Sunday, July 28, 2024

Hot air or a real threat to democracy by Trump: Vote for him He will fix it so no need to be engaged in the next election?.

Was this hot air or another real threat to democracy by Trump in his recent speech to a Christian right-wing political group on July 27?.   Trump:  If elected, Christian-related agenda will be "fixed" so much so that they would no longer need to be politically engaged."You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what? It’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians."  Is this as bad as it sounds? Yes.  It could be seen as a threat to democracy in a couple of  ways

1)  Trump's "fix" speech was an ear-splitting dog whistle, a way to infer a promise of his implementation of an unpopular Christian right-wing agenda without being so obvious about it or addressing the details that would alarm other voters. 

 2) The votes of those opposing them would be suppressed or overturned.  Does he mean free and fair elections representing the will of the people, the fundamental characteristic of a democracy, will be "fixed" so it would not exist in the future?   This "fix" fits with another quotable slip of his tongue:" I will be a dictator on day one." 

 It is not puffery. Trump has credible plans to"fix"  both implementations of the policies and the election process. Project 2025 contains a plan for Trump to replace career service employees and appointees with loyalists and those who pass a litmus test approved by extremely conservative Christians, as well as implement the public policies they want with or without legislation. Trump's 2024 campaign promises and the Heritage Foundation all have plans for overturning the majority vote by such means as successfully carrying off the fake elector scheme in 2028 (JD Vance pledges to do what Pence failed to do if he is VP in 2028)  while undermining faith in the election's legitimacy with the "big lie", a redux of 2020.   The Supreme Court has made these plans even more possible with its bias toward Trump's interests, including granting him immunity from criminal prosecution and election-related rulings. 

The BBC has provided the best, most objective, succinct, and short description of Project 2025. Here is the link. The summary is great except for the reproductive rights part. Yes, it does not specifically propose a federal abortion ban, but elsewhere in the document, it, in effect, does. It is dire...Go to page 428 of the Project 2025 mandate If the link to it does not work, copy and paste in the URL.... Project 2025 supports the "culture of Life" and fetal personhood, which, if applied, would ban contraception and other related rights and procedures.

The work for the "fix" the Christian right wants is already underway and is well funded. The plan is in black and white in the 900-page document produced by Project 2025. The plan is already being excuted by the Heritage Foundation, Project 2025's mother ship, The Foundation is already screening and taking names of those applying for jobs in the next Trump administration, ready to go on day one.  A compliant Supreme Court giving Trump immunity from criminal prosecution is already in deal with suits and decisions that arise.  If Harris is about the future of democracy, so are Trump's promises that should scare all but the MAGA faithful.


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