Sunday, July 21, 2024

Excerpts from an earlier posting today:. Go Kamala.

 With President Biden now out of the race, the torch has been passed to Kamala Harris today. I hope the other wannabes out there comply now; disavow any more ambition to take a fight to the DNC convention...and let's get the show on the road.

 Harris has two strikes against her: She is partially Black and a woman. She has two assets in particular on her behalf: She is partially Black, and she is a woman....the perfect counter to a racist MAGA and a hyper-masculine Hulk Hogan/ Trump chest-thumping narcissism of the GOP candidate.    Democrats almost elected a woman before, and they accepted and won with Obama..  Go Kamala, and finish the job Joe Biden started, to save us from Trump, who showed his racism so many times, from the Golden Escalator to Charlottesville, and now wants to be a dictator on day one.  Biden could have had the choice to continue, but for the sake of finishing the job he set out to do, he made the greatest sacrifice a politician could make.  He is not only a great president, he is a great man.

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