Thursday, July 11, 2024

Conversations with a Trumpster claiming she was better off under Trump (referring to the economy)

 This was my response to a private group where Trumpsters and everyone else can discuss and debate. The person posting said she was better off when Donald Trump was president. Trump's economic policies for a second term would drive inflation up and cause a recession.  Trump has already touted his plan for the economy in a second term. Trump, raising tariffs on imports across the board, replaced the fed with political flunkies and caused a severe labor shortage by putting 20 K in concentration camps...16 Nobel prize economists warn that Trump's economic policies would cause massive inflation, and a recession, too.

It is difficult to ignore Covid and Trmp's poor judgment, but let's do, so let us go back to where we were just before Covid struck the USA and post covid when inflation due to supply chain and pent-up demand. WeSorry, you feel left behind. Maybe you ought to do some introspection about your specific situation.

.(that those in the food industry have record profit points to greedflation). The Fed has done an amazing job in getting a handle on inflation, and it yesterday, they indicated they will begin lowering interest rates in September. We have the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, and per capita income has risen faster than inflation....Gas at the pump is a bit above December 2019, much thanks to Biden's handling the strategic reserves, including replenishing it at the fastest rate technology of the system permits. . Price per barrel is set by an international cartel, not the US government. We are producing more energy than ever in our history already. Government cannot set grocery prices unlike communist countries, but they can expose greedflation, as Biden did and threatened to investigate price gouging. He pointed to record profits in food industries. All of a sudden grocery prices have started .coming down.

U.S. consumer prices fell 0.1 percent in June, and were up 3 percent from a year earlier. “Core” prices, stripping out volatile food and fuel, were up 0.1 percent from May, and 3.3 percent from last June. This is the second month in a row in which there has been effectively no inflation on a month-to-month basis.2 hours ago

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