Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Kamala Harris takes the offiense on immigration. There is more she needs to do.Updated 9/4/24

Update 9/4/24: (Also reproduced as a separate posting)  Fear and loathing of all immigrants is key to Trump's campaign. However, it is based on factual BS.  The facts on the immigrant crime wave? There is not one. Trump sabotaged the only bipartisan bill to address it this past winter. Biden used what executive powers he had and the result was the lowest illegal crossing in 3 years. Catch and release is down 65%. We would have been on our way to even lower figures without Trump's wrecking the bill..  The executive orders Biden utilized face court challenges, but for now it has been effective and is still in effect. In addition, Mexico has cracked down on migrants, too.  Trump's campaign of fear and hatred of immigrants causing crime is debunked by statistics, ignored by  Trump's MAGA.          

Immigrants, as a whole, are less likely to commit violent crimes.

Illegal immigrants are not more likely to commit violent crimes: in fact, the opposite is true:

Will Biden's executive order survive a legal challenge? "Biden's proclamation leans on Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act that lets a president limit entry of specific migrants if it is "detrimental" to national interest. Trump used the same provisions with his 2017 banning of people from Muslim-majority countries and a later policy barring asylum seekers that was ultimately struck down by courts. Biden administration officials insist the new proposal is very different, but that will likely do little to prevent expected lawsuits to stop it. The American Civil Liberties Union vowed to challenge the order in court. "It was illegal when Trump did it, and it is no less illegal now," said Lee Gelernt, deputy director of the organization's Immigrants’ Rights Project. "'s exec order faces legal challengescy/

A humane approach to immigration policy is the bi-partisan bill Trump killed because he wanted the issue to still be hot as he campaigns. There is also a possibility to contrast policies that may have a broader appeal to those who indeed want the border crisis to be handled, but not with the cruelty of Trump's plan.  What the bi-partisan bill lacks is Trump's plan to use the US Army to break up families with mixed status (an estimated 6.7 million families) and deport 20K total without documents, putting them in concentration camps waiting for deportation. 

Harris  needed to revive flagging Hispanic support of Democrats (Trump 46%; Biden was 40%) that was a reverse of past statistics and the left flank of Democrats uneasy with even the bi-partisan bill Trump killed. The first step is to attack Trump for killing the bi-partisan bill. which Harris just did. With illegal border crossings now equal to Trump's data as he left office, the Democrats have highlighted that update.  Harris has gained significant approval by Hispanics, but there is still more to do. The next could be to paint the Trump approach based on racism, hate, cruelty, and fear, while the bipartisan bill approach is both humane and effective. With many in the Latino community also resenting the flood of migrants at the border, the humane plan of Harris might have some appeal. Harris is following the old bit of wisdom: the best defense is a great offense. However, she still needs to reverse the loss of Hispanic voters...  

Update 8/9/2024 (The amount of misinformation coming from Trump and his MAGA camp about immigration is in such volume, it is difficult to keep up. There was a comprehensive whistle blowing on a recent Trump ad hyping fear and hatred of immigrants that is worthy of keeping it pinned for future reference.  It was from my favorite fact checker, non-partisan, non-profit.

(On Venezuelan elections, drama still unfolding, there is an example of how difficult it is to unseat an autocrat. Maduro has just provided a how to overturn an election course.  Elements of his attempts are can be attempted here, particularly with the MAGA emphasis in controlling the count at the very local election office, usually the County Clerk level...or in a county election board. Maduro is stealing Venezuela's election and the U.S. seems powerless to do anything about it (, It is happening in the US as well.  the recent Georgia GOP legislature just gave the County Clerk the power to make decisions about what they would certify contrary to their own state constitution which says they shall just forward results to the state.  Who controls the count at the local level in Colorado is central to the federal prosecution of a county clerk Tima Peters who gave an unauthorized partisan activist codes to the voting machine tabulators. Here case is going to trial this month.)      

From an earlier Muftic Forum blog post: "46% of Latinos support Trump and 40% Biden via a recent NY Times poll. Perhaps those figures also include immigrants from Cuba and Venezuela who seem eager to substitute a Trump dictatorship for the ones they had fled. Latinos of all kinds make up 15% of the US vote. All migrants, documented or not, will be impacted. Every traffic stop or encounter or a nosy neighbor "turning them in" will cause anyone who looks "Mexican" to be "showing their papers" if they are documented. If they are not, they will be sent first to concentration camps and then deported. 16.7 million families have both documented and undocumented members in them, and all would be at risk if Trump/Vance won."

Trump is all about cruelty. Trump's putting undocumented residents in concentration camps as part of his draconian plan to deport 20 thousand from the US, wrecking many families with mixed documented/undocumented members with its cruelty. He tried to paint Kamala Harris as a failed immigration czar, but Harris quickly struck back from a rally platform on 7/30/24 in Atlanta and followed it up with an attack ad...turning the issue back on Trump for killing the bill...and "talk not walking the talk", not caring about immigration, but only himself.     
Both crime and border crossing data in this site

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