Monday, June 10, 2024

Upcoming presidential debate: questions I would like the moderator to ask

 This is an ever-changing and expanding list, but here are some questions for starters:

June 9, 2024, in Las Vegas, Donald Trump had to deal with a balky teleprompter, and we heard what he really thought as he went off script. It was all about himself, the heat, and other personal grievances...but the one line that stood out when speaking before the crowd: "I don't care about you; I just want your vote." Those loyalists who stood there in the sweltering heat will likely not be turned off by such a frank statement. Still, whenever we hear interviews of the MAGA loyalists, they at least give some reason, like inflation, gas prices, grocery prices, or unfair justice prosecution of Trump. Probably not expressed in "man on the streets interviews," I suspect, would be issued not vocalized to the public, but expressed other methods in flags flying and white nationalist fist salutes and social media postings. In any case, I look forward to comparing Trump's and Biden's responses in the upcoming debate to a question: What would you do about inflation, gas prices, and grocery prices. Moderators beware: Trump will use the opportunity to point fingers and blame, but he needs to be held to define what he would do about it.

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