Saturday, June 29, 2024

Oklahoma to require teaching of the Bible in Classrooms. OMG

 Religious affiliation is another large determinant influencing voters' decisions besides race that overwhelms political critical thinking.  Justice Alito's wife was caught raising the Christian Nationalist flag, a flag carried by the rioters on January 6. It did not used to be that way. I am a white Christian protestant who belongs to a mainstream traditional church, and sometimes I wonder where some of the theology these evangelical radical right-wingers espouse has nothing to do with the bible I read comes from.  I grew up in the "bible belt," Eastern Oklahoma, where the goal was to get more believers in faith preached in a particular denomination.. Now it has become, get more Trump supporters because he is the second coming. Christian Nationalism is the cause they are fighting.  Their goal is to turn our democracy into their theocracy. This came as no surprise to me when I read that Oklahoma just now ordered the Ten Commandments posted in school and one-upped everyone else, requiring the Bible to be taught in school.  Christian Nationalists are jumping the gun: While the issue of posting the ten commandments in schools are being fought, Oklahoma has just went one step farther:  They order the Bible to be taught in classrooms.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Consumers beware: the Trump Supreme Court just crippled 40 years of consumer and environmental protections

 June, 2024. The Trump Court has overturned Chevron,  upending years of consumer and environmental protections. Buyers, beware: drinking water, product safety, the air you breathe, the cars you drive, the food you eat, and the medicine and drugs you take will now be impacted, and your safety will be at risk. If Chevron was decided because of the argument that regulatory agencies were decided by unelected panels (while technically informed and educated), these complex science and technology questions would now be managed by both unelected and technically ignorant judges.   Decisions based on science and evidence will be replaced by ill-equipped, uneducated, unelected, tenure-protected,  and more partisan judges. The final word on these technical and scientific issues will end up in the Supreme Court's lap of uneducated or ignorant in any field except legal theory.    (The Chevron decision text is a case in point. The Justice who wrote it did not know or catch the difference between laughing gas and air-polluting gas elements in the edit.)With the corruption, obvious extreme ideological bias, and ignorance of science and technology of a super majority infecting the current Court, reform and expansion are the only antidotes. This was a power grab by the Supreme Court that cannot go unanswered. Both consumers and the environment are being screwed.  

 The reason? Chevron's decision is what for-profit businesses have wished for for forty years.  They can now play the system for their benefit using their financial resources, while consumers and environmentalists must rely on donations.  So far as citizens and consumers are concerned? Our interests will be damaged by thousands of small, unkind cuts as case-by-case decisions and ignored. Our water, air, product safety, and protection from exploitation by financial services and banks will be lost in the gears of unelected, biased, and ignorant judges, ill-equipped to sort out technical issues. US contribution to global warming will increase.  

While the ruling impacts clean air, this Chevron ruling can hobble any other agency like the Federal Trade Commission, the Food and Drug Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Consumer Safety Commission, the Federal Communications Commission, the Financial Consumer Protection Agency, and any other federal agency from issuing regulations to fill in the blanks left unaddressed in legislation after hearings and open processes. Instead, like abortion, it will fall into states and case by case lower court cases when clearly the issues cross state boundaries, leaving confusion and chaos. Most states have laws conforming to current federal consumer and environmental consumer laws, so enforcement and interpretation based on regulatory law at the federal level will be chaotic and subject to court challenges. It will also result in years and years of Congress writing legislation to revise or clarify current legislation.  The final word on these technical and scientific issues will end up in the Supreme Court's lap: uneducated or experts.  The reason? This is what for-profit businesses have wished for for forty years.  They can now play the system for their benefit using their resources, while consumers and environmentalists must rely on donations.  So far as citizens and consumers are concerned? Our interests will be screwed, and our water, air, product safety, and protection from exploitation by financial services and banks, will be lost in the gears of biased and ignorant judges, ill-equipped to sort out technical issues. US contribution to global warming will increase in the coming years. It is time to expand the court to permit one that reflects the interests of all citizens and is more balanced, not the decisions that favor one segment of the economy that goes unchecked. There should be staggered term limits so that they better reflect the more current public interest and concerns and advancements in technology and science. 

