Saturday, July 6, 2024

Takeaways from the George Stephanopoulos interview with Biden:

 So, during te Stephanopoulos "interview", Biden rattled off a whole bunch of statistics without notes and a list of where and what he had been doing to keep America in the leadership of the "free" world. Geroge asked him at least 5 times if he was Biden sure he was up to four more years and got the same answer five times, yes. I was left with the impression that he could do it and that he had a great backup team to help his vision carry on.

The issue has become not which one is better for the job but sadly which one is the most unfit. The interview was not a comparison, but a challenge concocted for Biden to prove himself fit in absolute terms. I would say he passed. That is not the choice however voters are facing. Trump needs to be

Let us ask two questions of ourselves. 1)If not Biden, who else is (and frankly, there is no one) more likely to win.
2) Which has the character that makes one relatively fitter than the other.

Never before has a psychiatric/ psychological profile been more important. One, Biden, is a safe harbor for those who want democracy and the rule of law to continue. Trump's narcissistic profile makes him more dangerous than ever since he is now above the law per "his" Supreme Court.
On one side is Biden, whose judgment, proven over years, wisdom, brains, character, and knowledge are intact but in a frail body. On the other hand, there is his opponent or a robust chest-thumping demagogue who is seriously lacking in character, a liar, a narcissistic sociopath, per observing psychologists, , whose value judgment, as he calls himself, is transactional. It has always been determined by what deal he can make that serves his interests. Even those who served and worked with him closely call Trump unfit for that office. He is all about me, me, me, mine.
Do not take comfort that he was kept in check by laws and staff the first time or by any fear of prosecution for a criminal act. This new power granted to the presidency by the Supreme Court makes a second Trump term unlike the one before: the president is now supercharged without many constraints that once kept him from being lawless. He has been greenlighted to commit crimes without fear of prosecution if it is defined as part of his official duties. He tried many near-criminal acts in his first term, threatening violence or political and professional destruction of his opponents and control of the election process using unlawful means, including fake electors.. He tried to use active military to put down demonstrations. And now, he can even commit bribery or murder to get his way. It is now up to a self-aggrandizing, power-hungry narcissist, wannabe autocrat/dictator to show self-constraint as he only surrounds himself with loyalists. Good luck with that. He is more unfit than ever.
What then, is the measure of who is the most unfit, and what is the case for Trump being the most unfit? In summary, Biden and the team around him and those supporting him offer a safe harbor, bringing out the best in the national psyche and soul. Trump is a fundamental danger to our democracy, consumed in his quest for more power for himself and keeping himself in power.
Character counts. Trump's narcissism makes him unfit to keep domestic peace and defend our national security interests in his lust for personal power. He wants to rule on behalf of only his loyalists, and he surrounds himself with yes men.. Biden, in contrast, is a proven steady hand at the wheel, to serve all regardless of political loyalty or race, and is backed by a like-minded team if he should falter.
Here is where Trump's character profile of narcissism makes him so dangerous. It is about making himself more powerful in all situations. In a time when America's leadership is needed in the face of two major aggressors, Russia and China, Trump wants to destroy alliances and belly up to those who want to control the US for their own purposes. Trump, in the face Biden's engineering the US's strong, best in the world's recovery from COVID's economic devastation, Trump plans to reverse what progress we have made. His tariff and immigration proposals, taking over the fed, the world's greatest economists say would cause an inflationary recession. To keep the conflicting racial and ideological currents of our society from erupting and tearing us apart, Trump exploits it as he favors one religious-adhering racial group and has shown his ability, will, and intent to bully the rest, the majority, into submission..
Trump has engineered a supermajority of fellow travelers to the Supreme Court to rule his way, supporting his goals and even greenlighting his committing crimes in official duties he is once back in the Oval Office. The presidency now has the most powerful tools to rule, far beyond the Constitution's intent. Checks and balances are no longer a constraint on the executive branch. A president is now above the law while the rest of us, Congress, the courts, from the federal level to the county level, have to obey the rule of law.
Now with such power in a president's hands, we are to trust a narcissist to restrain himself and adhere to the traditions of democracy? Trump clearly loves the power of dictatorship that makes him a king, a peer among other dictators from Russia to China because their way of ruling makes him the strong leader he lusts to be. Trump tells lies whenever the truth hurts him and is often devoid of facts and evidence. His fraudulent business dealings have cost him millions in losing court cases, and now he can commit fraud in government without fear of being prosecuted. . He has no scruples. He calls himself "transactional", which means the best deal to make in any decision is the one that benefits him, but not you and me., or the nation as a whole.

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