Thursday, July 18, 2024

Hispanic vote: GOP cruelty is their point; 16.7 million families could be ripped apart updated 9/1//2024

 {Update on illegal border crossings: lowest in 3 years thanks to Biden; no thanks to Trump. Trump sabotaged the only bi partisan bill to address it this past winter. Biden used what executive powers he had and the result was the lowest illegal crossing in 3 years. We would have been on our way to even lower figures without Trump)

I don't get it: 46% of Latinos support Trump and 40% Biden via a recent NY Times poll. Perhaps those figures also include immigrants from Cuba and Venezuela who seem eager to substitute a Trump dictatorship for the ones they had fled. Latinos of all kinds make up 15% of the US vote. All migrants, documented or not will be impacted. Every traffic stop or encounter or a nosy neighbor "turning them in" will cause anyone who looks "Mexican" to be "showing their papers" if they are documented. If they are not, they will be sent first to concentration camps and then deported. 16.7  million families have both documented and undocumented members in them, and all would be at risk if Trump/Vance won.

(Update: 8/8/2024: Nation's oldest and largest Latino civil rights group endorsing Harris (

(Update: 7/31/2024:  A humane approach to immigration policy is the bi-partisan bill Trump killed because he wanted the issue to still be hot as he campaigns. He tried to pain Kamala Harris as a failed immigration czar, but Harris quickly struck back from a rally platform on 7/30/24 in Atlanta and followed it up with an attack ad...turning the issue back on Trump for killlig the bill...and "talk not walking the walk", not caring about immigration, but only himself.

What was in the bill Trump tanked:

“The bill provides funding to build the wall, increase technology at the border, and add more detention beds, more agents, and more deportation flights. The border security bill ends the abuse of parole on our southwest border that has waived in over a million people.Feb 4, 2024"
In response, Pres. Biden issued an executive order that at least stopped the surge. This, of course, was not enough to do the whole job. but it does point to the need for Congress to act because executive orders are not enough.

Updated and edited:.7/19/2024 follows: 

Trump's RNC Convention nomination acceptance speech was vintage Trump,  delivering the drumbeat of fear-mongering, deception, and lies. The MAGA's vulnerability and fear have been given a dose of fear and a case of amnesia about how Trump's "crisis" was extended an extra year when he ordered the bi-partisan immigration bill crafted by the Senate killed in the House in February 2024.  Some crisis, Trump. I guess it was not so much it had to be fixed immediately.  The crisis was that the bi-partisan bill would have hurt the effectiveness of his main campaign plank: be very afraid of the invasion of brown people at the border and "only I can fix it"..That Biden could fix it was the crisis Trump faced.

Following media coverage of the RNC Convention, the greatest roar from the crowd was when speakers advocated mass deportation of as many as 20 million of undocumented migrants (called "illegals" by MAGA) , depriving them of human and civil rights, separating families, yanking them out of their homes and from their families, and hyping fears with lies that have failed fact checker reviews..  There is no more evidence of the racist and hatred-driven nature of the members of the GOP who cheered and heartily waved signs promoting mass deportations and ignoring the blatant lies of the rousing speakers. Any solution like the bi-partisan bill Trump shot down this year is not acceptable without the election of concentration camps holding mass deportees.. According to the Census Bureau, Hispanics comprise over 19% of the US population. That is over 65 million. .  Dreamers had no choice as babies carried by undocumented immigrants.  

Trump's policies were not effective. Aside from Trump's cruelty and walls when he was in office, apprehensions at the southwest border were 14.7% higher in Trump’s final year in office, an (indication of how many attempts at illegal crossings,  compared with the last full year before he was sworn in.) He ignores the impact of the pandemic and, in fact, uses it to take credit for doing such a good job.  The deception is where he placed the arrows and took credit for what the pandemic caused.

Funding border patrol and providing more court judges so they could screen border crossers for non-criminality and fit what the law provided for refugees seeking asylum., Economic opportunity, poverty bad governance are not qualifications for granting asylum, but it takes screening to separate the qualified from the others..Continuing to build more of the wall was also part of the bi-partisan, historically conservative Senate bill to immediately relieve the crossings surge.  However, Trump, the demagogue, told the House members to kill it because he needed the surge to continue as the fear factor appealing to his base.  Biden then took some actions using executive orders, and the attempted crossings are now cut in half, and in effect, closed the border to a surge that could not be handled by existing resources.

 Fear and lies again are Trump's tools to hype fear and ride that to victory...  Fentanyl is carried mostly in trucks, not by migrants themselves, and there are very effective machines to detect that, but it also needs funding.   That gets ignored by the base of Trump's supporters.  Their goal, expressed on the poster waivers at the RNC convention, was "mass deportations," and anything less just was not cruel enough. Turning back illegal crossings is only part of the GOP's plan. The rest is to kick out those living in the USA, 20 million of them, who have been law-abiding and quietly good neighbors who are beloved and are already part of the fabric of US society but are "others" claiming Democrats want them here for their illegal votes. (Another big lie with no evidence or facts showing that is happening).

What was in the bi-partisan bill Trump ordered killed in the House?  Best discussion and details at


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