't pay them; it is against the law, or illegal, or are giving taxpayers a free lunch, ever have to face what she faced... I detest their attitude. 

 Now, let's talk about her talented kids; she does not have the wherewithal to help. Her daughter, a dual citizen, got her master's and undergrad tuition-free in Europe. She plans to live in Europe for the rest of her life and contribute to their society with her tech and English skills, not ours. Her other son and daughter are in Phd programs facing years of crippling loans but are at least in professions which, by the time they are middle-aged, feel they can get out from under the burden. One is in cyber security, and the other is in health care. Their undergrad degrees were at Metro State, the lowest tuition and student loans they could find. I am helping out with their living costs to the best of my ability so they can reach their full potential. Their value to our future, as are teachers, is priceless. 

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