Monday, July 1, 2024

The Trump Court has just given us a dictatorship to replace democracy

Happy 4th, the date we declared independence from a king in 1776...which lasted until July 1, 2024, when the Supreme Court gave us our own king. Any president now and forever who can commit a crime so long as it can be defined as an official act.

Yes, the president is above the law if it is an official act. Trump, via Project 2025, can turn us into a dictatorship with official acts alone, and he can commit a crime while doing it, feeling protected by this decision. In November 2024, it is now up to us, the citizens, to save democracy from a wannabe dictator, a king, and an imperial presidency.

This may be our last free and fair election because, with this ruling, the president can control the vote count in the future and claim it is an official act. He can threaten violence, ignore laws, seize control of the voting apparatus, and order the active military to put down protests..He proposed He tried it in his first term and failed. He is ready to do it in a second term.. (The fight to stop Schedule F, a cornerstone of Trump's 'retribution' agenda, is underway ( It is part of Schedule 2025. He is ready to do it on day one of 2025; the plans are already funded and ready to go... on day one. Trump plan to gut civil service triggers pushback | ReutersThat is what Trump tried with the help of some friends in 2020-2021, but they ran into legal trouble. No worries about that any longer. If MAGA thought the 2020 election was stolen (the lie of the ages), wait until what the rest of us will experience. The only antidote, in the short time, is for citizens to wise up and save ourselves.
The court just gave us a kingdom instead of a democracy. Nixon must be doing cartwheels in his grave. But not quite. Since what is or is not an official act is now in the lower court's hands to define, it will be bounced back to the "supreme court," best known as the Trump Court.
Now then, whatever happens to a Biden candidacy, we need to take a deep breath and make it a choice between democracy and dictatorship. . A sure way for Dems to lose is to have an open convention. The last time we tried we lost. Do not count on a fight for a replacement unless it is Kamala Harris. The party is in lock step on that candidate before the convention. A bloody battle between progressives and everyone else could happen...shall I name the issues? Then all delegates are pledged to Biden already. He will have to say, but the more the powers that be rant about the debate, the more the damage will be. It is up to him.

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