Saturday, June 1, 2024

MAGA ironic verdict reaction: they must want a real dictatorship and a banana republic instead?

Update June 12 , 2024: Irony increases as Hunter Biden found guilty by a jury of lying on a federal form about drug use:

Maybe it may be too much to ask of Trump supporters, but have they begun to realize that all court actions against Trump are due to corrupt judges, bribed jurors, or even being charged with a crime is a partisan action? but when the decision finds Hunter Biden guilty, does the justice system and the rule of law work?

MAGA's ironic verdict reaction to Trump being found guilty of a crime by a jury:  they must want a dictatorship and a banana republic, too.? Setting aside, Trump is running on a platform openly to use the DOJ to take revenge on his political enemies, MAGA and fellow travelers, in response to the guilty verdict, are throwing out words like" we are a banana republic" and" this is like a communist country". Having no clue what either is like, MAGA now wants to turn the US into a real full-blown dictatorship with the rule by a man instead of by the rule of law and threatening mob/thug violence if we do not comply? Having been married for 52 years to a refugee from a Communist country run by a dictator, I can say with some authority MAGA wants to turn this into the same kind of justice system that was practiced in Yugoslavia from which my husband fled. The banana republics (Central America)are ruled by drug gangs. There is no rule of law, not even a pretense of one. If there is a president, he is bought off or is an in-cahoots tyrant. Yes, we do not want to be a banana republic. We are in no danger so long as we honor respect and abide by the rule of law. Trump is already calling for his militia gang of thugs to commit violence.

Per MAGA, The entire justice system, including jurors, is rigged because Boss Trump has been put on trial, found liable and or guilty by various juries and courts, finding him a rapist and business fraudster, and now a criminal election interferer. So trash the whole justice system. and replace it with the one dedicated to supporting Trump and no one else. The MAGAs seem to think the only justice that works is the one in which the jury is also MAGA, the prosecutors are MAGA, and so is the judge. That's just like the old Yugoslavia and Comrade Tito .

In dictatorships like Russia Trump so admires, laws exist, but they are not the rule that Putin follows as we watch how he destroyed the free press, had his opposition poisoned or pushed off balconies or imprisoned, or blew them up in airplanes. No Russian justice system would dare "hold him accountable," and no one is left to challenge him. That is also how wannabe dictators become actual ones if they do not come to power in a civil war. or a military coup. Dictators like Putin gain and consolidate their absolute power as they rule by fear, favor, and threats, just as Trump proposes to do.

Think he would not dare? Look what Trump has already done to his own political party. He has purged the GOP and bent its opposition leaders to his will or faced them to resign and lose any power or their jobs. Like a bunch of bobbleheads, tails between their legs, they have become a chorus singing the same tune and repeating his lies in the wake of the verdict. Trump's Repeated Claims on His New York Hush Money Trial -
Now Trump is threatening political violence and is dog-whistling to his militia gangs of thugs. He has pledged to use the DOJ as a tool of retribution and revenge against his opposition as he scales up his own techniques to rule the entire government, its citizens, and our home grown oligarchs.

There are a dozen other democracies in this world with former presidents sitting in prison now. Their democracies believe no one is above the law. We used to believe that, too. So here we are now, giving serious consideration to a wannabe dictator who wants to be immune from prosecution. He has even asked "his" Supreme Court for permission. RememberTrump is trying to get the Supreme Court to grant him immunity from criminal prosecution, not just to get himself out of any punishment for his role in January 6 and hoarding national security records at his golf resort, I also suppose because he intends to break the law if he gets into the Oval Office again. As he says he needs immunity to get anything done.

That Trump plans to appeal the hush money case is his right, but this was a New York state case, and he will have to go through a lengthy appeal process in New York State first until he makes it to his friends on the Supreme Court. May Trump's hope for a speedy appeal find itself on the same slow train as all of the rest of the cases accusing him of crimes that are pending until after the election. "In the 21st century alone, more than a dozen democracies have either convicted or indicted their ex-leaders, most of them presidents but also including prime ministers. A handful of liberal democracies — Argentina, France, and South Korea — have convicted more than one former president and, in one instance, convicted the same leader twice."

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