There will now be a constant increase in cases brought by consumers, environmentalists, and businesses so that the court can handle these cases. Otherwise, the lower courts will be inundated by law suit remanded to them by a Supreme Court does not have the time or the capacity to handle given the increased volume.  Even less educated justices in the lower courts will now handle technical decisions with more decisions based on ideological and partisan concerns. 

It is also imperative that the ethical standards and enforcement of the Supreme Court of its members be implemented to protect us, the citizens, from the kind of hidden bribery we have witnessed and the overt partisan and ideological bent of the Court members, be exposed.   The ability of regulatory agencies to make decisions based on science and expertise must be restored and that will only happen with a balanced Supreme Court,

A personal note: I have a history in Colorado advocating for consumers and clean air, from the NY Times May 13, 1979.  I served as the director of the Denver District Attorneys section prosecuting consumer fraud and white-collar crime, and before that, active in grassroots organizations battling Denver's brown cloud.  My interest in the ability of the federal government to deliver protection for consumers and the environment dates back to the birth of the legislation.  I wrote a book, the Colorado Consumer Handbook, which focused on the new remedies these laws provided and solutions traditionally available to individuals.  The key was the new empowerment of consumers and citizens whose health had been impacted by polluted water and air. These laws allowed them to get remedies in the face of well-funded, profit-oriented business interests. Now, the ability for any citizen to rely on these new laws has been crippled, tied up in knots in courts resolved only by those with deep pockets able to hire the army of lawyers and left to the decisions of judges not elected and uneducated in the science and technology involved. Facts and evidence will take a back seat to the judgment of the unelected, incapable of sorting out fact and technical arguments from fiction and spin.   Four years after the mayor's race, I joined the administration of Federico Pena, a new, young mayor with views and goals similar to mine, and was able to put into action much of what I had proposed and supported. I served in his administration as both sub-cabinet and staff for his two terms.

DENVER, May 13 — Denver, still thought of as the mile‐high city with pristine air and mountain spring water, is sitting through a nonpartisan mayoral race that is largely focused on its “brown cloud” and its water supply, along with transportation and housing problems.

William J. McNichols, who says he is of the “realist” school of Democrats, has been Mayor for the past decade and is president of the United States Conference of Mayors. He is opposed in the Tuesday balloting by Felicia Muftic, executive director of the District Attorney's Consumer Protection Agency and an aggressive critic of City Hall on the questions of pollution and housing; Garry Mitchell, chairman of Gov. Richard D. Lamm's Tourism Council and president of Ski Country U.S.A., who brought to public attention in March a study that suggested a startling future fiscal stress for Denver; and Harold Sudmeyer, Denver coordinator for the United States Committee for Justice to Latin American Political Prisoners, who advocates the closing of the Rocky Flats nuclear weapons plant.

Pollution is the No. 1 issue in the mayoral race. With construction booming, new energy companies moving in and others expanding, Denver's smog is second only to that of Los Angeles, according to a rating by the Environmental Protection Agency, and there is concern about the growth's depleting the water supply.

Mayor McNichols notes that the construction in downtown Denver will generate $5 million in property taxes for the city. Stapleton Airport's passenger traffic is soaring; $4 million has been spent on the mass transit system. There is a new sports arena named for the Mayor, new fire department and police headquarters, new and modernized branch libraries, public parks and a lavish new Denver Center for the Performing Arts. Denver's unemployment rate in March was only 2.9 percent.   

Note: I lost with about 43% of the vote, not enough to trigger a runoff.  However, five years later, I joined the new Denver mayor Federico Pena's administration  serving as Clerk and Recorder, and Mayor's liaison to City Council 

Author: Colorado Consumer Handbook, author Felicia Muftic (Only known copy: Library of Congress; search Felicia Muftic  


Fact checking the presidential debate:Trump wins the liar prize

 If the future of democracy were not at stake, I would not be in dismay this morning. Trump was a lying A-hole blowhard; Biden gave evidence he was too old. Aide from Biden's poor performance last night, nearly every word coming out of Trump's mouth was a lie.  Let us not lose sight of the fact that democracy is on the ballot, and that is the fundamental issue before the voters in November 2024.  Within that issue, the real decider may be women's freedom and rights in a democracy to control their own health instead of being controlled by a central autocratic government. 

