Sunday, July 21, 2024

The twisted propaganda of 'Trump oratory turns black into white and definitions upside down

The twisted propaganda of 'Trump's oratory turns black into white and definitions upside down.

With President Biden now out of the race, the torch has been passed to Kamala Harris today. I hope the other wannabes out there comply now; disavow any more ambition to take a fight to the DNC convention...and let's get the show on the road.

 Harris has two strikes against her: She is partially Black and a woman. She has two assets in particular on her behalf: She is partially Black, and she is a woman....the perfect counter to a racist MAGA and a hyper-masculine Hulk Hogan/ Trump chest-thumping narcissism of the GOP candidate.    Democrats almost elected a woman before, and they accepted and won with Obama..  Go Kamala, and finish the job Joe Biden started, to save us from Trump, who showed his racism so many times, from the Golden Escalator to Charlottesville, and now wants to be a dictator on day one.  Biden could have had the choice to continue, but to finish the job he set out to do, he made the greatest sacrifice a politician could make.  He is not only a great president, he is a great man.

t(Update 8/9/2024  Of Trump's greatest tricks of turning black into white if he is self aware  unconsously of doing it is called by psychologists "projection".  When criticized, Trump often responds by pinning the act on someone else.  Here are some examples of that: Here are some examples of this trick: It is called "projection," and it is a way to deflect criticism. These are from CNN and perhaps you have some examples from one of your preferred sources.

It should be crystal clear to those not in the Trump core in America, by Trump's own twisted definition, autocracy (dictatorship on day one) is not a democracy, yet that is what he is claiming when at a recent rally post-assassination attempt; he "took a bullet for democracy." By making America as weak as it was in the 1930s, America will not be as ""great again. "That decade was when its isolationists led to adversaries' miscalculations about America's will to resist, and they attacked the US. This Trump mantra is upside-down crazy talk, and it takes low-information voters to swallow this as the gospel truth. When it finally gets its act together, the Democratic party has plenty of ammunition to make its case, but it needs to sharpen its messaging and get in the MAGA's face to succeed. So far, they have failed to counter outrageous propaganda messages by Trump. 

Here's the case Democrats can make, and they need to task their wordsmiths to do it.

As he speaks, Trmp's party already has minions in place to overturn the November 2024 election should he lose the electoral vote (the most fundamental element of democracy: rule by the people) using pre-positioned loyal election officials and even political violence. (This is not  election integrity, but the opposite by election administration manipulation ) The blueprint for becoming an autocrat is in black and white in Project 2025, turning the executive branch and 50 thousand federal employees staffed by ideologues into a spoils system demanding all adhere to an ideology instead of allegiance to the rule of law and the Constitution. Trump tried that through Schedule F when he was in office but was stopped by staff. Now, his staff will be yes men in another term. Names have already been taken, and replacements have been applied and verified as true to their allegiance to the Heritage Foundation ideology.  Trump is beginning to understand how obnoxious Project 2025 is and trying to distance himself. He needs to be forced to tell just what part of Project 2025 he does not support. He should not be allowed to weasel out with a blanket "Well, it is radical and parts unnamed I disagree with").

 Especially damning are those parts in Project 2025 and elsewhere. Trump tried before and failed, but now can do it and succeed thanks to the Supreme Court's presidential immunity gift and loyalist appointments. Among them is putting Schedule F on steroids to replace civil servants with loyalists to the Project 2025 manifesto.  Trump has a history of political violence regarding the January 6 riots by "patriots" he summoned to the Capitol;   his demand of generals to conduct armed active military suppression of demonstrations (Lafayetttte Square, later orating the generals should be executed for that): calling neo-Nazi's fine people (Charlottesville); and his attempt to force and scare Pence to join in the fake electors' scheme.

Trump opines that America is a failure, ignoring that America leads the world under Biden/Harris in the economy's recovery from Covid and has formulated the strongest alliances since the end of World War II.  Instead, he sought a country that would join with Russia and dance to its tune on Ukraine, claiming peace in our time then (just as Chamberlain gave away Czechoslovakia in 1937. Like then, there is a determined aggressor to establish a past greatness opening and publicly stated of Germany then and to establish Russia's boundaries of the old USSR now) and to destroy the mutual defense assistance to and from allies. Not only does this mimic the actions leading to US involvement in WWII, it even parrots the title of the 1930s isolationists, American First. Trump's economic policies also echo the mistakes and policies of the 1930s. In the 1930s, tariffs were raised on imports, which kicked the Depression into high gear. Trump's plan to raise tariffs on all imports across the board, as was tried then, Per 16 Nobel laureate economists, in modern times, would cause inflation and recession. Like in the 1930s, right-wingers fought tooth and nail against supporting access to health care and social security and weakening them both in the Project 2025 vision. Like in the 1930s, the favored group in governance and policy were racially white, reflecting the faces raised at GOP conventions and Trump rallies.   Like in the 1930's, women are to be relegated to subservient status and no control over their own health decisions, or even birth control,  both in the provisions of Project 2025 (ideal family: women at home, men working, etc) and in his political party, as well as in his VP pick of JD Vance, who says even abused women should stay in their marriage and take the beatings.  This is how British Broadcasting, with no dog in this American election fight, explained in context Trump's claim to their fellow Brits that "he took the bullet for democracy" and that he will, of course, make America great again. Our media could take some lessons from the BBC. 

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