Thursday, June 13, 2024

Fareed Zakaria got it right last November. Biden, too. Fund Ukraine war efforts with Russian assets.

 Fareed Zakaria was on the right track: He proposed using Russian assets in Western banks to fund the Ukraine war efforts. Today, G7 agreed to give Ukraine a 50 billion dollar loan to be paid back by interest on those assets.

No more extremist tail-wagging the national security dog.

Don't like NATO or multilateralism, American Firsters? Even if the GOP takes the Senate in November, Biden devises an end run. Like bi-lateralism? OK, Biden does that, too...that the GOP could overturn if it dares if they take the Senate in November. takes funding out of the hands of the House, should it not flip blue enough to get around the American Firsters and isolationists stone wallers, there..

None of this depends on if the isolationists grabbing the Senate in November try to sabotage Article 5, mutual defense, it will not stop Ukraine's efforts that Putin so desires. Biden may be slow in speech but quick on strategy. Clever guy.

Putin is undoubtedly going ballistic, figuratively, if not actually. I wonder if he sees enough writing on the wall to negotiate. Stay tuned.

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