The string of Lies on June 27 qualifies Turmp for the first prize as the greatest liar since Pinocchio. Voters are asked to trust one whose words have no root in evidence, facts, or data.

This vote in 2024 is about a choice of a team,  between those dedicated to following the rule of law through layers of government, down and up the ballot, and those loyal to Donald Trump, who lusts to be the ruler of law. Team Biden is for democracy,  honoring and observing the rule of law. The MAGA GOP wants to replace it with a strong-man autocracy in practice with government employees and appointees, including Supreme Court members and election officials, chosen for loyalty to Trump who rules what the law is. (Project 2025) Trump has made it clear through his actions and words that fair elections are those that  only declare him a winner and give him the advantage and power.

One issue Trump was the champion liar of all time was how the world viewed him. This was not cited in the fact-checking I have of the scene. This is from a prior posting on this blog earlier in June:

Biden is the leader of the democracies in the world and beats Trump by a mile.

For those who think Biden's bumbling age is an embarrassment abroad, the embarrassment is all theirs. In Germany, where my son now lives, even before the announcement today at the G7 on funding Ukraine using interest from Russian Western banking deposits, there was a 40 percent gap in approval of Biden over Trump. That holds true for the rest of Europe. Biden is respected; Trump is not elsewhere as well. " Across the 34 nations polled, a median of 43% have confidence in Biden to do the right thing regarding world affairs, while just 28% have confidence in Trump.

The gap between ratings is quite wide in many countries, especially in Europe. Biden’s confidence rating is at least 40 percentage points higher than Trump’s in Germany, the Netherlands, Poland and Sweden."

If Europe had a vote, Trump would be toast.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Project 2025 and Christian Nationalism raises the question: Should we become a theocracy?

Project 2025 and Christian Nationalism raise the question: Should we become a theocracy?

The BBC  has the best, most objective short summary of Project 2025.  Project 2025: The Trump presidency wish list, explained (  copy and paste in your browser if it does not link. The BBC errs regarding women's reproductive rights.  It is as dire a plan as possible. Go to page 428 of the site of the full text and copy and paste the URL if it does not link.  Much more follows the link on other issues 

(Update 7/26.2024: 
The writer of Project 2025 has ties to Opus Dei, called by some a radical Catholic group:Kevin Roberts, architect of Project 2025, has close ties to radical Catholic group Opus Dei | US news | The Guardian 
 Update: 7/30/2024: The ideological publishing stopped; Trump denies connection; the recruiting and screening of applicants to replace civil servants with right-wing Christian ideologues continue; the blueprint for any future president to use is available. )

Kamala Harris is a Baptist with diverse roots. per the Associated Press".A Baptist married to a Jewish man, she’s inspired by the work of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and influenced by the religious traditions of her mother’s native India as well as the Black Church.'She’s had the best of two worlds,” says her longtime pastor, the Rev. Amos Brown, who leads Third Baptist Church in San Francisco, "

Donald Trump lists his affiliation as Presbyterian.  I am one, too, but he needs to review his catechism.

JD Vance became a Catholic in 2019. J. D. Vance’s Radical Religion | The New Yorker   )

Kamala Harris Beating Donald Trump With Key Group of Christian Voters: Poll (
If you thought Trump would try to replace all civil service employees with partisan loyalists, he tried when he was president and failed because of legal constraints. Now he has the greenlight given by the Supreme Court in their immunity decision to use criminal means to implement such laws that are within his official powers. (The fight to stop Schedule F, a cornerstone of Trump's 'retribution' agenda, is underway ( He is ready to do it on day one of 2025; the plans are already funded and ready to go... on day one. Trump plan to gut civil service triggers pushback | Reuters

I saw a posting saying that even though God and other Christian-related words do not appear in the Constitution, the signers of our historical documents used the term to date it: "in the year of our Lord." That is how date was expressed in those days. That was not a sign of those agreeing to permit a theocracy.  Now, please show me where the intent of the First Amendment was to establish a national religion or church, . You can't, and it was on purpose. Jefferson advocated the Age of Reason when men had the freedom to come to their own conclusions. Madison because religion had caused centuries of bloody wars in Europe and England and did not want to repeat that. 

