Friday, June 28, 2024

Fact checking the presidential debate:Trump wins the liar prize

 If the future of democracy were not at stake, I would not be in dismay this morning. Trump was a lying A-hole blowhard; Biden gave evidence he was too old. Aide from Biden's poor performance last night, nearly every word coming out of Trump's mouth was a lie.  Let us not lose sight of the fact that democracy is on the ballot, and that is the fundamental issue before the voters in November 2024.  Within that issue, the real decider may be women's freedom and rights in a democracy to control their own health instead of being controlled by a central autocratic government. 

The string of Lies on June 27 qualifies Turmp for the first prize as the greatest liar since Pinocchio. Voters are asked to trust one whose words have no root in evidence, facts, or data.

This vote in 2024 is about a choice of a team,  between those dedicated to following the rule of law through layers of government, down and up the ballot, and those loyal to Donald Trump, who lusts to be the ruler of law. Team Biden is for democracy,  honoring and observing the rule of law. The MAGA GOP wants to replace it with a strong-man autocracy in practice with government employees and appointees, including Supreme Court members and election officials, chosen for loyalty to Trump who rules what the law is. (Project 2025) Trump has made it clear through his actions and words that fair elections are those that  only declare him a winner and give him the advantage and power.

One issue Trump was the champion liar of all time was how the world viewed him. This was not cited in the fact-checking I have of the scene. This is from a prior posting on this blog earlier in June:

Biden is the leader of the democracies in the world and beats Trump by a mile.

For those who think Biden's bumbling age is an embarrassment abroad, the embarrassment is all theirs. In Germany, where my son now lives, even before the announcement today at the G7 on funding Ukraine using interest from Russian Western banking deposits, there was a 40 percent gap in approval of Biden over Trump. That holds true for the rest of Europe. Biden is respected; Trump is not elsewhere as well. " Across the 34 nations polled, a median of 43% have confidence in Biden to do the right thing regarding world affairs, while just 28% have confidence in Trump.

The gap between ratings is quite wide in many countries, especially in Europe. Biden’s confidence rating is at least 40 percentage points higher than Trump’s in Germany, the Netherlands, Poland and Sweden."

If Europe had a vote, Trump would be toast.

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