Sunday, June 23, 2024

Unintended consequences of ending Roe: already bad, enough infant and material death rate surge

I rarely ever state my credo on the issue of abortion regarding the role of government in the matter. Here it is: Somewhere in the debate over a woman's control over her reproductive care, we have gotten sidetracked from what should be our real focus: protecting the life of mothers and the born and unborn..Shame on us. As a nation, we have failed, with the infant and maternal mortality rate in our country the highest among our peers. If the pro-life extreme activists have their way, that rate will only worsen. In Texas, after their extreme abortion ban, maternal and infant death rate increased 8%, far ahead of the rest of the nation.

There are those who think life begins at conception is a value issue and a particular interpretation by a religious group derived from a Bible that does not specifically address the issue of a choice because, at the time it was written, there were few choices. There are those who believe life begins at viability, the more traditional view reflected in Roe v Wade., and still a view held by a large majority. Another view is that the life of the mother is more sacred than the unborn when modern medicine gave us that choice, or the vice versa view, that the life of the mother is valued less if there was a choice. Women giving childbirth just bled out and died if there were complications or infections. Children were orphaned or subjected to being raised by stepmothers or in institutions. Those not wanting pregnancies often died after terminating pregnancies with home remedies. It was God's will or fate. That is what the extreme right wants women to experience again, and that should be their right to believe it. No law is requiring them to have abortions. However, to have a government by law that requires that everyone else has to abide by that specific belief means the importance of the life of the mother is the lesser choice. That is a question of value: the life of a woman vs the life of one unborn. To have a government make that choice for women is wrong. It forces all to bow to primitive medicine because of a religious conviction they do not share. It is a question of values and religious beliefs. The real shame is the lack of government action. What happens is that both mothers, the unborn, and newborn babies are those who are victims. If the right to life is important, we are missing the bigger problem. If the government should act, it should provide access to health care that supports the well-being of the mother's values most, whether it be unborn, born, or her survival.

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