He tried it in his first term and failed. He is ready to do it in a second term.. (The fight to stop Schedule F, a cornerstone of Trump's 'retribution' agenda, is underway ( He is ready to do it on day one of 2025; the plans are already funded and ready to go... on day one. Trump plan to gut civil service triggers pushback | Reuters.

The GOP's embrace of Project 2025, geared to go into practice on day one of a Trump presidency, has as its intent to establish a theocracy in America in practice, if not calling it in form.     From the piece with which I agree: "Project 2025 operationalizes the tenets of white Christian nationalism on such issues as climate change, education, immigration, systemic racism, and abortion. Contrasting the scholars' policies with the bishops' positions on such high-profile concerns reveals what makes the Republican game plan so dangerous.

Christian Nationalists are jumping the gun: While the issue of posting the ten commandments in schools are being fought, Oklahoma has just one upped this: They order the Bible to be taught in classrooms.  MUFTIC FORUM BLOG: Oklahoma to require teaching of the Bible in Classrooms. OMG

The agreement of two adversaries on that issue is not the only reason, but experience as colonies showed the danger of having a national religion. There was already a great deal of diversity, and where a colony attempted it, it was unwise and created problems more often than not.  For example, Massachusetts was so puritan-dominated that a group led by Roger Williams split off and founded Rhode Island.   

For more, go to:

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Unintended consequences of ending Roe: already bad, enough infant and material death rate surge

I rarely ever state my credo on the issue of abortion regarding the role of government in the matter. Here it is: Somewhere in the debate over a woman's control over her reproductive care, we have gotten sidetracked from what should be our real focus: protecting the life of mothers and the born and unborn..Shame on us. As a nation, we have failed, with the infant and maternal mortality rate in our country the highest among our peers. If the pro-life extreme activists have their way, that rate will only worsen. In Texas, after their extreme abortion ban, maternal and infant death rate increased 8%, far ahead of the rest of the nation.

There are those who think life begins at conception is a value issue and a particular interpretation by a religious group derived from a Bible that does not specifically address the issue of a choice because, at the time it was written, there were few choices. There are those who believe life begins at viability, the more traditional view reflected in Roe v Wade., and still a view held by a large majority. Another view is that the life of the mother is more sacred than the unborn when modern medicine gave us that choice, or the vice versa view, that the life of the mother is valued less if there was a choice. Women giving childbirth just bled out and died if there were complications or infections. Children were orphaned or subjected to being raised by stepmothers or in institutions. Those not wanting pregnancies often died after terminating pregnancies with home remedies. It was God's will or fate. That is what the extreme right wants women to experience again, and that should be their right to believe it. No law is requiring them to have abortions. However, to have a government by law that requires that everyone else has to abide by that specific belief means the importance of the life of the mother is the lesser choice. That is a question of value: the life of a woman vs the life of one unborn. To have a government make that choice for women is wrong. It forces all to bow to primitive medicine because of a religious conviction they do not share. It is a question of values and religious beliefs. The real shame is the lack of government action. What happens is that both mothers, the unborn, and newborn babies are those who are victims. If the right to life is important, we are missing the bigger problem. If the government should act, it should provide access to health care that supports the well-being of the mother's values most, whether it be unborn, born, or her survival.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Let's give Trump a grade in classrooms where the Ten Commandments are displayed

Aside from the constitutionality of the Ten Commandments being required to be posted in big print in Louisiana classrooms, I posted a tongue-in-cheek comment on another Facebook page that Trump should be given a letter grade for his compliance on each of the ten. Jimmy Kimmel made a case for a low grade in a monologue 6/20.  For the laugh of the day:     (around minute 3:40)

For a more serious take, will decency count in the 2024 presidential elections, or will those "Christians" who consider Trump the second coming to prevail.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

What is Project 2025 ? Plans to turn Trump an autocrat to implement their agenda

The BBC provided the best, most objective, and succinct answer.   It erred, though, on the plans to eliminate any women's control over their reproductive health. They are dire. Go to page 428 of the text of their plans to take over the federal government with the election of Donald Trump.   The link to the text may not work, but copy and paste the URL.  Much more follows after the link.

