Friday, June 14, 2024

Trump trashes; Biden builds: Messaging again.

 Some themes are emerging in the White House campaign. Let me suggest an overarching slogan that has been missing from the Biden messaging attempts: Trump trashes; Biden builds. 

 The problem the Biden administration has had is getting across how positive and capable Biden is versus the negativity and destructiveness of TrumpGOP.(now one of the same)  Slogans are helpful, and so far, all we have gotten from Biden is a long list of help for the American people. (Here is what I have done for you lately) and all we have gotten from Trump is fear me; I'll settle your scores (while I favor the rich and take away what helps you).  

Biden does not have a punch line in a few words on which to hang his accomplishments and get credit for them while contrasting what Trump will do if he gets a second chance at the Oval Office. 

This use of the word "trash" was inspired by Trump's words about Milwaukee.   There are other platforms than media mouths which Biden can use, such as from the podium, an oratorical gimmick in the upcoming debate or stump speech, a repeated phrase like (there you go again or Where's the beef), in advertising, in audience participation, they add their own points, memes, bumper stickers, posters, and word-of-mouth slogans to remember and pass on. It is a clothesline from which to hang otherwise boring reiteration of laundry lists.

Donny Deutxh, the Advertising and branding guru, believes that the choice is even more gut-grabbing: The danger of Trump vs. the safety of Biden. How to express this in a slogan of a word or two is a challenge. However, trash v build is not contradictory to fear v safety, depending on how it is applied to an issue or a candidate's characteristic.

Putting my PR hat, Here's a stab at it:  Trump trashes; Biden builds.  Also, this could be added to an older theme: There are echoes of the old slogan: Build back better,  updated to Biden builds America better.  For those who respond that Trump is just a trash talker, the response should be Trump is a trash maker.


Trump trashes America; Biden builds it back better.

Trump trashes our fallen warriors as losers and suckers and calls January 6 jailed and convicted of sedition "patriots'; Biden builds our respect better of our fallen warriors at Normandy. He builds up real patriots as role models of patriotism and knows the difference.

Trump trashes democracy; Biden builds it better by protecting voters' rights and access

Trump trashes justice that does not support him; Biden builds it better with support of justice for all

Trump trashes justice rulings against him; Biden builds better trust in justice even when it rules against his son.

Trump trashes the truth, evidence, and data; Biden builds it better with a policy  based on evidence and data

Trump trashes affordable health care; Biden built it cheaper and better

Trump trashes the military and alliances and appeases foreign dictators; Buiden builds and leads alliances better to protect us from foreign dictators

Trump trashes bipartisanship; Biden builds infrastructure with it.

Trump trashes the rule of law and wants it to be the rule of  by and for Trump; Biden builds it better, supports the rule of by and for the people

Trump trashes the rights of women to control their health care; Biden builds women's control of health choices better by restoring  rights they had in Roe v Wade

 From my readers responding on Facebook sites with their own Trump trashes/Biden builds:

.Trump trashes public health by keeping lead in pipes that carry drinking water; Biden builds public health by funding the massive replacement of lead pipes and drinking water cleanup with his Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

Trump trashes public lands and rants that he'd allow dumping nuclear waste in rivers; Biden builds public protection by working to restore and protect our Clean Water Act.

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