Thursday, June 6, 2024

Why is Trump the first president to be charged and found a criminal? Trump has lots of firsts

The most common pitch from Trump and his now-current loyalists is that the entire justice system and democracy are crooked because no other president, past or future, has ever been charged with a crime and found guilty. Maybe we are to blame ourselves for electing a newby to national politics who was not thoroughly vetted by holding a political office before. Most presidents we have elected were governors, senators, congressmen, and generals who had survived public and political opponents' attacks and public scrutiny. 

Trump has a lot of firsts/  One of the most outrageous positions of MAGA is this exercise in nonlogic: Trump was the first president to be convicted of a crime; therefore, ignore the verdict because it was just about politics. The hush money trial was about a criminal coverup of information that would have changed the outcome of an election, Yes, it was about politics. That is not the only thing Trump was first in: We have never had a president or a former president as a candidate for another term

  • who in business practices, was found liable in court for fraud twice
  •  who waa sexual predator boasting about it on tapes who actually assaulted a woman and found liable in court,
  • who caused an attempted violent coup to be a president in an election everyone around him told him he lost, indicted; trial pending..
  • who embraces, admires, or sympathizes with dictators of countries who are our adversaries.
  • who had no platform for helping Americans cope but whose only promise is to get revenge on his opponents past and present
  • or who planned to put migrants in concentration camps
  • who thought the law did not apply to him. He has gone to court to ask for immunity from criminal prosecution.
  • who wants to replace democracy with a dictatorship on day one with a scheme in hand (Project 2025) to finish the job he sets in motion 

We have had presidents and populations who were racists, who followed political appeasers, isolationists, immigrant haters, and lovers of Hitler and fascism before, who used media to appeal to a large block of fellow travelers.  Presidents in their pre-and-present positions also managed to keep their sexual exploits secret and away from investigative reporters. We used to have a media that also thought that immoral personal behavior, mistresses, for example, or back White House stair traffic was off limits, not for reporters for gentlemen to expose.  We also had an adoring population who kept or were ignorant or knew of a president's darker secrets and ignored them anyway.  

Those who live in Fraser, Colorado (my part-time/full-time home for nearly 50 years), Ike's summer White House, only whispered then and now about what was going on in the fishing cabin on the flanks of the Fraser River Canyon through which the railroad ran. Fly fishing was not his only diversion. That JFK had backstairs White House traffic was an open secret that my friends from college days serving in his administration in high places shared with me. FDR's love affair was learned only years later. We can now even attach names to those participants.  Usually, they were close associates, a movie star, a jeep driver, friends, and sympathetic companions, but never a porn star we know of until now.  If we knew or suspected, we looked the other way, and so do so many, even today, as such secrets are no longer just rumors.

We also have a large body of relatively less educated citizens and opportunist politicians who know better and who are facing the enormous demographic upheaval of racial changes and gender roles in this country and the economic and psychological aftermath of those who endured and survived the threat of death from a pandemic, often in isolation. Timing is everything. Trump's life as an unethical real estate promoter, media talent, and TV star, resulting in national exposure, came onto the political scene at a time of national trauma and change, with so many looking for a savior from the pains of such upheaval.

References to Trump and a mob leader: 

MUFTIC FORUM BLOG: Why Trump only needs to be dictator on day one to be dictator for years to come update 4 4 2024            (about Project 2025)

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