The most long-term damage implementation of Project 2025 could do is replace the entire personnel of the executive branch with those who pledge loyalty to Donald Trump or the ideology mandated by the writers of Project 2025 instead of what the law requires.  One of the questions ordinary people ask is, what your office can do to help me with my day-to-day life.  Implementation of Project 2025 would destroy the ability of the federal government to put your concerns first and instead put the retention of Trump as president and fellow ideologues first, instead.

Excerpts from the MSN article:

"Last week, a group of House Democrats launched a task force to combat Project 2025, a blueprint for Trump’s presidency, should he win in November, put together by

 conservative groups. Led by the Heritage Foundation with the support of over 100 other right-wing organizations, the far-right tome is a chilling roadmap for the subversion of checks and balances, the creation of new authoritarian presidential powers, and the empowerment of political appointees to Christianize the federal government....."

The road to a theocracy is what is unstated.  This is how it can be done, how a vocal minority can take over a government, leaving it in the form of a democracy but not in practice. What Trump says about Project 2025, if asked, is to be taken with a grain of salt because he can lie as easily as he breathes. However, it is his plan to become a dictator in one day for the days to come. This is the plan of how to do it. The organization will have ready-made vetted nominees for his appointments and, if he can destroy the civil service, replace it with their vetted loyalists to the religious right's cause; it is his way of becoming the autocrat he so wishes to be.  Amoral Trump and the religious right are strange bedfellows, but they share the same purpose: replace democracy with an autocracy/theocracy  This careful vetting and Trump's acquiescence is how the Heritage Foundation and those like them turned the Supreme Court into the Trump Court. That alone should be instructive and a warning.

Project 2025 has enormous relevance to the hottest topic in Biden's stable of issues: Such kinds of strategy resulted in the overturn of Roe v Wade, and now every other choice of women's reproduction is targeted specifically by this radical group. 

Read their plan for yourself:

Friday, June 14, 2024

Trump proposes to make inflation surge again

 As the inflation growth is slowing down, Biden's policies are beginning to work; in the meantime, Trump curries favor with big businesses, promising to have tax and regulatory policies dear to their ears. Inflation has indeed been Biden's Achilles heel.  However, one expert on the economy today on media says that Trump's policies would cause inflation to surge again, mainly because of his proposal to raise import taxes and enhances at a meeting with the Business Roundtable 6/13:

Updaate: June 25, 2024 "We believe that a second Trump term would have a negative impact on the U.S.'s economic standing in the world, and a destabilizing effect on the U.S.'s domestic economy," the economists write in the letter. "Many Americans are concerned about inflation, which has come down remarkably fast.7 hours ago

There are other inflation boosters proposed by Trump:

  •  One way is his promise to appoint loyalists to him to the  Federal Reserve, which would make decisions based on short-term political gains to make Boss Trump look good. That idiocy would take the lid off sound economic principles and throw the economy into chaos in the longer run but benefit Trump in the eyes of his low-information supporters.  Chaos is the worst enemy of businesses and Wall Street investors who depend on long-term planning they can depend on.
  • Another Trump policy is to raise duties on all imports by 10% across the board. This one is a surefire proposal floated at a meeting with big business execs 6/13, per Yahoo News, and to make that take the place of income tax" and earlier with House GOP members.  Lovely for big businessmen, but screwed would everyone else, especially consumers on a budget. That is the ultimate of regressive taxation by shifting the burden to the working middle class and poor.
  • . Another Trump proposed idiocy is to round up an estimated 10 million migrants to put them in concentration camps to determine if they had documentation of legality to deport them, which is also inflationary.   We already have a labor shortage and the best employment rates since the 1960s, which has contributed to inflation. along with the supply chain, COVID-19 caused shortages.   This stupidity would allow US manufacturers the ability to raise their prices since they would not have to compete with cheap imports anymore.  Screw the consumer is the GOP's game.  Europe has the equivalent of this proposal called the VAT tax.   It is very regressive since per income level the poor and middle class pay a much larger portion of their income on basic needs.   Tariffs/duties/import charges are just passed on to consumers and not absorbed by profit margin-protecting businesses.,passed%20on%20to%20end%20consumers.   The logic escapes me: killing off imports as a substitute for income taxes? That one is self-cannibalizing, killing off the source of income to the treasury..even if, at the beginning, it generates income.  It is also a formula for inflation, as costs are passed onto consumer prices.   .,tax%20with%20a%20flat%20ta"Such a move would adversely affect the U.S. economy, raising taxes on those who can least afford them, stoking inflationary fires and, at least theoretically, spurring a recession."x.

