Saturday, July 13, 2024

Trump Supreme Court is laying groundwork for a grassroots revolt: Update, Biden plan

(Update  to prior blog post 7/28/24): Biden proposes refom. It may not happen during his presidency, but it will get the ball rolling and focus later.  It should also serve as a campaign issue now.

 A warning. The Trump-dominated Supreme Court 1) overturning Roe v Wade 2)presidential immunity is laying the groundwork for a grassroots backfire. Both will move from some distant legal squabble and will be felt by voters directly. It will kick into high gear if voters feel cheated and the courts toss out the Trump 34 felony convictions and the January 6 federal case because the immunity ruling is applied to either or both. If that happens, expect momentum to gain for expanding the court and term limiting. This is added to the already existing disgust of the corruption of Justice Thomas as more and more of it is exposed, and the flag waiving white Christian Nationalism of the Alito family. Court reforms could and should also become another campaign issue.

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