Wall Street Journal...backing Trump, even says Trump is a gamble....but they look at it from the investor side and stock market (which is now booming)...and not from us the consumer side. Opinion | Trump vs. Biden: An Economic Gamble Either Way (  They acknowledge the inflationary risk Trump proposes and ignores the polarization of the Fed....which I see as the greatest threat to both investors and consumers.

Trump trashes; Biden builds: Messaging again.

 Some themes are emerging in the White House campaign. Let me suggest an overarching slogan that has been missing from the Biden messaging attempts: Trump trashes; Biden builds. 

 The problem the Biden administration has had is getting across how positive and capable Biden is versus the negativity and destructiveness of TrumpGOP.(now one of the same)  Slogans are helpful, and so far, all we have gotten from Biden is a long list of help for the American people. (Here is what I have done for you lately) and all we have gotten from Trump is fear me; I'll settle your scores (while I favor the rich and take away what helps you).  

Biden does not have a punch line in a few words on which to hang his accomplishments and get credit for them while contrasting what Trump will do if he gets a second chance at the Oval Office. 

This use of the word "trash" was inspired by Trump's words about Milwaukee.   There are other platforms than media mouths which Biden can use, such as from the podium, an oratorical gimmick in the upcoming debate or stump speech, a repeated phrase like (there you go again or Where's the beef), in advertising, in audience participation, they add their own points, memes, bumper stickers, posters, and word-of-mouth slogans to remember and pass on. It is a clothesline from which to hang otherwise boring reiteration of laundry lists.

Donny Deutxh, the Advertising and branding guru, believes that the choice is even more gut-grabbing: The danger of Trump vs. the safety of Biden. How to express this in a slogan of a word or two is a challenge. However, trash v build is not contradictory to fear v safety, depending on how it is applied to an issue or a candidate's characteristic.

Putting my PR hat, Here's a stab at it:  Trump trashes; Biden builds.  Also, this could be added to an older theme: There are echoes of the old slogan: Build back better,  updated to Biden builds America better.  For those who respond that Trump is just a trash talker, the response should be Trump is a trash maker.


Trump trashes America; Biden builds it back better.

Trump trashes our fallen warriors as losers and suckers and calls January 6 jailed and convicted of sedition "patriots'; Biden builds our respect better of our fallen warriors at Normandy. He builds up real patriots as role models of patriotism and knows the difference.

Trump trashes democracy; Biden builds it better by protecting voters' rights and access

Trump trashes justice that does not support him; Biden builds it better with support of justice for all

Trump trashes justice rulings against him; Biden builds better trust in justice even when it rules against his son.

Trump trashes the truth, evidence, and data; Biden builds it better with a policy  based on evidence and data

Trump trashes affordable health care; Biden built it cheaper and better

Trump trashes the military and alliances and appeases foreign dictators; Buiden builds and leads alliances better to protect us from foreign dictators

Trump trashes bipartisanship; Biden builds infrastructure with it.

Trump trashes the rule of law and wants it to be the rule of  by and for Trump; Biden builds it better, supports the rule of by and for the people

Trump trashes the rights of women to control their health care; Biden builds women's control of health choices better by restoring  rights they had in Roe v Wade

 From my readers responding on Facebook sites with their own Trump trashes/Biden builds:

.Trump trashes public health by keeping lead in pipes that carry drinking water; Biden builds public health by funding the massive replacement of lead pipes and drinking water cleanup with his Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

Trump trashes public lands and rants that he'd allow dumping nuclear waste in rivers; Biden builds public protection by working to restore and protect our Clean Water Act.